(c) 2017 by Niclas Kannengießer
ePill is a service for presenting health package information (PIL) leaflets in a customized way. By implementing personalization and tailoring mechanisms understanding of PILs should be improved.
This project provides the following features: Personalization: - personal and daytime-sensitive addressing in the banner on the home site - personal addressing in help-information - change "color mode" for alert by selecting a user has a red-green-blindness - change font-size - frontend language adapts browser language automatically - responsive design of the website - most-viewed item list on home site offers the possibility to easily return to items that appear relevant to the user
Tailoring: - presented packaging information is selected with respect to user's gender and age - presented "used when" diseases in drug lists and detail view are show with respect to gender - icons in drug lists are tailored with respect to a users gender and age - the warning-icon referring to pregnancy are only presented to females - the warning-icon referring to roadworthiness is only presented to user with an age >= 16 - warnings for adverse effects are presented in respective lists - users can enable/disable help texts
This Java project is based on Maven and Webpack and uses spring framework and react. There is a strict seperation between frontend and backend. Currently you can choose between three profiles: Per default ePill is using H2 database for development mode which is very comfortable when developing locally. For configurations see: /src/main/resources/application.properties
When deployed to heroku as a running instance have a look at application-heroku.properties. When using heroku profile ePill uses postgres database. For configurations see: /src/main/resources/application-heroku.properties
To execute epill-1.9-SNAPSHOT.jar on epill.uni-kassel.de use "uni" profile: java -jar epill.jar --spring.profiles.active='uni'
To keep the application alive after closing SSH connection use: nohup java -jar epill.jar --spring.profiles.active='uni' &
Frontend was developed using react and Webpack. Webpack-dependencies can be added in: /src/main/frontend/package.json
For changes regarding the frontend have a look at /src/main/frontend/src/**
The frontend is built into spring public folder: /src/main/resources/public/***
For serialization of bidirectional connections SDMLib is used. For further information have a look at: com.doccuty.epill.model.util.*
The initial data is inserted by executing sql from /src/main/resources/*.sql for the respective, active profile. For Unit testing use
First ensure you have H2, Java 8 (or higher) and Maven installed Open the fratcher project in you IDE (e. g. Eclipse).
To build this maven project following requirements must be fulfilled:
- H2 database
- Java 8 or later
- Maven
Before running this project in your favorite IDE please run mvn clean install in console in the project directory in order to download all necessary packages.
Database Settings can be changed for the respective profile in /src/main/resources/application-yourprofile.properties
When creating new profiles do not forget to add its name to /Procfile
Execute the project by starting FratcherMain.java
Ensure you have Java 8 (or higher), Maven, npm and postgres installed on your server. Then just move the /target/demo-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar file into your favorite direction. You can execute this file from console with following command:
nohup java -jar -Dspring.profiles.active=uni epill-1.1-SNAPSHOT.jar &