All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
0.2.27 (2024-08-15)
0.2.26 (2024-08-15)
- add: AUTH_GCLOUD_URL (9361b80)
- add: licenCe note (46ac9df)
- add: licenCe note (1e266a5)
- clone_modify_push_Branches_for_updateTomlLicense: tests (3f37104)
- clone_modify_push_Branches_for_updateTomlLicense: tests (d10184a)
- create-comfy-pr: remove comments (1850f08)
- create-pr: respect bypass rule (d6a659e)
- createComfyRegistryPullRequests: reorder (fcef6df)
- createComfyRegistryPullRequests: reorder (d08f129)
- die: for empty license (c6d5cf8)
- license-updator: add repoExamples (f3ff7fc)
- license-updator: handle desiredLicenseIsFile (203c07d)
- main: add emailstate matcher (ccccdff)
- main: add emailstate matcher (7b6afa4)
- main: add prod envs (895d1b2)
- main: authgoogleid env (aab32d2)
- main: format lefthook (b41cf7f)
- main: mv gh (452d546)
- main: rename lastcomment (318e154)
- main: rename lastcomment (6ff27ce)
- main: restore daisyui (b1b78ac)
- pkg: bundle (53664b1)
- pkg: bundle (70b8dc5)
- rename: lastcomment (17a79b7)
- sno-checking-prs-failures: done (0d0e7f2)
- src: ensure has the field of emailState (65e84fd)
- src: re order lastwords (401d5b6)
- src: replace body regex flag glob (a70ed21)
- src: replace body regex flag glob (a649dcf)
- src: split prs updating logic (541ed1c)
- src: split prs updating logic (ae8920c)
- src: update logic to handle license (0063067)
- test-robin-pr: issuet est (7576966)
- test-robin-pr: tested (e0e582d)
- updateOutdatedPullsTemplates: path typo (1c10b48)
- updateOutdatedPullsTemplates: path typo (c4f5dbc)
- updateOutdatedPullsTemplates: path typo 2 (054d35d)
0.2.25 (2024-07-12)
- emails: display in details-table and export (4d6b002)
- github-email: fetcher (f76889f)
- gmail: init (2675337)
- gmail: init (ad7f6d0)
- totals chart wip (f22cbb7)
- authors-worker: github-id (2cf5425)
- authors: enable updating (737eee5)
- authors: index with email and githubId (369a5ad)
- email: taskid optional (aa1f934)
- follow-rule show follow rule set (3b260cb)
- follow-up: grant (5e757e3)
- follow-up: grant (eec1422)
- main: add ruleset (45cfd57)
- main: add toast (669d18c)
- main: ignore lock (787e60e)
- main: update docs (a315d3b)
- oauth-url: fallback to vercel url (47eef75)
- oauth-url: fallback VERCELPROJECT_PRODUCTION (4a3d40d)
- pull-status handle missing data (81f8d6a)
- pullStatus: fill email as empty string if null (9ad257e)
- readme: typo (3447feb)
- rules-auth: update admin logic (0cf988c)
- rules: add backup btn (e6a6010)
- send-email-action: update var replacer (19f3302)
- src: check provider using if (935931e)
- vercel-url: prefix with https (e43634e)
- vercel-url: prefix with https (2877ebb)
- analyzePullsStatusPipeline: also check comment in repo (4ca14f6)
- analyzePullsStatusPipeline: also check comment in repo (62f055e)
- CNRepos: comfypr-notification sender (8b19240)
- Comfy-Registry-PR: with windows (76ed4da)
- details: show pr status details (df100f1)
- details: show pr status details (a8ce595)
- dump: api ok (9f0e9f5)
- dump: api ok (700fb33)
- dump: build ok (bc70604)
- dump: build ok (c42f399)
- emails: display in details-table and export (4d6b002)
- feat-activate-in-bun: got activated shell (552ab4f)
- feat-activate-in-bun: got activated shell (5661ca9)
- follow-up-rules: editor (a8003de)
- follow-up-rules: editor (8555441)
- follow: rule editor (db71370)
- follow: rule editor (93c56c0)
- github-email: fetcher (f76889f)
