size = std::nullopt
+) const & noexcept(false);
+Get a Previously Generated Image
+Retrieve the results (URL) of a previously called image generation operation. Returns a liboai::Response
containing response data.
+liboai::Response get_generated_image(
+ const std::string& resource_name,
+ const std::string& api_version,
+ const std::string& operation_id
+) const & noexcept(false);
+Get a Previously Generated Image (async)
+Asynchronously retrieve the results (URL) of a previously called image generation operation. Returns a liboai::FutureResponse
containing future response data.
+liboai::FutureResponse get_generated_image_async(
+ const std::string& resource_name,
+ const std::string& api_version,
+ const std::string& operation_id
+) const & noexcept(false);
+Delete a Previously Generated Image
+Deletes the corresponding image from the Azure server. Returns a liboai::Response
containing response data.
+liboai::Response delete_generated_image(
+ const std::string& resource_name,
+ const std::string& api_version,
+ const std::string& operation_id
+) const & noexcept(false);
+Delete a Previously Generated Image (async)
+Asynchronously deletes the corresponding image from the Azure server. Returns a liboai::FutureResponse
containing future response data.
+liboai::FutureResponse delete_generated_image_async(
+ const std::string& resource_name,
+ const std::string& api_version,
+ const std::string& operation_id
+) const & noexcept(false);
+All function parameters marked optional
are not required and are resolved on OpenAI's end if not supplied.
+Example Usage
+For example usage of the above function(s), please refer to the examples folder.
diff --git a/documentation/azure/examples/create_chat_completion.cpp b/documentation/azure/examples/create_chat_completion.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d9b1c87
--- /dev/null
+++ b/documentation/azure/examples/create_chat_completion.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+#include "liboai.h"
+using namespace liboai;
+int main() {
+ OpenAI oai;
+ Conversation convo;
+ convo.AddUserData("Hi, how are you?");
+ if (oai.auth.SetAzureKeyEnv("AZURE_API_KEY")) {
+ try {
+ Response res = oai.Azure->create_chat_completion(
+ "resource", "deploymentID", "api_version",
+ convo
+ );
+ // update the conversation with the response
+ convo.Update(res);
+ // print the response from the API
+ std::cout << convo.GetLastResponse() << std::endl;
+ }
+ catch (std::exception& e) {
+ std::cout << e.what() << std::endl;
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/documentation/azure/examples/create_chat_completion_async.cpp b/documentation/azure/examples/create_chat_completion_async.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..06d64c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/documentation/azure/examples/create_chat_completion_async.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+#include "liboai.h"
+using namespace liboai;
+int main() {
+ OpenAI oai;
+ Conversation convo;
+ convo.AddUserData("Hi, how are you?");
+ if (oai.auth.SetAzureKeyEnv("AZURE_API_KEY")) {
+ try {
+ // call async method; returns a future
+ auto fut = oai.Azure->create_chat_completion_async(
+ "resource", "deploymentID", "api_version",
+ convo
+ );
+ // do other work...
+ // check if the future is ready
+ fut.wait();
+ // get the contained response
+ auto res = fut.get();
+ // update the conversation with the response
+ convo.Update(res);
+ // print the response from the API
+ std::cout << convo.GetLastResponse() << std::endl;
+ }
+ catch (std::exception& e) {
+ std::cout << e.what() << std::endl;
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/documentation/azure/examples/create_completion.cpp b/documentation/azure/examples/create_completion.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0f14f28
--- /dev/null
+++ b/documentation/azure/examples/create_completion.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+#include "liboai.h"
+using namespace liboai;
+int main() {
+ OpenAI oai;
+ if (oai.auth.SetAzureKeyEnv("AZURE_API_KEY")) {
+ try {
+ Response res = oai.Azure->create_completion(
+ "resource", "deploymentID", "api_version",
+ "Write a short poem about a snowman."
+ );
+ std::cout << res["choices"][0]["text"].get() << std::endl;
+ }
+ catch (std::exception& e) {
+ std::cout << e.what() << std::endl;
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/documentation/azure/examples/create_completion_async.cpp b/documentation/azure/examples/create_completion_async.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a94bc00
--- /dev/null
+++ b/documentation/azure/examples/create_completion_async.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+#include "liboai.h"
+using namespace liboai;
+int main() {
+ OpenAI oai;
+ if (oai.auth.SetAzureKeyEnv("AZURE_API_KEY")) {
+ try {
+ auto fut = oai.Azure->create_completion_async(
+ "resource", "deploymentID", "api_version",
+ "Write a short poem about a snowman."
+ );
+ // do other stuff
+ // wait for the future to be ready
+ fut.wait();
+ // get the result
+ auto res = fut.get();
+ std::cout << res["choices"][0]["text"].get() << std::endl;
+ }
+ catch (std::exception& e) {
+ std::cout << e.what() << std::endl;
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/documentation/azure/examples/create_embedding.cpp b/documentation/azure/examples/create_embedding.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..61070f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/documentation/azure/examples/create_embedding.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+#include "liboai.h"
+using namespace liboai;
+int main() {
+ OpenAI oai;
+ if (oai.auth.SetAzureKeyEnv("AZURE_API_KEY")) {
+ try {
+ Response res = oai.Azure->create_embedding(
+ "resource", "deploymentID", "api_version",
+ "String to get embedding for"
+ );
+ std::cout << res << std::endl;
+ }
+ catch (std::exception& e) {
+ std::cout << e.what() << std::endl;
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/documentation/azure/examples/create_embedding_async.cpp b/documentation/azure/examples/create_embedding_async.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8734cad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/documentation/azure/examples/create_embedding_async.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+#include "liboai.h"
+using namespace liboai;
+int main() {
+ OpenAI oai;
+ if (oai.auth.SetAzureKeyEnv("AZURE_API_KEY")) {
+ try {
+ auto fut = oai.Azure->create_embedding_async(
+ "resource", "deploymentID", "api_version",
+ "String to get embedding for"
+ );
+ // do other work
+ // wait for the future to complete
+ auto res = fut.get();
+ // output the response
+ std::cout << res << std::endl;
+ }
+ catch (std::exception& e) {
+ std::cout << e.what() << std::endl;
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/documentation/azure/examples/delete_generated_image.cpp b/documentation/azure/examples/delete_generated_image.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e261e65
--- /dev/null
+++ b/documentation/azure/examples/delete_generated_image.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+#include "liboai.h"
+using namespace liboai;
+int main() {
+ OpenAI oai;
+ if (oai.auth.SetAzureKeyEnv("AZURE_API_KEY")) {
+ try {
