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Sensor Usage

Joshua Hiller edited this page Dec 10, 2024 · 2 revisions

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Using the Sensor Usage service collection

Uber class support Service class support Documentation Version Page Updated

Table of Contents

Operation ID Description
PEP8 get_weekly_usage
Fetches weekly average. Each data point represents the average of how many unique AIDs were seen per week for the previous 28 days.


Fetches weekly average. Each data point represents the average of how many unique AIDs were seen per week for the previous 28 days.

PEP8 method name



Method Route
GET /billing-dashboards-usage/aggregates/weekly-average/v1

Required Scope



  • Consumes: application/json
  • Produces: application/json

Keyword Arguments

Name Service Uber Type Data type Description
filter Service Class Support Uber Class Support query string The FQL search filter.
parameters Service Class Support Uber Class Support query dictionary Full query string parameters payload in JSON format. Not required if using other keywords.
Allowed filters
Filter Description
event_date A specified date that will be final date of the results returned. Specified date cannot be after the default. Format: 2024-06-11, Default: the current date, minus 2 days, in UTC
period An integer surrounded by single quotes representing the number of days to return. Format: 30, Default: 28, Minimum: 1, Maximum: 395
selected_cids A comma delimited list of CIDs to return data for. Caller must be a parent CID or have special access enabled. Format: cid_1,cid_2,cid_3, Default: for parent CIDs the default is the parent and all children, otherwise the current CID


Service class example (PEP8 syntax)
from falconpy import SensorUsage

falcon = SensorUsage(client_id=CLIENT_ID,

response = falcon.GetSensorUsageWeekly(filter="string")
Service class example (Operation ID syntax)
from falconpy import SensorUsage

falcon = SensorUsage(client_id=CLIENT_ID,

response = falcon.GetSensorUsageWeekly(filter="string")
Uber class example
from falconpy import APIHarness

falcon = APIHarness(client_id=CLIENT_ID,

response = falcon.command("GetSensorUsageWeekly", filter="string")

CrowdStrike Falcon

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