diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
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-OpenStack4j is a fluent OpenStack client that allows provisioning and control of an OpenStack deployment. This includes support for Identity, Compute, Image, Network, Block Storage, Telemetry, Data Processing as well as many extensions (LBaaS, FWaaS, Quota-Sets, etc)
-## Documentation and Support
-* Website: [OpenStack4j.com](http://www.openstack4j.com)
-* Documentation/Tutorials: [OpenStack4j.com/learn/](http://www.openstack4j.com/learn/)
-* Questions - Use Google Groups: [groups.google.com/group/openstack4j](http://groups.google.com/group/openstack4j)
-* Questions - [Stackoverflow](http://stackoverflow.com/search?q=openstack4j)
-* Chat on Slack: [containx.slack.com](https://containx.slack.com)
-* Twitter: [@openstack4j](https://twitter.com/openstack4j)
-* Changelog: [Changelog](https://github.com/ContainX/openstack4j/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md)
-## Bug Reports
-* GitHub Issues: [Click Here](https://github.com/ContainX/openstack4j/issues)
-## Requirements
-* OpenStack4j 3.2.X - Java 8+
-* OpenStack4j 3.0.X - Java 7 (JDK 8 preferred)
-* OpenStack4j 2.0.X - Java 7
-#### Latest Release (Stable)
-[![Maven Central](https://maven-badges.herokuapp.com/maven-central/org.pacesys/openstack4j/badge.svg)](https://maven-badges.herokuapp.com/maven-central/org.pacesys/openstack4j)
-OpenStack4j version 2.0.0+ is now modular. One of the benefits to this is the ability to choose the connector that you would like to use in your environment.
-**Using OpenStack4j with the default Jersey2 Connector**
- org.pacesys
- openstack4j
- 3.2.0
-**Using OpenStack4j with one of our connector modules**
-To configure OpenStack4j to use one of our supported connectors (Jersey 2, Resteasy, Apache HttpClient, OKHttp) [see the usage guide](https://github.com/ContainX/openstack4j/tree/master/connectors)
-#### Current (Master Branch)
-See notes above about connectors (same rules apply) to development branches.
- org.pacesys
- openstack4j
- 3.2.1-SNAPSHOT
-**A note about referencing Snapshots without Source**
-Snapshots are deploys to sonatype. We automatically deploy snapshots on every merge into the master branch. Typically 5 - 10 snapshot releases before an official release.
-You will need to add the repository to your POM or Settings file. Releases (above) are deployed to maven central and this step is not required.
-Example POM based repository declaration to grab snapshots:
- st-snapshots
- sonatype-snapshots
- https://oss.sonatype.org/content/repositories/snapshots
-If you would like to contribute please see our contributing [guidelines](https://github.com/ContainX/openstack4j/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md)
-#### Thank you contributors
-- @gondor
-- @auhlig
-- @octupszhang
-- @gonzolino
-- @ekasitk
-- @magixyu
-- @maxrome
-- @isartcanyameres
-- @iviireczech
-- @n-r-anderson
-- @krishnabrucelee
-- @peter-nordquist
-- @RibeiroAna
-- @symcssn
-- @olivergondza
-#### Throughput
-[![Throughput Graph](https://graphs.waffle.io/ContainX/openstack4j/throughput.svg)](https://waffle.io/ContainX/openstack4j/metrics)
-Quick Usage Guide
-Below are some examples of the API usage. Please visit [www.OpenStack4j.com](http://www.openstack4j.com) for the full manual and getting started guides.
-### Authenticating
-OpenStack4j 3.0.0+ supports Identity (Keystone) V3 and V2.
-OpenStack4j 3.0.0 introduced some breaking changes.
-The legacy Identity V2 API now uses the class ```OSClientV2``` in place of the class OSClient.
-##### Using Identity V2 authentication:
-// Identity V2 Authentication Example
-OSClientV2 os = OSFactory.builderV2()
- .endpoint("")
- .credentials("admin","sample")
- .tenantName("admin")
- .authenticate();
-##### Using Identity V3 authentication
-Creating and authenticating against OpenStack is extremely simple. Below is an example of authenticating which will
-result with the authorized OSClient. OSClient allows you to invoke Compute, Identity, Neutron operations fluently.