+ Response res = oai.Azure->delete_generated_image(
+ "resource", "api_version",
+ "f508bcf2-e651-4b4b-85a7-58ad77981ffa"
+ );
+ // output the response
+ std::cout << res << std::endl;
+ }
+ catch (std::exception& e) {
+ std::cout << e.what() << std::endl;
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/documentation/azure/examples/delete_generated_image_async.cpp b/documentation/azure/examples/delete_generated_image_async.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..714442f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/documentation/azure/examples/delete_generated_image_async.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+#include "liboai.h"
+using namespace liboai;
+int main() {
+ OpenAI oai;
+ if (oai.auth.SetAzureKeyEnv("AZURE_API_KEY")) {
+ try {
+ auto fut = oai.Azure->delete_generated_image_async(
+ "resource", "api_version",
+ "f508bcf2-e651-4b4b-85a7-58ad77981ffa"
+ );
+ // do other work
+ // wait for the future to complete
+ fut.wait();
+ // get the result
+ auto res = fut.get();
+ // output the response
+ std::cout << res << std::endl;
+ }
+ catch (std::exception& e) {
+ std::cout << e.what() << std::endl;
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/documentation/azure/examples/get_generated_image.cpp b/documentation/azure/examples/get_generated_image.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8b189df
--- /dev/null
+++ b/documentation/azure/examples/get_generated_image.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+#include "liboai.h"
+using namespace liboai;
+int main() {
+ OpenAI oai;
+ if (oai.auth.SetAzureKeyEnv("AZURE_API_KEY")) {
+ try {
+ Response res = oai.Azure->get_generated_image(
+ "resource", "api_version",
+ "f508bcf2-e651-4b4b-85a7-58ad77981ffa"
+ );
+ // output the response
+ std::cout << res << std::endl;
+ }
+ catch (std::exception& e) {
+ std::cout << e.what() << std::endl;
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/documentation/azure/examples/get_generated_image_async.cpp b/documentation/azure/examples/get_generated_image_async.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..08ce9b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/documentation/azure/examples/get_generated_image_async.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+#include "liboai.h"
+using namespace liboai;
+int main() {
+ OpenAI oai;
+ if (oai.auth.SetAzureKeyEnv("AZURE_API_KEY")) {
+ try {
+ auto fut = oai.Azure->get_generated_image_async(
+ "resource", "api_version",
+ "f508bcf2-e651-4b4b-85a7-58ad77981ffa"
+ );
+ // do other work
+ // wait for the future to complete
+ fut.wait();
+ // get the result
+ auto res = fut.get();
+ // output the response
+ std::cout << res << std::endl;
+ }
+ catch (std::exception& e) {
+ std::cout << e.what() << std::endl;
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/documentation/azure/examples/request_image_generation.cpp b/documentation/azure/examples/request_image_generation.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c869472
--- /dev/null
+++ b/documentation/azure/examples/request_image_generation.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+#include "liboai.h"
+using namespace liboai;
+int main() {
+ OpenAI oai;
+ if (oai.auth.SetAzureKeyEnv("AZURE_API_KEY")) {
+ try {
+ Response res = oai.Azure->request_image_generation(
+ "resource", "api_version",
+ "A snake in the grass!",
+ 1,
+ "512x512"
+ );
+ // output the response
+ std::cout << res["data"][0]["url"].get() << std::endl;
+ }
+ catch (std::exception& e) {
+ std::cout << e.what() << std::endl;
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/documentation/azure/examples/request_image_generation_async.cpp b/documentation/azure/examples/request_image_generation_async.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..06c6a09
--- /dev/null
+++ b/documentation/azure/examples/request_image_generation_async.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+#include "liboai.h"
+using namespace liboai;
+int main() {
+ OpenAI oai;
+ if (oai.auth.SetAzureKeyEnv("AZURE_API_KEY")) {
+ try {
+ auto fut = oai.Azure->request_image_generation_async(
+ "resource", "api_version",
+ "A snake in the grass!",
+ 1,
+ "512x512"
+ );
+ // do other work
+ // wait for the future to complete
+ auto res = fut.get();
+ // output the response
+ std::cout << res["data"][0]["url"].get() << std::endl;
+ }
+ catch (std::exception& e) {
+ std::cout << e.what() << std::endl;
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/documentation/fine-tunes/ b/documentation/fine-tunes/
index 1c695af..73facf1 100644
--- a/documentation/fine-tunes/
+++ b/documentation/fine-tunes/
@@ -119,6 +119,24 @@ liboai::FutureResponse list_events_async(
) const & noexcept(false);
+Delete Fine-Tune Model
+Delete a fine-tuned model. You must have the Owner role in your organization. Returns a liboai::Response
containing response data.
+liboai::Response remove(
+ const std::string& model
+) const & noexcept(false);
+Delete Fine-Tune Model (async)
+Asynchronously delete a fine-tuned model. You must have the Owner role in your organization. Returns a liboai::FutureResponse
containing future response data.
+liboai::FutureResponse remove_async(
+ const std::string& model
+) const & noexcept(false);
All function parameters marked optional
are not required and are resolved on OpenAI's end if not supplied.
diff --git a/documentation/fine-tunes/examples/delete_fine_tune_model.cpp b/documentation/fine-tunes/examples/delete_fine_tune_model.cpp
index 0a7df6f..a7ba4e7 100644
--- a/documentation/fine-tunes/examples/delete_fine_tune_model.cpp
+++ b/documentation/fine-tunes/examples/delete_fine_tune_model.cpp
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ int main() {
OpenAI oai;
if (oai.auth.SetKeyEnv("OPENAI_API_KEY")) {
try {
- Response response = oai.Model->remove(
+ Response response = oai.FineTune->remove(
std::cout << response["deleted"].get() << std::endl;
diff --git a/documentation/fine-tunes/examples/delete_fine_tune_model_async.cpp b/documentation/fine-tunes/examples/delete_fine_tune_model_async.cpp
index 9b2bffb..40fad9f 100644
--- a/documentation/fine-tunes/examples/delete_fine_tune_model_async.cpp
+++ b/documentation/fine-tunes/examples/delete_fine_tune_model_async.cpp
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ int main() {
if (oai.auth.SetKeyEnv("OPENAI_API_KEY")) {
try {
// call async method; returns a future
- auto fut = oai.Model->remove_async(
+ auto fut = oai.FineTune->remove_async(
diff --git a/documentation/models/ b/documentation/models/
index 7302ea5..fd5d0f1 100644
--- a/documentation/models/
+++ b/documentation/models/
@@ -40,24 +40,6 @@ liboai::FutureResponse retrieve_async(
) const & noexcept(false);
-Delete Fine-Tune Model
-Delete a fine-tuned model. You must have the Owner role in your organization. Returns a liboai::Response
containing response data.
-liboai::Response remove(
- const std::string& model
-) const & noexcept(false);
-Delete Fine-Tune Model (async)
-Asynchronously delete a fine-tuned model. You must have the Owner role in your organization. Returns a liboai::FutureResponse
containing future response data.
-liboai::FutureResponse remove_async(
- const std::string& model
-) const & noexcept(false);
Example Usage
For example usage of the above function(s), please refer to the examples folder.
