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Get Started

Use in IDE

SonarJS is integrated inside of SonarLint IDE extension. It is available for WebStorm/IntelliJ, Visual Studio, VS Code, Atom and Eclipse.

Use online on ☁️

SonarJS is integrated inside of, an online service for continuous code quality. To set up analysis of your project, follow instructions on this page.

Use in SonarQube

SonarQube is an open-source platform for continuous inspection of code quality. Assuming you have SonarQube installed and running, choose the scanner and configure your project accordingly.

  • SonarQube Scanner is a basic scanner using the configuration file in the project root directory to perform analysis.

Example of

sonar.projectName=My project

There are many more properties that can be provided, see general properties and javascript-specific properties. Once this file is created and scanner is installed, run the following command from the project base directory to launch the analysis

  • SonarQube Scanner for JavaScript relies on package.json file to set up all the analysis properties, such as project name, version etc. You can find an example of project using this scanner here (it's a TypeScript project, but there is no difference in use).

We recommend to set the version of the project manually through script file to not depend on the one from package.json (like this). That way you will be able to profit from a correct leak period and focus on quality issues introduced since last release.

❗ To perform analysis SonarJS requires Node.js >=6

Advanced Configuration

Node.js executable

Property Example Description
sonar.nodejs.executable /Users/John/bin/node Set this property to absolute path to Node.js executable, if standard node is not available.

File Extensions

Property Example Description
sonar.javascript.file.suffixes .jsx Comma-separated list of suffixes for files to analyze. Default value is ".js,.jsx,.vue".


Property Example Description
sonar.javascript.jQueryObjectAliases $, jQuery, jQ Comma-separated list of names used to address jQuery object. Default value is "$, jQuery". NOTE These names are used only to detect jQuery usages, they are not used to build the list of globals.
sonar.javascript.environments browser, jquery, amd Comma-separated list of environments names. The analyzer automatically adds global variables based on that list.
sonar.javascript.globals Backbone, IS_DEBUG Comma-separated list of global variables. Default value is "angular,goog,google,OpenLayers,d3,dojo,dojox,dijit,Backbone,moment,casper".

Available environment names for sonar.javascript.environments: amd, applescript, atomtest, browser, commonjs, couch, embertest, flow, greasemonkey, jasmine, jest, jquery, meteor, mocha, mongo, nashorn, node, phantomjs, prototypejs, protractor, qunit, rhino, serviceworker, shared-node-browser, shelljs, webextensions, worker, wsh, yui. By default all environments are included.


SonarJS does not generate its own test coverage report, but re-uses the one generated by LCOV. Prior to the analysis, execute your unit tests and generate the LCOV report(s). Import the report(s) while running the analysis by providing the paths of the LCOV report through the following properties. The paths may be absolute or relative to the project base directory.

Property Description
sonar.javascript.lcov.reportPaths comma-separated list of paths to LCOV coverage report files

Import of ESLint issues

SonarJS enables the import of ESLint reports into SonarQube. In order to do this, run eslint with the JSON formatter and write the resulting report into a file. Here is an example of such a command:

$ eslint -f json -o report.json .

Once the report is created, add the following property to the SonarQube Scanner configuration:

Property Description
sonar.eslint.reportPaths comma-separated list of paths (absolute or relative) to the JSON files with ESLint issues.

You can now run the SonarQube Scanner and all the issues will be imported. Note that the next time you run the scanner, all issues which disappeared from the ESLint report will also be removed from the SonarQube reports.

Note that this feature requires SQ 7.2 or later.

Exclusion of dependencies

Starting from version 3.3, by default SonarJS ignores any files located inside folders called node_modules and bower_components. This can be changed by setting the following property.

Property Description
sonar.javascript.exclusions comma-separated list of path patterns to exclude from analysis. Default value is **/node_modules/**,**/bower_components/**.

Configuring Rules Profile

SonarJS provides 2 rule profiles out of the box: Sonar way (default) and Sonar way Recommended.

Sonar way Profile

Sonar way profile is activated by default. It defines a trimmed list of high-value/low-noise rules useful in almost any JS development context. You can check out the list of rules belonging to Sonar way on SonarCloud.

Sonar way Recommended Profile

Sonar way Recommended contains all rules from Sonar way (bugs and pitfall detection), plus more rules that mandate high code readability and long-term project evolution. You can check out the list of rules belonging to Sonar way Recommended on SonarCloud.

Above Predefined Rule Profiles

By using SonarQube/SonarCloud UI you can create your own rule profiles and activate even more rules which are valuable in your development context. We recommend you to look at the following rules, which are highly valuable but whose activation depends on your environment, coding principles or requires some configuration.

  • "Non-existent properties should not be read" S3759 (should be activated if you don't use monkey patching)
  • "Non-existent variables should not be referenced" S3827 (requires configuration)
  • "Objects should not be created to be dropped immediately without being used" ConstructorFunctionsForSideEffects (activate, if you agree that constructors should not have side effects)
  • "Variables should be declared with "let" or "const"" S3504. Activate, if you use ES2015. Find more rules with tag "es2015".
  • "Variables should be defined in the blocks where they are used" S2392 (forces you to declare variables in the most narrow scope)
  • "Variables should not be shadowed" VariableShadowing (forces you to not shadow variables declared in outer scope)


Have a question and can't find it here, create an issue!

Q: How to import results of tests execution into SonarQube/SonarCloud?

A: Import of unit tests is not provided by SonarJS, and it's provided by SonarQube/SonarCloud itself (since v6.2). Here is documentation about it.

Q: How to disable coverage in my SonarQube/SonarCloud?

A: You may disable coverage metrics for some source files by setting sonar.coverage.exclusions.

Q: How to write custom rules?

A: Here is some documentation on how to write custom rules.