-You can use either pass the users name or id and password in the following way
-.credentials("username", "secret", Identifier.byId("domain id"))
-.credentials("user id", "secret")
-to provide credentials in each of the following cases.
-Using Identity V3 authentication you basically have 4 options:
-(1) authenticate with project-scope
-OSClientV3 os = OSFactory.builderV3()
- .endpoint("http://:5000/v3")
- .credentials("admin", "secret", Identifier.byId("user domain id"))
- .scopeToProject(Identifier.byId("project id"))
- .authenticate());
-(2) authenticate with domain-scope
-OSClientV3 os = OSFactory.builderV3()
- .endpoint("http://:5000/v3")
- .credentials("admin", "secret", Identifier.byId("user domain id"))
- .scopeToDomain(Identifier.byId("domain id"))
- .authenticate());
-(3) authenticate unscoped
-OSClientV3 os = OSFactory.builderV3()
- .endpoint("http://:5000/v3")
- .credentials("user id", "secret")
- .authenticate();
-(4) authenticate with a token
-OSClientV3 os = OSFactory.builderV3()
- .endpoint("http://:5000/v3")
- .token("token id")
- .scopeToProject(Identifier.byId("project id"))
- .authenticate());
-(5) authenticate using client certificate
-openssl pkcs12 -export -out client-certificate-keystore.p12 -inkey key.pem -in cert.pem -certfile ca.pem
-Enter Export Password:encrypt
-Verifying - Enter Export Password:encrypt
-String encrypt = "encrypt";
-KeyStore keyStore = KeyStore.getInstance("PKCS12");
-keyStore.load(new FileInputStream(new File("client-certificate-keystore.p12")), encrypt.toCharArray());
-SSLContext sslContext = SSLContexts.custom()
- //ignore server verify
- .loadTrustMaterial(new TrustStrategy() {
- @Override
- public boolean isTrusted(X509Certificate[] chain, String authType) throws CertificateException {
- return true;
- }
- })
- .loadKeyMaterial(keyStore,encrypt.toCharArray())
- .build();
-Config config = Config.newConfig();
-OSClient.OSClientV3 osClient = OSFactory.builderV3()
- .endpoint("https://:5000/v3")
- .withConfig(config)
- .scopeToProject(Identifier.byId("project id"))
- //.scopeToDomain(Identifier.byId("domain id"))
- .authenticate();
-#### Identity Operations (Keystone) V3
-After successful v3 - authentication you can invoke any Identity (Keystone) V3 directly from the OSClientV3.
-Identity Services fully cover User, Role, Project, Domain, Group,.. service operations (in progess).
-The examples below are only a small fraction of the existing API so please refer to the API documentation for more details.
-**NOTE**: The ```os``` used here is an instance of ```org.openstack4j.api.OSClient.OSClientV3```.
-**User operations**
-// Create a User associated to the new Project
-User user = os.identity().users().create(Builders.user()
- .domainId("domain id")
- .name("foobar")
- .password("secret")
- .email("foobar@example.com")
- .enabled(true)
- .build());
-User user = os.identity().users().create("domain id", "foobar", "secret", "foobar@example.org", true);
-// Get detailed info on a user by id
-User user = os.identity().users.get("user id");
-//or by name and domain identifier
-User user = os.identity().users.getByName("username", "domain id");
-// Add a project based role to the user
-os.identity().roles().grantProjectUserRole("project id","user id", "role id");
-// Add a domain based role to the user
-os.identity().roles().grantDomainUserRole("domain id","user id", "role id");
-// Add a user to a group
-os.identity().users().addUserToGroup("user id", "group id");
-**Role operations**
-// Get a list of all roles
-// Get a role by name
-os.identity().roles().getByName("role name);
-**Project operations**
-// Create a project
- .name("project name")
- .description("project description")
- .domainId("project domain id")
- .enabled(true)
- .build());
-#### Identity Operations (Keystone) V2
-After successful v2 - authentication you can invoke any Identity (Keystone) V2 directly from the OSClientV2.