diff --git a/liboai/components/audio.cpp b/liboai/components/audio.cpp
index a732a1c..aa738c5 100644
--- a/liboai/components/audio.cpp
+++ b/liboai/components/audio.cpp
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ liboai::Response liboai::Audio::transcribe(const std::filesystem::path& file, co
Response res;
res = this->Request(
- Method::HTTP_POST, "/audio/transcriptions", "multipart/form-data",
+ Method::HTTP_POST, this->openai_root_, "/audio/transcriptions", "multipart/form-data",
@@ -50,11 +50,11 @@ liboai::FutureResponse liboai::Audio::transcribe_async(const std::filesystem::pa
if (response_format) {{ "response_format", response_format.value() }); }
if (temperature) {{ "temperature", std::to_string(temperature.value()) }); }
if (language) {{ "language", language.value() }); }
return std::async(
std::launch::async, [&, form]() -> liboai::Response {
return this->Request(
- Method::HTTP_POST, "/audio/transcriptions", "multipart/form-data",
+ Method::HTTP_POST, this->openai_root_, "/audio/transcriptions", "multipart/form-data",
@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ liboai::Response liboai::Audio::translate(const std::filesystem::path& file, con
Response res;
res = this->Request(
- Method::HTTP_POST, "/audio/translations", "multipart/form-data",
+ Method::HTTP_POST, this->openai_root_, "/audio/translations", "multipart/form-data",
@@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ liboai::FutureResponse liboai::Audio::translate_async(const std::filesystem::pat
return std::async(
std::launch::async, [&, form]() -> liboai::Response {
return this->Request(
- Method::HTTP_POST, "/audio/translations", "multipart/form-data",
+ Method::HTTP_POST, this->openai_root_, "/audio/translations", "multipart/form-data",
diff --git a/liboai/components/azure.cpp b/liboai/components/azure.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d0e7c58
--- /dev/null
+++ b/liboai/components/azure.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,321 @@
+#include "../include/components/azure.h"
+liboai::Response liboai::Azure::create_completion(const std::string& resource_name, const std::string& deployment_id, const std::string& api_version, std::optional prompt, std::optional suffix, std::optional max_tokens, std::optional temperature, std::optional top_p, std::optional n, std::optional> stream, std::optional logprobs, std::optional echo, std::optional> stop, std::optional presence_penalty, std::optional frequency_penalty, std::optional best_of, std::optional> logit_bias, std::optional user) const & noexcept(false) {
+ liboai::JsonConstructor jcon;
+ jcon.push_back("prompt", std::move(prompt));
+ jcon.push_back("suffix", std::move(suffix));
+ jcon.push_back("max_tokens", std::move(max_tokens));
+ jcon.push_back("temperature", std::move(temperature));
+ jcon.push_back("top_p", std::move(top_p));
+ jcon.push_back("n", std::move(n));
+ jcon.push_back("stream", stream);
+ jcon.push_back("logprobs", std::move(logprobs));
+ jcon.push_back("echo", std::move(echo));
+ jcon.push_back("stop", std::move(stop));
+ jcon.push_back("presence_penalty", std::move(presence_penalty));
+ jcon.push_back("frequency_penalty", std::move(frequency_penalty));
+ jcon.push_back("best_of", std::move(best_of));
+ jcon.push_back("logit_bias", std::move(logit_bias));
+ jcon.push_back("user", std::move(user));
+ netimpl::components::Parameters params;
+ params.Add({ "api-version", api_version });
+ Response res;
+ res = this->Request(
+ Method::HTTP_POST, ("https://" + resource_name + this->azure_root_ + "/deployments/" + deployment_id), "/completions", "application/json",
+ this->auth_.GetAzureAuthorizationHeaders(),
+ netimpl::components::Body {
+ jcon.dump()
+ },
+ std::move(params),
+ stream ? netimpl::components::WriteCallback{std::move(stream.value())} : netimpl::components::WriteCallback{},
+ this->auth_.GetProxies(),
+ this->auth_.GetProxyAuth(),
+ this->auth_.GetMaxTimeout()
+ );
+ return res;
+liboai::FutureResponse liboai::Azure::create_completion_async(const std::string& resource_name, const std::string& deployment_id, const std::string& api_version, std::optional prompt, std::optional suffix, std::optional max_tokens, std::optional temperature, std::optional top_p, std::optional n, std::optional> stream, std::optional logprobs, std::optional echo, std::optional> stop, std::optional presence_penalty, std::optional frequency_penalty, std::optional best_of, std::optional> logit_bias, std::optional user) const & noexcept(false) {
+ liboai::JsonConstructor jcon;
+ jcon.push_back("prompt", std::move(prompt));
+ jcon.push_back("suffix", std::move(suffix));
+ jcon.push_back("max_tokens", std::move(max_tokens));
+ jcon.push_back("temperature", std::move(temperature));
+ jcon.push_back("top_p", std::move(top_p));
+ jcon.push_back("n", std::move(n));
+ jcon.push_back("stream", stream);
+ jcon.push_back("logprobs", std::move(logprobs));
+ jcon.push_back("echo", std::move(echo));
+ jcon.push_back("stop", std::move(stop));
+ jcon.push_back("presence_penalty", std::move(presence_penalty));
+ jcon.push_back("frequency_penalty", std::move(frequency_penalty));
+ jcon.push_back("best_of", std::move(best_of));
+ jcon.push_back("logit_bias", std::move(logit_bias));
+ jcon.push_back("user", std::move(user));
+ netimpl::components::Parameters params;
+ params.Add({ "api-version", api_version });
+ return std::async(
+ std::launch::async, [&, jcon, params, stream]() -> liboai::Response {
+ return this->Request(
+ Method::HTTP_POST, ("https://" + resource_name + this->azure_root_ + "/deployments/" + deployment_id), "/completions", "application/json",
+ this->auth_.GetAzureAuthorizationHeaders(),
+ netimpl::components::Body {
+ jcon.dump()
+ },
+ std::move(params),
+ stream ? netimpl::components::WriteCallback{std::move(stream.value())} : netimpl::components::WriteCallback{},
+ this->auth_.GetProxies(),
+ this->auth_.GetProxyAuth(),
+ this->auth_.GetMaxTimeout()
+ );
+ }
+ );
+liboai::Response liboai::Azure::create_embedding(const std::string& resource_name, const std::string& deployment_id, const std::string& api_version, const std::string& input, std::optional user) const & noexcept(false) {
+ liboai::JsonConstructor jcon;
+ jcon.push_back("input", input);
+ jcon.push_back("user", std::move(user));
+ netimpl::components::Parameters params;
+ params.Add({ "api-version", api_version });
+ Response res;
+ res = this->Request(
+ Method::HTTP_POST, ("https://" + resource_name + this->azure_root_ + "/deployments/" + deployment_id), "/embeddings", "application/json",
+ this->auth_.GetAzureAuthorizationHeaders(),
+ netimpl::components::Body {
+ jcon.dump()
+ },
+ std::move(params),
+ this->auth_.GetProxies(),
+ this->auth_.GetProxyAuth(),
+ this->auth_.GetMaxTimeout()
+ );
+ return res;
+liboai::FutureResponse liboai::Azure::create_embedding_async(const std::string& resource_name, const std::string& deployment_id, const std::string& api_version, const std::string& input, std::optional user) const & noexcept(false) {
+ liboai::JsonConstructor jcon;
+ jcon.push_back("input", input);
+ jcon.push_back("user", std::move(user));
+ netimpl::components::Parameters params;