- main: calculate authors (9b0d719)
- main: calculate authors (3299c3f)
- main: pr existed (ffb463c)
- main: pyproject description added (f485bf7)
- main: repo list and help (72b45a7)
- main: robust and cleaner outputs (a84927b)
- sno-sep-apidoc: init (4c5a5e3)
- sno-sep-apidoc: init (994c57d)
- totals: works (ab930ea)
- update-follow-rule-set: prematch comments (34c98d5)
- update-follow-rule-set: prematch comments (7911528)
- updateOutdatedPullsTemplates: it works (ef6454f)
- worker: singleton (06d8425)
- (dashboard): add index (81e4cf3)
- authors: enable updating (737eee5)
- authors: index with email and githubId (369a5ad)
- check comfy activate: extracted (85a4a42)
- cmnode: return list (e7f5af3)
- cnrepos: add exit 0 (dcf2908)
- cnrepos: update totals (7b6a11d)
- Comfy-Registry-PR: bun sh works (0f709dd)
- Comfy-Registry-PR: params (4760c36)
- Comfy-Registry-PR: params (4600726)
- Comfy-Registry-PR: patch owner (6f68e19)
- Comfy-Registry-PR: seperate windows run (b1b9c50)
- comment-authors: add (847b14d)
- comment-authors: add (d5ec4f1)
- db: refactors (a1f6f4c)
- debug: log fetch pull (4f6042a)
- edit-toml-PR-message: add v2 outdated template edit logic (b7719b8)
- edit-toml-PR-message: add v2 outdated template edit logic (594976d)
- fetcher: logging (016c182)
- follow-comment: fix existed comment logic (bc43c22)
- follow-rule show follow rule set (3b260cb)
- follow-rule: allow head match (2ffe576)
- follow-rules: add matcher fields into follow-rule (4d7bbe7)
- fs: mkdir by js (c963ad3)
- fs: mkdir by js (ae9ecf2)
- ghuser: rename (d0cce7e)
- ignore: ignore prsfiles (4f226b7)
- is-already-sent-totals-today: notify if today is not already noti (33cec0a)
- main: adjust crpulls fresh span, enable r (63369d3)
- main: allow yaml update (326b7a4)
- main: bin (847ecc9)
- main: bunsh (46b0d63)
- main: candidates and error show (93994ec)
- main: candidates and error show (49cccde)
- main: catches (16afaeb)
- main: clone from pr target repo (199df6c)
- main: demo clean repo (4ed774f)
- main: deprecate zx (c27d1ef)
- main: deprecate zx (e72e335)
- main: devgoal (5c53f16)
- main: DIE for check forks (96236c3)
- main: docker done (8fcd5e7)
- main: env file tips (02636f3)
- main: env questions (5bc01a2)
- main: fixing slack msgs (b18cc1c)
- main: flatten explain (abcf56f)
- main: hoist help (f95bdb1)
- main: ignore lock (787e60e)
- main: index inside fn (a200d6a)
- main: init yargs (fb6d9fe)
- main: it works (d18760f)
- main: kick (42c6408)
- main: limit dashbloard into not closed (2fb18ed)
- main: made a fork demo for haohao (ed58416)
- main: move ts-toolbelt to devDep (19a46cf)
- main: move ts-toolbelt to devDep (904dd13)
- main: no pr unset (39f3843)
- main: optimize updateCNReposPulls index (8416678)
- main: optimize updateCNReposPulls index (6321885)
- main: prinfos tidy (0f4f98d)
- main: quiet (f639a71)
- main: ready to pr (fde3865)
- main: reason trim (343f545)
- main: remove questions (de872ee)
- main: remove zxtest (14062e0)
- main: repo ago (e2b007b)
- main: repo ago (5633d0e)
- main: repo cleaner (1c7c1b9)
- main: repo cleaner (f1302a9)
- main: repolist (c60b81b)
- main: restore pr die (eed4d55)
- main: salt (3187749)
- main: second round (0b08f2a)
- main: second round (83c791e)
- main: send msgs (903c54b)
- main: src (381ac7a)
- main: stage (162bee0)
- main: stage (c930f6e)
- main: swagger (96c6878)
- main: swagger (8c2b217)
- main: tidy imports (d437e79)
