In this script, we will show you how to analyse NGS data from open chromatin protocal. We will use ATAC-seq for MPP (SRR1533863) and B (SRR1533847) cells from GEO with accession GSE26328 and we will perform reads alignment, peak calling and motif matching. We assume that all tools have been installed properly, otherwise please first install them following the guild here.
- Paper:
- Data:
We download all data for analysis in this section.
SRA file is a compressed version of FASTQ file. When the downloading is done, we can convert the file format from SRA to FASTQ using SRA toolkit
fastq-dump ./SRR1533863.sra
fastq-dump ./SRR1533847.sra
Finally, let's rename the file names
mv SRR1533863.fastq MPP.fastq
mv SRR1533847.fastq B.fastq
Since we dont have enough time to analyse the data in a genome-wide manner, we here only download the reference sequence for chromosome 19
gunzip chr19.fa.gz
Let's first create an index file for our reference genome using Bowtie2.
bowtie2-build chr19.fa chr19
Next, we align the sequencing data to reference genome
bowtie2 -x ./chr19 -U MPP.fastq -S MPP.sam -p 16
bowtie2 -x ./chr19 -U B.fastq -S B.sam -p 16
# here -x refers to location of the genome index, -U refers to input sequencign data, and -S refers to output file, -p refers to number of alignment threads to launch
When alignment is done, you will find two SAM files, namely, MPP.sam and B.sam, which include the position information for each input read. Bowtie2 also reports some statistical information about the alignment, such as
21445660 reads; of these:
21445660 (100.00%) were unpaired; of these:
20247365 (94.41%) aligned 0 times
439195 (2.05%) aligned exactly 1 time
759100 (3.54%) aligned >1 times
5.59% overall alignment rate
19883576 reads; of these:
19883576 (100.00%) were unpaired; of these:
18411332 (92.60%) aligned 0 times
461169 (2.32%) aligned exactly 1 time
1011075 (5.08%) aligned >1 times
7.40% overall alignment rate
As we can see, as expected, the overal alignment rate is quite low because we only used chromosome 19 as reference.
We next convert SAM file to BAM file, which is a compressed version of SAM file
samtools view -bS -@ 16 MPP.sam > MPP.bam
samtools view -bS -@ 16 B.sam > B.bam
# -b output BAM
# -S auto detect input format
# -@ Number of additional threads to use
We sort reads in BAM file by genomic location
samtools sort -@ 16 MPP.bam -o MPP.sorted.bam
samtools sort -@ 16 B.bam -o B.sorted.bam
Finally, we remove reads with low map alignment and create an index for BAM file
samtools view -bq 30 -@ 16 MPP.sorted.bam >
samtools view -bq 30 -@ 16 B.sorted.bam >
samtools index
samtools index
Let's first create two folders for peaks
mkdir PeaksMPP
mkdir PeaksB
Then we perform peak calling using MACS2
macs2 callpeak -t -n MPP --outdir PeaksMPP -g mm
macs2 callpeak -t -n B --outdir PeaksB -g mm
# -g refers to genome size, It can be 1.0e+9 or 1000000000, or shortcuts:'hs' for human (2.7e9), 'mm' for mouse (1.87e9)
We used RGT to perform motif matching
rgt-motifanalysis matching --organism mm10 --input-files ./PeaksMPP/MPP_peaks.narrowPeak ./PeaksB/B_peaks.narrowPeak