+ params.Add({ "api-version", api_version });
+ return std::async(
+ std::launch::async, [&, jcon, params]() -> liboai::Response {
+ return this->Request(
+ Method::HTTP_POST, ("https://" + resource_name + this->azure_root_ + "/deployments/" + deployment_id), "/embeddings", "application/json",
+ this->auth_.GetAzureAuthorizationHeaders(),
+ netimpl::components::Body {
+ jcon.dump()
+ },
+ std::move(params),
+ this->auth_.GetProxies(),
+ this->auth_.GetProxyAuth(),
+ this->auth_.GetMaxTimeout()
+ );
+ }
+ );
+liboai::Response liboai::Azure::create_chat_completion(const std::string& resource_name, const std::string& deployment_id, const std::string& api_version, const Conversation& conversation, std::optional temperature, std::optional n, std::optional> stream, std::optional> stop, std::optional max_tokens, std::optional presence_penalty, std::optional frequency_penalty, std::optional> logit_bias, std::optional user) const & noexcept(false) {
+ liboai::JsonConstructor jcon;
+ jcon.push_back("temperature", std::move(temperature));
+ jcon.push_back("n", std::move(n));
+ jcon.push_back("stream", stream);
+ jcon.push_back("stop", std::move(stop));
+ jcon.push_back("max_tokens", std::move(max_tokens));
+ jcon.push_back("presence_penalty", std::move(presence_penalty));
+ jcon.push_back("frequency_penalty", std::move(frequency_penalty));
+ jcon.push_back("logit_bias", std::move(logit_bias));
+ jcon.push_back("user", std::move(user));
+ if (conversation.GetJSON().contains("messages")) {
+ jcon.push_back("messages", conversation.GetJSON()["messages"]);
+ }
+ netimpl::components::Parameters params;
+ params.Add({ "api-version", api_version });
+ Response res;
+ res = this->Request(
+ Method::HTTP_POST, ("https://" + resource_name + this->azure_root_ + "/deployments/" + deployment_id), "/chat/completions", "application/json",
+ this->auth_.GetAzureAuthorizationHeaders(),
+ netimpl::components::Body {
+ jcon.dump()
+ },
+ std::move(params),
+ stream ? netimpl::components::WriteCallback{std::move(stream.value())} : netimpl::components::WriteCallback{},
+ this->auth_.GetProxies(),
+ this->auth_.GetProxyAuth(),
+ this->auth_.GetMaxTimeout()
+ );
+ return res;
+liboai::FutureResponse liboai::Azure::create_chat_completion_async(const std::string& resource_name, const std::string& deployment_id, const std::string& api_version, const Conversation& conversation, std::optional temperature, std::optional n, std::optional> stream, std::optional> stop, std::optional max_tokens, std::optional presence_penalty, std::optional frequency_penalty, std::optional> logit_bias, std::optional user) const & noexcept(false) {
+ liboai::JsonConstructor jcon;
+ jcon.push_back("temperature", std::move(temperature));
+ jcon.push_back("n", std::move(n));
+ jcon.push_back("stream", stream);
+ jcon.push_back("stop", std::move(stop));
+ jcon.push_back("max_tokens", std::move(max_tokens));
+ jcon.push_back("presence_penalty", std::move(presence_penalty));
+ jcon.push_back("frequency_penalty", std::move(frequency_penalty));
+ jcon.push_back("logit_bias", std::move(logit_bias));
+ jcon.push_back("user", std::move(user));
+ if (conversation.GetJSON().contains("messages")) {
+ jcon.push_back("messages", conversation.GetJSON()["messages"]);
+ }
+ netimpl::components::Parameters params;
+ params.Add({ "api-version", api_version });
+ return std::async(
+ std::launch::async, [&, jcon, params, stream]() -> liboai::Response {
+ return this->Request(
+ Method::HTTP_POST, ("https://" + resource_name + this->azure_root_ + "/deployments/" + deployment_id), "/chat/completions", "application/json",
+ this->auth_.GetAzureAuthorizationHeaders(),
+ netimpl::components::Body {
+ jcon.dump()
+ },
+ std::move(params),
+ stream ? netimpl::components::WriteCallback{std::move(stream.value())} : netimpl::components::WriteCallback{},
+ this->auth_.GetProxies(),
+ this->auth_.GetProxyAuth(),
+ this->auth_.GetMaxTimeout()
+ );
+ }
+ );
+liboai::Response liboai::Azure::request_image_generation(const std::string& resource_name, const std::string& api_version, const std::string& prompt, std::optional n, std::optional size) const & noexcept(false) {
+ liboai::JsonConstructor jcon;
+ jcon.push_back("prompt", prompt);
+ jcon.push_back("n", std::move(n));
+ jcon.push_back("size", std::move(size));
+ netimpl::components::Parameters params;
+ params.Add({ "api-version", api_version });
+ Response res;
+ res = this->Request(
+ Method::HTTP_POST, ("https://" + resource_name + this->azure_root_), "/images/generations:submit", "application/json",
+ this->auth_.GetAzureAuthorizationHeaders(),
+ netimpl::components::Body {
+ jcon.dump()
+ },
+ std::move(params),
+ this->auth_.GetProxies(),
+ this->auth_.GetProxyAuth(),
+ this->auth_.GetMaxTimeout()
+ );
+ return res;
+liboai::FutureResponse liboai::Azure::request_image_generation_async(const std::string& resource_name, const std::string& api_version, const std::string& prompt, std::optional n, std::optional size) const & noexcept(false) {
+ liboai::JsonConstructor jcon;
+ jcon.push_back("prompt", prompt);
+ jcon.push_back("n", std::move(n));
+ jcon.push_back("size", std::move(size));
+ netimpl::components::Parameters params;
+ params.Add({ "api-version", api_version });
+ return std::async(
+ std::launch::async, [&, jcon, params]() -> liboai::Response {
+ return this->Request(
+ Method::HTTP_POST, ("https://" + resource_name + this->azure_root_), "/images/generations:submit", "application/json",
+ this->auth_.GetAzureAuthorizationHeaders(),
+ netimpl::components::Body {
+ jcon.dump()
+ },
+ std::move(params),
+ this->auth_.GetProxies(),
+ this->auth_.GetProxyAuth(),
+ this->auth_.GetMaxTimeout()
+ );
+ }
+ );
+liboai::Response liboai::Azure::get_generated_image(const std::string& resource_name, const std::string& api_version, const std::string& operation_id) const & noexcept(false) {
+ netimpl::components::Parameters params;
+ params.Add({ "api-version", api_version });
+ Response res;
+ res = this->Request(
+ Method::HTTP_GET, ("https://" + resource_name + this->azure_root_), "/operations/images/" + operation_id, "application/json",
+ this->auth_.GetAzureAuthorizationHeaders(),
+ std::move(params),
+ this->auth_.GetProxies(),
+ this->auth_.GetProxyAuth(),
+ this->auth_.GetMaxTimeout()
+ );
+ return res;
+liboai::FutureResponse liboai::Azure::get_generated_image_async(const std::string& resource_name, const std::string& api_version, const std::string& operation_id) const & noexcept(false) {
+ netimpl::components::Parameters params;
+ params.Add({ "api-version", api_version });
+ return std::async(
+ std::launch::async, [&, params]() -> liboai::Response {
+ return this->Request(
+ Method::HTTP_GET, ("https://" + resource_name + this->azure_root_), "/operations/images/" + operation_id, "application/json",
+ this->auth_.GetAzureAuthorizationHeaders(),
+ std::move(params),
+ this->auth_.GetProxies(),
+ this->auth_.GetProxyAuth(),
+ this->auth_.GetMaxTimeout()
+ );
+ }
+ );
+liboai::Response liboai::Azure::delete_generated_image(const std::string& resource_name, const std::string& api_version, const std::string& operation_id) const & noexcept(false) {