- main: update cmnodes (834fda4)
- main: update follow up rule matcher (57302c3)
- main: update git user shown (560d598)
- main: update snorun (856c583)
- main: use bun instead of zx (4a5c897)
- main: worker geo (2763c4d)
- main: worker instance geo (74b0cf0)
- main: workers (5eb2ac1)
- main: workers (b7ecf81)
- misc: 2024-06-28 meeting changes @haohao (fe8aac6)
- misc: 2024-06-28 meeting changes @haohao (1cc72d5)
- misc: fix vars (501145a)
- misc: fix vars (14b0d6c)
- mongodb-pipeline-ts: add satisfies (a08c7f8)
- mongodb-pipeline-ts: expression (2ad8563)
- mongodb-pipeline-ts: pipeline with syntax (246144d)
- mongodb-pipeline-ts: pipeline with syntax (20bf3fc)
- mongodb-pipeline-ts: use partial for stage (239802a)
- notify: lang (d112c26)
- outdate-template-updating: require fresh (18ac8ab)
- pipeline: fix type-helper (c75e6ac)
- pipeline: types use array-path (fa3ba69)
- pipeline: types use array-path (647279c)
- pipeline: use PipelineLauncher (4c3d37e)
- pkg: types (51beb33)
- pr-comments: value typo (57a6dc4)
- pull-status handle missing data (81f8d6a)
- pull-status: updated-at (7196c3a)
- pullStatus: fill email as empty string if null (9ad257e)
- src: cnrepo index (a616e40)
- src: last-comment-at (5c6b37e)
- src: last-comment-at (8050d4a)
- src: limit pr concurrency (3a928e0)
- src: login==invert (0e4c7c3)
- src: mv db index (9aca07f)
- src: mv workerinstance (21715c9)
- src: mv workerinstance (51c797f)
- src: outdate publishcr (05b64bf)
- src: outdate publishcr (8034c71)
- src: peek result of runfollowruleset (96886ec)
- src: peek result of runfollowruleset (e81f9d5)
- src: prefix msgs concat (9f34d04)
- src: promise seq order (cbd2534)
- src: promise seq order (304fbfd)
- src: remove dashboard updating (ce123b2)
- src: remove peeks (4d4f2a9)
- src: remove peeks (b2a7586)
- src: replaec cmnodes into 3 (537399a)
- src: report worker status by async (6adb723)
- src: run action skip not matched user (30a0219)
- src: simplify pipeline (0ce3810)
- src: simplify pipeline (b0316b0)
- src: sort totals (126977d)
- src: use estimate count (0e6d792)
- src: use https origin (2429a47)
- src: worker heartbeat loop (f4d2b30)
- ssh-key: allow push (e99458f)
- stale-fresh: dont destroy date (1022469)
- stale-fresh: dont destroy date (4a481ce)
- templates: outdate publish.yaml (0ded9e8)
- templates: outdated templates (f079e2d)
- toml-template-v3: update template ts file (24df794)
- totals: reporter (b015dc9)
- updateComfyTotals: return result count (5d4d971)
- win: it works (a88dae3)
- workflows: run tests (e8109b0)
- workflows: use index (97d7138)
- zx: restore zx (dd5bc17)
0.2.23 (2024-07-04)
- authors: enable updating (737eee5)
- authors: index with email and githubId (369a5ad)
- main: ignore lock (787e60e)
- pull-status handle missing data (81f8d6a)
- pullStatus: fill email as empty string if null (9ad257e)
0.2.22 (2024-07-04)
- authors: enable updating (737eee5)
- authors: index with email and githubId (369a5ad)
- main: ignore lock (787e60e)
- pull-status handle missing data (81f8d6a)
- pullStatus: fill email as empty string if null (9ad257e)
0.2.21 (2024-07-04)
- authors: enable updating (737eee5)
- authors: index with email and githubId (369a5ad)
- main: ignore lock (787e60e)
- pullStatus: fill email as empty string if null (9ad257e)
0.2.20 (2024-07-02)
- comment-authors: add (847b14d)
- comment-authors: add (d5ec4f1)
- misc: 2024-06-28 meeting changes @haohao (fe8aac6)