-Identity V2 Services fully cover Tenants, Users, Roles, Services, Endpoints and Identity Extension listings. The examples below are only a small fraction of the existing API so please refer to the API documentation for more details.
-**NOTE**: The ```os``` used here is an instance of ```org.openstack4j.api.OSClient.OSClientV2```.
-**Create a Tenant, User and associate a Role**
-// Create a Tenant (could also be created fluent within user create)
-Tenant tenant = os.identity().tenants().create(Builders.identityV2().tenant().name("MyNewTenant").build());
-// Create a User associated to the new Tenant
-User user = os.identity().users().create(Builders.identityV2().user().name("jack").password("sample").tenant(tenant).build());
-// Add a Tenant based Role to the User
-os.identity().roles().addUserRole(tenant.getId(), user.getId(), os.identity().roles().getByName("Member").getId());
-### Compute Operations (Nova)
-OpenStack4j covers most the major common compute based operations. With the simplistic API approach you can fully manage Servers, Flavors, Images, Quota-Sets, Diagnostics, Tenant Usage and more. As the API evolves additional providers and extensions will be covered and documented within the API.
-**Create a Flavor and Boot a Server/VM**
-// Create a Flavor for a special customer base
-Flavor flavor = os.compute().flavors()
- .create(Builders.flavor().name("Gold").vcpus(4).disk(80).ram(2048).build());
-// Create and Boot a new Server (minimal builder options shown in example)
-Server server = os.compute().servers()
- .boot(Builders.server().name("Ubuntu 2").flavor(flavor.getId()).image("imageId").build());
-**Create a new Server Snapshot**
-String imageId = os.compute().servers().createSnapshot(server.getId(), "Clean State Snapshot");
-**Server Diagnostics**
-Diagnostics are usage information about the server. Usage includes CPU, Memory and IO. Information is
-dependant on the hypervisor used by the OpenStack installation. As of right now there is no concrete diagnostic
-specification which is why the information is variable and in map form (key and value)
-Map diagnostics = os.compute().servers().diagnostics("serverId");
-### Networks (Neutron)
-**Network Operations**
-// List the networks which the current authorized tenant has access to
-List extends Network> networks = os.networking().network().list();
-// Create a Network
-Network network = os.networking().network()
- .create(Builders.network().name("MyNewNet").tenantId(tenant.getId()).build());
-**Subnet Operations**
-// List all subnets which the current authorized tenant has access to
-List extends Subnet> subnets = os.networking().subnet().list();
-// Create a Subnet
-Subnet subnet = os.networking().subnet().create(Builders.subnet()
- .name("MySubnet")
- .networkId("networkId")
- .tenantId("tenantId")
- .addPool("", "")
- .ipVersion(IPVersionType.V4)
- .cidr("")
- .build());
-**Router Operations**
-// List all Routers
-List extends Router> = os.networking().router().list();
-// Create a Router
-Router router = os.networking().router().create(Builders.router()
- .name("ext_net").adminStateUp(true).externalGateway("networkId").build());
-### Image Operations (Glance)
-**Basic Operations**
-// List all Images
-List extends Image> images = os.images().list();
-// Get an Image by ID
-Image image = os.images().get("imageId");
-// Delete a Image
-// Update a Image
-Image image = os.images().get("imageId");
- .name("New VM Image Name").minDisk(1024).property("personal-distro", "true"));
-**Download the Image Data**
-InputStream is = os.images().getAsStream("imageId");
-**Create a Image**
-// (URL Payload in this example, File, InputStream are other payloads available)
-Image image = os.images().create(Builders.image()
- .name("Cirros 0.3.0 x64")
- .isPublic(true)
- .containerFormat(ContainerFormat.BARE)
- .diskFormat(DiskFormat.QCOW2)
- .build()
- ), Payloads.create(new URL("https://launchpad.net/cirros/trunk/0.3.0/+download/cirros-0.3.0-x86_64-disk.img")));
-This software is licensed under the Apache 2 license, quoted below.
-Copyright 2019 ContainX and OpenStack4j
-Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
-use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
-the License at
- http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
-License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
-the License.
+The project has been forked and the development continues in [openstack4j/openstack4j](https://github.com/openstack4j/openstack4j/).