+ netimpl::components::Parameters params;
+ params.Add({ "api-version", api_version });
+ Response res;
+ res = this->Request(
+ Method::HTTP_DELETE, ("https://" + resource_name + this->azure_root_), "/operations/images/" + operation_id, "application/json",
+ this->auth_.GetAzureAuthorizationHeaders(),
+ std::move(params),
+ this->auth_.GetProxies(),
+ this->auth_.GetProxyAuth(),
+ this->auth_.GetMaxTimeout()
+ );
+ return res;
+liboai::FutureResponse liboai::Azure::delete_generated_image_async(const std::string& resource_name, const std::string& api_version, const std::string& operation_id) const & noexcept(false) {
+ netimpl::components::Parameters params;
+ params.Add({ "api-version", api_version });
+ return std::async(
+ std::launch::async, [&, params]() -> liboai::Response {
+ return this->Request(
+ Method::HTTP_DELETE, ("https://" + resource_name + this->azure_root_), "/operations/images/" + operation_id, "application/json",
+ this->auth_.GetAzureAuthorizationHeaders(),
+ std::move(params),
+ this->auth_.GetProxies(),
+ this->auth_.GetProxyAuth(),
+ this->auth_.GetMaxTimeout()
+ );
+ }
+ );
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/liboai/components/chat.cpp b/liboai/components/chat.cpp
index f4f3a14..fdaa52c 100644
--- a/liboai/components/chat.cpp
+++ b/liboai/components/chat.cpp
@@ -220,7 +220,7 @@ liboai::Response liboai::ChatCompletion::create(const std::string& model, const
Response res;
res = this->Request(
- Method::HTTP_POST, "/chat/completions", "application/json",
+ Method::HTTP_POST, this->openai_root_, "/chat/completions", "application/json",
netimpl::components::Body {
@@ -253,9 +253,9 @@ liboai::FutureResponse liboai::ChatCompletion::create_async(const std::string& m
return std::async(
- std::launch::async, [&, jcon]() -> liboai::Response {
+ std::launch::async, [&, jcon, stream]() -> liboai::Response {
return this->Request(
- Method::HTTP_POST, "/chat/completions", "application/json",
+ Method::HTTP_POST, this->openai_root_, "/chat/completions", "application/json",
netimpl::components::Body {
diff --git a/liboai/components/completions.cpp b/liboai/components/completions.cpp
index ee1ce0b..b4c4137 100644
--- a/liboai/components/completions.cpp
+++ b/liboai/components/completions.cpp
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ liboai::Response liboai::Completions::create(const std::string& model_id, std::o
Response res;
res = this->Request(
- Method::HTTP_POST, "/completions", "application/json",
+ Method::HTTP_POST, this->openai_root_, "/completions", "application/json",
netimpl::components::Body {
@@ -55,9 +55,9 @@ liboai::FutureResponse liboai::Completions::create_async(const std::string& mode
jcon.push_back("user", std::move(user));
return std::async(
- std::launch::async, [&, jcon]() -> liboai::Response {
+ std::launch::async, [&, jcon, stream]() -> liboai::Response {
return this->Request(
- Method::HTTP_POST, "/completions", "application/json",
+ Method::HTTP_POST, this->openai_root_, "/completions", "application/json",
netimpl::components::Body {
diff --git a/liboai/components/edits.cpp b/liboai/components/edits.cpp
index f8acf04..904c8ee 100644
--- a/liboai/components/edits.cpp
+++ b/liboai/components/edits.cpp
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ liboai::Response liboai::Edits::create(const std::string& model_id, std::optiona
Response res;
res = this->Request(
- Method::HTTP_POST, "/edits", "application/json",
+ Method::HTTP_POST, this->openai_root_, "/edits", "application/json",
netimpl::components::Body {
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ liboai::FutureResponse liboai::Edits::create_async(const std::string& model_id,
return std::async(
std::launch::async, [&, jcon]() -> liboai::Response {
return this->Request(
- Method::HTTP_POST, "/edits", "application/json",
+ Method::HTTP_POST, this->openai_root_, "/edits", "application/json",
netimpl::components::Body {
diff --git a/liboai/components/embeddings.cpp b/liboai/components/embeddings.cpp
index 7dd3e17..5755fa2 100644
--- a/liboai/components/embeddings.cpp
+++ b/liboai/components/embeddings.cpp
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ liboai::Response liboai::Embeddings::create(const std::string& model_id, std::op
Response res;
res = this->Request(
- Method::HTTP_POST, "/embeddings", "application/json",
+ Method::HTTP_POST, this->openai_root_, "/embeddings", "application/json",
netimpl::components::Body {
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ liboai::FutureResponse liboai::Embeddings::create_async(const std::string& model
return std::async(
std::launch::async, [&, jcon]() -> liboai::Response {
return this->Request(
- Method::HTTP_POST, "/embeddings", "application/json",
+ Method::HTTP_POST, this->openai_root_, "/embeddings", "application/json",
netimpl::components::Body {
diff --git a/liboai/components/files.cpp b/liboai/components/files.cpp
index a99e29a..e4e1ef2 100644
--- a/liboai/components/files.cpp
+++ b/liboai/components/files.cpp
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
liboai::Response liboai::Files::list() const & noexcept(false) {
Response res;
res = this->Request(
- Method::HTTP_GET, "/files", "application/json",
+ Method::HTTP_GET, this->openai_root_, "/files", "application/json",
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ liboai::FutureResponse liboai::Files::list_async() const & noexcept(false) {
return std::async(
std::launch::async, [&]() -> liboai::Response {
return this->Request(
- Method::HTTP_GET, "/files", "application/json",
+ Method::HTTP_GET, this->openai_root_, "/files", "application/json",
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ liboai::Response liboai::Files::create(const std::filesystem::path& file, const
Response res;
res = this->Request(
- Method::HTTP_POST, "/files", "multipart/form-data",
+ Method::HTTP_POST, this->openai_root_, "/files", "multipart/form-data",
@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ liboai::FutureResponse liboai::Files::create_async(const std::filesystem::path&
return std::async(
std::launch::async, [&, form]() -> liboai::Response {
return this->Request(
- Method::HTTP_POST, "/files", "multipart/form-data",
+ Method::HTTP_POST, this->openai_root_, "/files", "multipart/form-data",
@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ liboai::FutureResponse liboai::Files::create_async(const std::filesystem::path&
liboai::Response liboai::Files::remove(const std::string& file_id) const & noexcept(false) {
Response res;
res = this->Request(
- Method::HTTP_DELETE, "/files/" + file_id, "application/json",
+ Method::HTTP_DELETE, this->openai_root_, "/files/" + file_id, "application/json",
@@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ liboai::FutureResponse liboai::Files::remove_async(const std::string& file_id) c
return std::async(
std::launch::async, [&]() -> liboai::Response {
return this->Request(
- Method::HTTP_DELETE, "/files/" + file_id, "application/json",
+ Method::HTTP_DELETE, this->openai_root_, "/files/" + file_id, "application/json",
@@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ liboai::FutureResponse liboai::Files::remove_async(const std::string& file_id) c
