The DDC Client package provides easy-to-use wrapper around low-level APIs calls that flow from an application to a DDC infrastructure. It handles all required blockchain operations as well as provides concise API to store and read objects.
Using NPM
npm install @cere-ddc-sdk/ddc-client --save
Using yarn
yarn add @cere-ddc-sdk/ddc-client
A quick guide of how to upload a file to DDC TESTNET using the DdcClient
Create a
instanceimport * as fs from 'fs'; import { DdcClient, File, TESTNET } from '@cere-ddc-sdk/ddc-client'; const seed = 'hybrid label reunion only dawn maze asset draft cousin height flock nation'; const ddcClient = await DdcClient.create(seed, TESTNET);
The account used to create the instance should have positive balance and DDC deposit
Create a new public bucket
const bucketId = await client.createBucket(clusterId, { isPublic: true });
Upload a file to DDC
const filePath = './my-picture.jpg'; const fileStats = fs.statSync(filePath); const fileStream = fs.createReadStream(filePath); const file = new File(fileStream, { size: fileStats.size }); const { cid: fileCid } = await, file); console.log('The uploaded file CID', fileCid)
That is it. You can open the file from your browser:
const fileUrl = `${bucketId}/${fileUri.cid}`; console.log('The file URL', fileUrl);
or download it using the SDK
const uri = new FileUri(bucketId, fileCid); const fileResponse = await; const content = await fileResponse.arrayBuffer(); console.log(content);
For more information about what this package provides, see API reference
Licensed under the Apache License