- misc: 2024-06-28 meeting changes @haohao (1cc72d5)
0.2.19 (2024-06-28)
0.2.18 (2024-06-27)
- follow-rules: add matcher fields into follow-rule (4d7bbe7)
- is-already-sent-totals-today: notify if today is not already noti (33cec0a)
- main: env file tips (02636f3)
- main: update follow up rule matcher (57302c3)
- toml-template-v3: update template ts file (24df794)
0.2.17 (2024-06-24)
- analyzePullsStatusPipeline: also check comment in repo (4ca14f6)
- analyzePullsStatusPipeline: also check comment in repo (62f055e)
- main: calculate authors (9b0d719)
- main: calculate authors (3299c3f)
- sno-sep-apidoc: init (4c5a5e3)
- sno-sep-apidoc: init (994c57d)
- update-follow-rule-set: prematch comments (34c98d5)
- update-follow-rule-set: prematch comments (7911528)
- (dashboard): add index (81e4cf3)
- edit-toml-PR-message: add v2 outdated template edit logic (b7719b8)
- edit-toml-PR-message: add v2 outdated template edit logic (594976d)
- follow-comment: fix existed comment logic (bc43c22)
- ghuser: rename (d0cce7e)
- main: made a fork demo for haohao (ed58416)
- main: move ts-toolbelt to devDep (19a46cf)
- main: move ts-toolbelt to devDep (904dd13)
- main: repo ago (e2b007b)
- main: repo ago (5633d0e)
- mongodb-pipeline-ts: pipeline with syntax (246144d)
- mongodb-pipeline-ts: pipeline with syntax (20bf3fc)
- pipeline: fix type-helper (c75e6ac)
- pkg: types (51beb33)
- pull-status: updated-at (7196c3a)
- src: last-comment-at (5c6b37e)
- src: last-comment-at (8050d4a)
- src: outdate publishcr (05b64bf)
- src: outdate publishcr (8034c71)
- src: peek result of runfollowruleset (96886ec)
- src: peek result of runfollowruleset (e81f9d5)
- src: promise seq order (cbd2534)
- src: promise seq order (304fbfd)
- src: remove peeks (4d4f2a9)
- src: remove peeks (b2a7586)
- src: run action skip not matched user (30a0219)
- templates: outdate publish.yaml (0ded9e8)
0.2.8 (2024-06-20)
0.2.7 (2024-06-20)
- details: show pr status details (df100f1)
- details: show pr status details (a8ce595)
- dump: api ok (9f0e9f5)
- dump: api ok (700fb33)
- dump: build ok (bc70604)
- dump: build ok (c42f399)
- feat-activate-in-bun: got activated shell (552ab4f)
- feat-activate-in-bun: got activated shell (5661ca9)
- follow-up-rules: editor (a8003de)
- follow-up-rules: editor (8555441)
- follow: rule editor (db71370)
- follow: rule editor (93c56c0)
- follow-rule: allow head match (2ffe576)
- main: adjust crpulls fresh span, enable r (63369d3)
- main: allow yaml update (326b7a4)
- main: candidates and error show (93994ec)
- main: candidates and error show (49cccde)
- main: deprecate zx (c27d1ef)
- main: deprecate zx (e72e335)
- main: optimize updateCNReposPulls index (8416678)
- main: optimize updateCNReposPulls index (6321885)
- main: second round (0b08f2a)
- main: second round (83c791e)
- main: stage (162bee0)
- main: stage (c930f6e)
- main: swagger (96c6878)
- main: swagger (8c2b217)
- misc: fix vars (501145a)
- misc: fix vars (14b0d6c)
- mongodb-pipeline-ts: add satisfies (a08c7f8)
- mongodb-pipeline-ts: expression (2ad8563)
- mongodb-pipeline-ts: use partial for stage (239802a)
- pipeline: types use array-path (fa3ba69)
- pipeline: types use array-path (647279c)
- pipeline: use PipelineLauncher (4c3d37e)
- pr-comments: value typo (57a6dc4)
- src: simplify pipeline (0ce3810)
- src: simplify pipeline (b0316b0)
- src: sort totals (126977d)
- workflows: run tests (e8109b0)
- zx: restore zx (dd5bc17)