liboai::Response liboai::Files::retrieve(const std::string& file_id) const & {
Response res;
res = this->Request(
- Method::HTTP_GET, "/files/" + file_id, "application/json",
+ Method::HTTP_GET, this->openai_root_, "/files/" + file_id, "application/json",
@@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ liboai::FutureResponse liboai::Files::retrieve_async(const std::string& file_id)
return std::async(
std::launch::async, [&]() -> liboai::Response {
return this->Request(
- Method::HTTP_GET, "/files/" + file_id, "application/json",
+ Method::HTTP_GET, this->openai_root_, "/files/" + file_id, "application/json",
diff --git a/liboai/components/fine_tunes.cpp b/liboai/components/fine_tunes.cpp
index 4e88231..b92bbbc 100644
--- a/liboai/components/fine_tunes.cpp
+++ b/liboai/components/fine_tunes.cpp
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ liboai::Response liboai::FineTunes::create(const std::string& training_file, std
Response res;
res = this->Request(
- Method::HTTP_POST, "/fine-tunes", "application/json",
+ Method::HTTP_POST, this->openai_root_, "/fine-tunes", "application/json",
netimpl::components::Body {
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ liboai::FutureResponse liboai::FineTunes::create_async(const std::string& traini
return std::async(
std::launch::async, [&]() -> liboai::Response {
return this->Request(
- Method::HTTP_POST, "/fine-tunes", "application/json",
+ Method::HTTP_POST, this->openai_root_, "/fine-tunes", "application/json",
netimpl::components::Body {
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ liboai::FutureResponse liboai::FineTunes::create_async(const std::string& traini
liboai::Response liboai::FineTunes::list() const& {
Response res;
res = this->Request(
- Method::HTTP_GET, "/fine-tunes", "application/json",
+ Method::HTTP_GET, this->openai_root_, "/fine-tunes", "application/json",
@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ liboai::FutureResponse liboai::FineTunes::list_async() const & noexcept(false) {
return std::async(
std::launch::async, [&]() -> liboai::Response {
return this->Request(
- Method::HTTP_GET, "/fine-tunes", "application/json",
+ Method::HTTP_GET, this->openai_root_, "/fine-tunes", "application/json",
@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ liboai::FutureResponse liboai::FineTunes::list_async() const & noexcept(false) {
liboai::Response liboai::FineTunes::retrieve(const std::string& fine_tune_id) const& {
Response res;
res = this->Request(
- Method::HTTP_GET, "/fine-tunes/" + fine_tune_id, "application/json",
+ Method::HTTP_GET, this->openai_root_, "/fine-tunes/" + fine_tune_id, "application/json",
@@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ liboai::FutureResponse liboai::FineTunes::retrieve_async(const std::string& fine
return std::async(
std::launch::async, [&]() -> liboai::Response {
return this->Request(
- Method::HTTP_GET, "/fine-tunes/" + fine_tune_id, "application/json",
+ Method::HTTP_GET, this->openai_root_, "/fine-tunes/" + fine_tune_id, "application/json",
@@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ liboai::FutureResponse liboai::FineTunes::retrieve_async(const std::string& fine
liboai::Response liboai::FineTunes::cancel(const std::string& fine_tune_id) const& {
Response res;
res = this->Request(
- Method::HTTP_POST, "/fine-tunes/" + fine_tune_id + "/cancel", "application/json",
+ Method::HTTP_POST, this->openai_root_, "/fine-tunes/" + fine_tune_id + "/cancel", "application/json",
@@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ liboai::FutureResponse liboai::FineTunes::cancel_async(const std::string& fine_t
return std::async(
std::launch::async, [&]() -> liboai::Response {
return this->Request(
- Method::HTTP_POST, "/fine-tunes/" + fine_tune_id + "/cancel", "application/json",
+ Method::HTTP_POST, this->openai_root_, "/fine-tunes/" + fine_tune_id + "/cancel", "application/json",
@@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ liboai::Response liboai::FineTunes::list_events(const std::string& fine_tune_id,
Response res;
res = this->Request(
- Method::HTTP_GET, "/fine-tunes/" + fine_tune_id + "/events", "application/json",
+ Method::HTTP_GET, this->openai_root_, "/fine-tunes/" + fine_tune_id + "/events", "application/json",
stream ? netimpl::components::WriteCallback{std::move(stream.value())} : netimpl::components::WriteCallback{},
@@ -165,9 +165,9 @@ liboai::FutureResponse liboai::FineTunes::list_events_async(const std::string& f
stream ? params.Add({ "stream", "true"}) : void();
return std::async(
- std::launch::async, [&, params]() -> liboai::Response {
+ std::launch::async, [&, params, stream]() -> liboai::Response {
return this->Request(
- Method::HTTP_GET, "/fine-tunes/" + fine_tune_id + "/events", "application/json",
+ Method::HTTP_GET, this->openai_root_, "/fine-tunes/" + fine_tune_id + "/events", "application/json",
stream ? netimpl::components::WriteCallback{std::move(stream.value())} : netimpl::components::WriteCallback{},
@@ -177,4 +177,31 @@ liboai::FutureResponse liboai::FineTunes::list_events_async(const std::string& f
+liboai::Response liboai::FineTunes::remove(const std::string& model) const& noexcept(false) {
+ Response res;
+ res = this->Request(
+ Method::HTTP_DELETE, this->openai_root_, "/models/" + model, "application/json",
+ this->auth_.GetAuthorizationHeaders(),
+ this->auth_.GetProxies(),
+ this->auth_.GetProxyAuth(),
+ this->auth_.GetMaxTimeout()
+ );
+ return res;
+liboai::FutureResponse liboai::FineTunes::remove_async(const std::string& model) const & noexcept(false) {
+ return std::async(
+ std::launch::async, [&]() -> liboai::Response {
+ return this->Request(
+ Method::HTTP_DELETE, this->openai_root_, "/models/" + model, "application/json",
+ this->auth_.GetAuthorizationHeaders(),
+ this->auth_.GetProxies(),
+ this->auth_.GetProxyAuth(),
+ this->auth_.GetMaxTimeout()
+ );
+ }
+ );
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/liboai/components/images.cpp b/liboai/components/images.cpp
index 00980ad..e0a3ba7 100644
--- a/liboai/components/images.cpp
+++ b/liboai/components/images.cpp
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ liboai::Response liboai::Images::create(const std::string& prompt, std::optional
Response res;
res = this->Request(
- Method::HTTP_POST, "/images/generations", "application/json",
+ Method::HTTP_POST, this->openai_root_, "/images/generations", "application/json",
netimpl::components::Body {
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ liboai::FutureResponse liboai::Images::create_async(const std::string& prompt, s
return std::async(
std::launch::async, [&, jcon]() -> liboai::Response {
return this->Request(
- Method::HTTP_POST, "/images/generations", "application/json",
+ Method::HTTP_POST, this->openai_root_, "/images/generations", "application/json",
netimpl::components::Body {
@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ liboai::Response liboai::Images::create_edit(const std::filesystem::path& image,
Response res;
res = this->Request(
- Method::HTTP_POST, "/images/edits", "multipart/form-data",
