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the note for running WRF for the CCRN domain and data README Created: Zhe Zhang 20171113 Updated: Zhe Zhang 20180201


PURPOSE: The purpose of this readme file is to keep record of and manage of the WRF data stored on Compute Canada Graham computer

LOG: Please type in the log in this format: 01234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789 DATE | JOB | WHO | BRIEF YYYYMMDD | NAME | INITIAL | DESCRIPTION e.g. | | | 20171113 | UPDATE COMPLETE | Z.Z. | RERUN DATA UPDATED ON GRAHAM PROJECT DIRECTORY 20180201 | UPDATE COMPLETE | Z.Z. | UPDATA CTRL AND PGW FROM 20130901 TO 20150930

DESCRIPTION: 20171113 update:

  1. Rerun data are for three separate periods: CTL 200010-200212; PGW 200010-200302; PGW 200801-201311;
  2. Two new_2015 data are for Julie's group to evaluate their site campign in Alberta;
  3. Data stored: new_YYYY_1HR_2D data are hourly surface field data extracted and generated directly from WRF simulation (NO POST-PROCESS); new_YYYY_3HR_2D_3D data are 3hourly surface and upper atmosphere data separated from the original WRF output - wrfout (POST-PROCESS);
  4. For 2013 PGW especially, in new_2013_1HR_2D, the data goes to 2013 Nov 29;

20180201 update:

  1. Run data from 20130901 to 20150930 for both CTRL and PGW; They are named in different folder new_2013_1HR_2D_2018 & new_2013_3HR_3D_2018;
  2. In 2D folders, the wrf2d files don't contain variables: I_RAINNC, but PRCP_ACC_NC, this is the hourly output three hourly accumulated precipitation. Thus, is useful for calculating 3-hourly/daily/monthly precipitation, except hourly; This is an artificial mistake by Zhe Zhang without including "I_RAINNC" in the extraoutput.txt when running the simulation; May be fixed in later use. But is OK for hydrology modeling.