- src: fix readthedocs, move various deps to dev, add metadata, python3.8 as the min version
- src: python 3.8 as min ver, fix readthedos
- src: allow python3.7 for readthedocs CI
- src: update deps to fix readthedocs
- src: lint using perflint
- pre-commit: update revs
- refactor the project modules
- init: add encoding to file
- noxfile: fix mypy tests
- noxfile: update lint session
- noxfile: update noxfile with new pyproject.toml format
- pre-commit-config: make easier to read
- setup.cfg: remove file in favor of pyproject.toml configuration
- README: add pre-commit enabled badge
- README: add python version badge
- improve pre-commit-hooks and add badge to README
- Remove encoding declaration
- conf: remove encoding pragma
- get_data.py: rename function to fix flake8 warning