+ Method::HTTP_POST, this->openai_root_, "/images/edits", "multipart/form-data",
@@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ liboai::FutureResponse liboai::Images::create_edit_async(const std::filesystem::
return std::async(
std::launch::async, [&, form]() -> liboai::Response {
return this->Request(
- Method::HTTP_POST, "/images/edits", "multipart/form-data",
+ Method::HTTP_POST, this->openai_root_, "/images/edits", "multipart/form-data",
@@ -152,7 +152,7 @@ liboai::Response liboai::Images::create_variation(const std::filesystem::path& i
Response res;
res = this->Request(
- Method::HTTP_POST, "/images/variations", "multipart/form-data",
+ Method::HTTP_POST, this->openai_root_, "/images/variations", "multipart/form-data",
@@ -184,7 +184,7 @@ liboai::FutureResponse liboai::Images::create_variation_async(const std::filesys
return std::async(
std::launch::async, [&, form]() -> liboai::Response {
return this->Request(
- Method::HTTP_POST, "/images/variations", "multipart/form-data",
+ Method::HTTP_POST, this->openai_root_, "/images/variations", "multipart/form-data",
diff --git a/liboai/components/models.cpp b/liboai/components/models.cpp
index eecc413..e37894e 100644
--- a/liboai/components/models.cpp
+++ b/liboai/components/models.cpp
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
liboai::Response liboai::Models::list() const & noexcept(false) {
Response res;
res = this->Request(
- Method::HTTP_GET, "/models", "application/json",
+ Method::HTTP_GET, this->openai_root_, "/models", "application/json",
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ liboai::FutureResponse liboai::Models::list_async() const & noexcept(false) {
return std::async(
std::launch::async, [&]() -> liboai::Response {
return this->Request(
- Method::HTTP_GET, "/models", "application/json",
+ Method::HTTP_GET, this->openai_root_, "/models", "application/json",
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ liboai::FutureResponse liboai::Models::list_async() const & noexcept(false) {
liboai::Response liboai::Models::retrieve(const std::string& model) const & noexcept(false) {
Response res;
res = this->Request(
- Method::HTTP_GET, "/models/" + model, "application/json",
+ Method::HTTP_GET, this->openai_root_, "/models/" + model, "application/json",
@@ -44,34 +44,7 @@ liboai::FutureResponse liboai::Models::retrieve_async(const std::string& model)
return std::async(
std::launch::async, [&]() -> liboai::Response {
return this->Request(
- Method::HTTP_GET, "/models/" + model, "application/json",
- this->auth_.GetAuthorizationHeaders(),
- this->auth_.GetProxies(),
- this->auth_.GetProxyAuth(),
- this->auth_.GetMaxTimeout()
- );
- }
- );
-liboai::Response liboai::Models::remove(const std::string& model) const & noexcept(false) {
- Response res;
- res = this->Request(
- Method::HTTP_DELETE, "/models/" + model, "application/json",
- this->auth_.GetAuthorizationHeaders(),
- this->auth_.GetProxies(),
- this->auth_.GetProxyAuth(),
- this->auth_.GetMaxTimeout()
- );
- return res;
-liboai::FutureResponse liboai::Models::remove_async(const std::string& model) const & noexcept(false) {
- return std::async(
- std::launch::async, [&]() -> liboai::Response {
- return this->Request(
- Method::HTTP_DELETE, "/models/" + model, "application/json",
+ Method::HTTP_GET, this->openai_root_, "/models/" + model, "application/json",
diff --git a/liboai/components/moderations.cpp b/liboai/components/moderations.cpp
index e46c61b..aee4fa6 100644
--- a/liboai/components/moderations.cpp
+++ b/liboai/components/moderations.cpp
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ liboai::Response liboai::Moderations::create(const std::string& input, std::opti
Response res;
res = this->Request(
- Method::HTTP_POST, "/moderations", "application/json",
+ Method::HTTP_POST, this->openai_root_, "/moderations", "application/json",
netimpl::components::Body {
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ liboai::FutureResponse liboai::Moderations::create_async(const std::string& inpu
return std::async(
std::launch::async, [&, jcon]() -> liboai::Response {
return this->Request(
- Method::HTTP_POST, "/moderations", "application/json",
+ Method::HTTP_POST, this->openai_root_, "/moderations", "application/json",
netimpl::components::Body {
diff --git a/liboai/core/authorization.cpp b/liboai/core/authorization.cpp
index 82bb41a..0a234ce 100644
--- a/liboai/core/authorization.cpp
+++ b/liboai/core/authorization.cpp
@@ -3,10 +3,34 @@
bool liboai::Authorization::SetKey(std::string_view key) noexcept {
if (!key.empty()) {
this->key_ = key;
- if (this->auth_headers_.count("Authorization") > 0) {
- this->auth_headers_.erase("Authorization");
+ if (this->openai_auth_headers_.count("Authorization") > 0) {
+ this->openai_auth_headers_.erase("Authorization");
- this->auth_headers_["Authorization"] = ("Bearer " + this->key_);
+ this->openai_auth_headers_["Authorization"] = ("Bearer " + this->key_);
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+bool liboai::Authorization::SetAzureKey(std::string_view key) noexcept {
+ if (!key.empty()) {
+ this->key_ = key;
+ if (this->azure_auth_headers_.size() > 0) {
+ this->azure_auth_headers_.clear();
+ }
+ this->azure_auth_headers_["api-key"] = this->key_;
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+bool liboai::Authorization::SetAzureKeyAD(std::string_view key) noexcept {
+ if (!key.empty()) {
+ this->key_ = key;
+ if (this->azure_auth_headers_.size() > 0) {
+ this->azure_auth_headers_.clear();
+ }
+ this->azure_auth_headers_["Authorization"] = ("Bearer " + this->key_);
return true;
return false;
@@ -17,10 +41,40 @@ bool liboai::Authorization::SetKeyFile(const std::filesystem::path& path) noexce
std::ifstream file(path);
if (file.is_open()) {
std::getline(file, this->key_);
- if (this->auth_headers_.count("Authorization") > 0) {
- this->auth_headers_.erase("Authorization");
+ if (this->openai_auth_headers_.count("Authorization") > 0) {
+ this->openai_auth_headers_.erase("Authorization");
+ }
+ this->openai_auth_headers_["Authorization"] = ("Bearer " + this->key_);
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+bool liboai::Authorization::SetAzureKeyFile(const std::filesystem::path& path) noexcept {
+ if (std::filesystem::exists(path) && std::filesystem::is_regular_file(path) && std::filesystem::file_size(path) > 0) {
+ std::ifstream file(path);
+ if (file.is_open()) {
+ std::getline(file, this->key_);
+ if (this->azure_auth_headers_.size() > 0) {
+ this->azure_auth_headers_.clear();
+ }
+ this->azure_auth_headers_["api-key"] = this->key_;
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+bool liboai::Authorization::SetAzureKeyFileAD(const std::filesystem::path& path) noexcept {
+ if (std::filesystem::exists(path) && std::filesystem::is_regular_file(path) && std::filesystem::file_size(path) > 0) {
+ std::ifstream file(path);
+ if (file.is_open()) {
+ std::getline(file, this->key_);
+ if (this->azure_auth_headers_.size() > 0) {
+ this->azure_auth_headers_.clear();
- this->auth_headers_["Authorization"] = ("Bearer " + this->key_);
+ this->azure_auth_headers_["Authorization"] = ("Bearer " + this->key_);
