The package provides API for interacting with DDC Storage nodes.
Using NPM
npm install @cere-ddc-sdk/ddc --save
Using yarn
yarn add @cere-ddc-sdk/ddc
The package provides various low-level APIs to work with DDC. Here is a simple example of how to upload a small piece of data using the StorageNode
import { StorageNode, StorageNodeMode, UriSigner, Piece } from '@cere-ddc-sdk/ddc';
const signer = new UriSigner('hybrid label reunion only dawn maze asset draft cousin height flock nation');
const storageNode = new StorageNode(signer, {
mode: StorageNodeMode.Storage,
logLevel: 'debug',
grpcUrl: 'grpc://localhost:9091',
httpUrl: 'http://localhost:8091',
const bucketId = 1n;
const content = new TextEncoder().encode('Hello DDC');
const piece = new Piece(content);
const cid = await storageNode.storePiece(bucketId, piece);
console.log('Stored piece CID', cid);
For more information about what this package provides, see API reference
Licensed under the Apache License