WARNING: To ensure that your points are not lost in case of any errors, store the keys and private keys provided during the installation steps.
We are installing standard updates and requirements.
Minimum: 2 vCPU 4 RAM
Recommended: 4vCPU 8 RAM
# Updating
apt update && apt upgrade -y
sudo apt install -y curl git jq lz4 build-essential cmake perl automake autoconf libtool wget libssl-dev
# Installing Go
wget https://go.dev/dl/go1.22.0.linux-amd64.tar.gz
sudo rm -rf /usr/local/go && sudo tar -C /usr/local -xzf go1.22.0.linux-amd64.tar.gz
echo 'export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin:$HOME/go/bin' >> $HOME/.bash_profile
echo 'export GOROOT=/usr/local/go' >> $HOME/.bash_profile
echo 'export GOPATH=$HOME/go' >> $HOME/.bash_profile
echo 'export GO111MODULE=on' >> $HOME/.bash_profile && . $HOME/.bash_profile
rm -rf go1.22.0.linux-amd64.tar.gz
# Downloading the necessary repositories
git clone https://github.com/airchains-network/evm-station.git
git clone https://github.com/airchains-network/tracks.git
# We are starting the setup of our Evmos network, which is our own network running locally.
cd evm-station
go mod tidy
# We are completing the installation with this command.
/bin/bash ./scripts/local-setup.sh
In the next steps, we will need RPC, let's configure that.
The RPC section at the bottom will be as follows.
nano ~/.evmosd/config/app.toml
This way, you have learned how to make Cosmos RPCs public.
We are creating an environment for the system file to function properly.
nano ~/.rollup-env
We enter the necessary variables into it.
# There is nothing to change ın the code block here.
We are writing the service file. If you are using the User, adjust the
part accordingly.
# You can copy and paste the entire block with just one command.
sudo tee /etc/systemd/system/rolld.service > /dev/null << EOF
ExecStart=/root/evm-station/build/station-evm start --metrics "" --log_level info --json-rpc.api eth,txpool,personal,net,debug,web3 --chain-id stationevm_9000-1
We update and start the services.
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl enable rolld
sudo systemctl start rolld
sudo journalctl -u rolld -f --no-hostname -o cat
You should see the logs flowing.
This command will give us a private key, which we should store securely.
/bin/bash ./scripts/local-keys.sh
We will use Avail Turing as the DA layer. You can also use a mock DA (mock will allow earning points for a period of time). Currently, on the testnet, the DA cannot be changed later, but they said they will make this possible with an update.
cd $HOME
git clone https://github.com/availproject/availup.git
cd availup
/bin/bash availup.sh --network "turing" --app_id 36
# Close with Ctrl+c, press Enter
We are writing the service file. If you are using the User, adjust the
part accordingly.
# You can copy and paste the entire block with just one command.
sudo tee /etc/systemd/system/availd.service > /dev/null <<'EOF'
Description=Avail Light Node
ExecStart=/root/.avail/turing/bin/avail-light --network turing --app-id 36 --identity /root/.avail/identity/identity.toml
We update and start the services.
systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl enable availd
sudo systemctl start availd
sudo journalctl -u availd -f --no-hostname -o cat
Inside the file
, you will find the Mnemonics of your Avail wallet. Copy and store these words. Close with Ctrl+c, press Enter, and make a note of the otherAvail-Mnemonics
given as they will be needed. Add the copied Mnemonics to Polkadot.js or Talisman wallet get your wallet address on the Avail Turing network and receive tokens from the faucet.
We are now moving on to the track and station section.
cd $HOME
cd tracks
go mod tidy
When we are inside the
folder, we start the following code. Enter the validator name<moniker-name>
. Do not include <>daKey = <Avail-Wallet-Adress>
You can obtain your Avail mnemonics withnano ~/.avail/identity/identity.toml
. Add the copied Mnemonics to Polkadot.js or Talisman wallet, get your wallet address on the Avail Turing network. Do not include <>
avail_secret_uri = 'vessel spirit suggest harvest enjoy sort across tower round gossip topic clown true bottom pudding build zone subway proud forum border taxi gauge donor'
go run cmd/main.go init --daRpc "" --daKey "<Avail-Wallet-Adress>" --daType "avail" --moniker "<moniker-name>" --stationRpc "" --stationAPI "" --stationType "evm"
The output will be as follows.
Now we are creating a tracker address. Please replace
Take a backup of the output, and receive tokens from the channel with a wallet prefixed with 'air' discord
switchyard faucet
go run cmd/main.go keys junction --accountName <moniker-name> --accountPath $HOME/.tracks/junction-accounts/keys
Then we run the prover.
go run cmd/main.go prover v1EVM
Now we need the node id, which we obtain from here.
# You can search for the node id with Ctrl + W, go to the bottom, and scroll up a bit.
nano ~/.tracks/config/sequencer.toml
Prepare some preparations for this part and prepare the following command. SERVER(VPS) IP
in thenano ~/.tracks/config/sequencer.toml
file Enter theAIRCHAIN wallet address
you created before<WALLET_ADDRESS>
Enter the validator name<moniker-name>
go run cmd/main.go create-station --accountName <moniker-name> --accountPath $HOME/.tracks/junction-accounts/keys --jsonRPC "https://airchains-testnet-rpc.cosmonautstakes.com/" --info "EVM Track" --tracks <WALLET_ADDRESS> --bootstrapNode "/ip4/<IP>/tcp/2300/p2p/<node_id>"
We have set up the station, now let's run it with a service.
sudo tee /etc/systemd/system/stationd.service > /dev/null << EOF
Description=station track service
ExecStart=/usr/local/go/bin/go run cmd/main.go start
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl enable stationd
sudo systemctl restart stationd
sudo journalctl -u stationd -f --no-hostname -o cat
You have completed the installation process. However, currently, you are not earning points. We recommend importing the mnemonics of your Tracker wallet into the Leap wallet and connecting to https://points.airchains.io/. You can view your station and points on the dashboard. Since we haven't made any transactions yet, you will see 100 points pending. The reason for this is that you need to extract a pod to earn points. You can think of a pod as a package consisting of 25 transactions. Each set of 25 transactions will generate 1 pod, and you will earn 5 points from these transactions. The initial 100 points from the installation will become active after the first pod.
For this, we do the following:
Initially, we obtained a private key with the command bin/bash ./scripts/local-keys.sh
and made RPC settings.
Then we import this private key into Metamask, in the "Add Network" section.
rpc: http://IP:8545
id: 1234
ticker: eEVMOS
We enter and confirm.
From here on, you can either deploy a contract or manually send transactions; it's up to you.
For those experiencing RPC errors during the tracking process, they can try to roll back. Sometimes the issue is resolved with 1 rollback, other times it may require 3 rollback operations. Run the command go run cmd/main.go rollback
as many times as you want to perform a rollback. Wait for the output after each run.
systemctl stop stationd
cd tracks
git pull
go run cmd/main.go rollback
sudo systemctl restart stationd
sudo journalctl -u stationd -f --no-hostname -o cat