return true;
@@ -32,10 +86,42 @@ bool liboai::Authorization::SetKeyEnv(std::string_view var) noexcept {
const char* key = std::getenv(;
if (key != nullptr) {
this->key_ = key;
- if (this->auth_headers_.count("Authorization") > 0) {
- this->auth_headers_.erase("Authorization");
+ if (this->openai_auth_headers_.count("Authorization") > 0) {
+ this->openai_auth_headers_.erase("Authorization");
+ }
+ this->openai_auth_headers_["Authorization"] = ("Bearer " + this->key_);
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ return false;
+bool liboai::Authorization::SetAzureKeyEnv(std::string_view var) noexcept {
+ if (!var.empty()) {
+ const char* key = std::getenv(;
+ if (key != nullptr) {
+ this->key_ = key;
+ if (this->azure_auth_headers_.size() > 0) {
+ this->azure_auth_headers_.clear();
+ }
+ this->azure_auth_headers_["api-key"] = this->key_;
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ return false;
+bool liboai::Authorization::SetAzureKeyEnvAD(std::string_view var) noexcept {
+ if (!var.empty()) {
+ const char* key = std::getenv(;
+ if (key != nullptr) {
+ this->key_ = key;
+ if (this->azure_auth_headers_.size() > 0) {
+ this->azure_auth_headers_.clear();
- this->auth_headers_["Authorization"] = ("Bearer " + this->key_);
+ this->azure_auth_headers_["Authorization"] = ("Bearer " + this->key_);
return true;
return false;
@@ -46,10 +132,10 @@ bool liboai::Authorization::SetKeyEnv(std::string_view var) noexcept {
bool liboai::Authorization::SetOrganization(std::string_view org) noexcept {
if (!org.empty()) {
this->org_ = std::move(org);
- if (this->auth_headers_.count("OpenAI-Organization") > 0) {
- this->auth_headers_.erase("OpenAI-Organization");
+ if (this->openai_auth_headers_.count("OpenAI-Organization") > 0) {
+ this->openai_auth_headers_.erase("OpenAI-Organization");
- this->auth_headers_["OpenAI-Organization"] = this->org_;
+ this->openai_auth_headers_["OpenAI-Organization"] = this->org_;
return true;
return false;
@@ -60,10 +146,10 @@ bool liboai::Authorization::SetOrganizationFile(const std::filesystem::path& pat
std::ifstream file(path);
if (file.is_open()) {
std::getline(file, this->key_);
- if (this->auth_headers_.count("OpenAI-Organization") > 0) {
- this->auth_headers_.erase("OpenAI-Organization");
+ if (this->openai_auth_headers_.count("OpenAI-Organization") > 0) {
+ this->openai_auth_headers_.erase("OpenAI-Organization");
- this->auth_headers_["OpenAI-Organization"] = this->org_;
+ this->openai_auth_headers_["OpenAI-Organization"] = this->org_;
return true;
@@ -75,10 +161,10 @@ bool liboai::Authorization::SetOrganizationEnv(std::string_view var) noexcept {
const char* org = std::getenv(;
if (org != nullptr) {
this->org_ = org;
- if (this->auth_headers_.count("OpenAI-Organization") > 0) {
- this->auth_headers_.erase("OpenAI-Organization");
+ if (this->openai_auth_headers_.count("OpenAI-Organization") > 0) {
+ this->openai_auth_headers_.erase("OpenAI-Organization");
- this->auth_headers_["OpenAI-Organization"] = this->org_;
+ this->openai_auth_headers_["OpenAI-Organization"] = this->org_;
return true;
return false;
diff --git a/liboai/core/netimpl.cpp b/liboai/core/netimpl.cpp
index 1a1a371..ed1c4ed 100644
--- a/liboai/core/netimpl.cpp
+++ b/liboai/core/netimpl.cpp
@@ -17,6 +17,13 @@ liboai::netimpl::CurlHolder::CurlHolder() {
else {
// flag set to true to avoid future checks if SSL present
_flag = true;
+ #if defined(LIBOAI_DEBUG)
+ _liboai_dbg(
+ "[dbg] [@%s] SSL is enabled; check flag set.\n",
+ __func__
+ );
+ #endif
@@ -28,12 +35,23 @@ liboai::netimpl::CurlHolder::CurlHolder() {
+ #if defined(LIBOAI_DEBUG)
+ curl_easy_setopt(this->curl_, CURLOPT_VERBOSE, 1L);
+ #endif
liboai::netimpl::CurlHolder::~CurlHolder() {
if (this->curl_) {
this->curl_ = nullptr;
+ #if defined(LIBOAI_DEBUG)
+ _liboai_dbg(
+ "[dbg] [@%s] curl_easy_cleanup() called.\n",
+ __func__
+ );
+ #endif
@@ -41,12 +59,26 @@ liboai::netimpl::Session::~Session() {
if (this->headers) {
this->headers = nullptr;
+ #if defined(LIBOAI_DEBUG)
+ _liboai_dbg(
+ "[dbg] [@%s] curl_slist_free_all() called.\n",
+ __func__
+ );
+ #endif
if (this->form) {
this->form = nullptr;
+ #if defined(LIBOAI_DEBUG)
+ _liboai_dbg(
+ "[dbg] [@%s] curl_formfree() called.\n",
+ __func__
+ );
+ #endif
@@ -54,6 +86,13 @@ liboai::netimpl::Session::~Session() {
if (this->mime) {
this->mime = nullptr;
+ #if defined(LIBOAI_DEBUG)
+ _liboai_dbg(
+ "[dbg] [@%s] curl_mime_free() called.\n",
+ __func__
+ );
+ #endif
@@ -69,16 +108,38 @@ void liboai::netimpl::Session::Prepare() {
this->url_ += this->parameter_string_;
this->url_str = this->url_;
- e[0] = curl_easy_setopt(this->curl_, CURLOPT_URL, this->url_.c_str());
+ #if defined(LIBOAI_DEBUG)
+ _liboai_dbg(
+ "[dbg] [@%s] Set URL for Session (0x%p) to %s.\n",
+ __func__, this, this->url_str.c_str()
+ );
+ #endif
+ e[0] = curl_easy_setopt(this->curl_, CURLOPT_URL, this->url_.c_str());
// set proxy if available
const std::string protocol = url_.substr(0, url_.find(':'));
if (proxies_.has(protocol)) {
e[1] = curl_easy_setopt(this->curl_, CURLOPT_PROXY, proxies_[protocol].c_str());
+ #if defined(LIBOAI_DEBUG)
+ _liboai_dbg(
+ "[dbg] [@%s] Set CURLOPT_PROXY for Session (0x%p) to %s.\n",
+ __func__, this, proxies_[protocol].c_str()
+ );
+ #endif
if (proxyAuth_.has(protocol)) {
e[2] = curl_easy_setopt(this->curl_, CURLOPT_PROXYUSERNAME, proxyAuth_.GetUsername(protocol));
e[3] = curl_easy_setopt(this->curl_, CURLOPT_PROXYPASSWORD, proxyAuth_.GetPassword(protocol));
+ #if defined(LIBOAI_DEBUG)
+ _liboai_dbg(
+ "[dbg] [@%s] Set CURLOPT_PROXYUSERNAME and CURLOPT_PROXYPASSWORD for Session (0x%p) to %s and %s.\n",
+ __func__, this, proxyAuth_.GetUsername(protocol), proxyAuth_.GetPassword(protocol)
+ );
+ #endif
@@ -87,18 +148,39 @@ void liboai::netimpl::Session::Prepare() {
e[5] = curl_easy_setopt(this->curl_, CURLOPT_SSL_OPTIONS, CURLSSLOPT_NATIVE_CA);
+ #if defined(LIBOAI_DEBUG)
+ _liboai_dbg(
+ "[dbg] [@%s] Set CURLOPT_SSL_OPTIONS for Session (0x%p) to CURLSSLOPT_NATIVE_CA.\n",
+ __func__, this
+ );
+ #endif
// set string the response will be sent to
if (!this->write_.callback) {
e[6] = curl_easy_setopt(this->curl_, CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION, liboai::netimpl::components::writeFunction);
e[7] = curl_easy_setopt(this->curl_, CURLOPT_WRITEDATA, &this->response_string_);
+ #if defined(LIBOAI_DEBUG)
+ _liboai_dbg(
+ "[dbg] [@%s] No user supplied WriteCallback. Set CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION and CURLOPT_WRITEDATA for Session (0x%p) to 0x%p and 0x%p.\n",
+ __func__, this, liboai::netimpl::components::writeFunction, &this->response_string_
+ );
+ #endif
// set string the raw headers will be sent to
e[8] = curl_easy_setopt(this->curl_, CURLOPT_HEADERFUNCTION, liboai::netimpl::components::writeFunction);
e[9] = curl_easy_setopt(this->curl_, CURLOPT_HEADERDATA, &this->header_string_);
+ #if defined(LIBOAI_DEBUG)
+ _liboai_dbg(
+ "[dbg] [@%s] Set CURLOPT_HEADERFUNCTION and CURLOPT_HEADERDATA for Session (0x%p) to 0x%p and 0x%p.\n",
+ __func__, this, liboai::netimpl::components::writeFunction, &this->header_string_
+ );
+ #endif
ErrorCheck(e, 10, "liboai::netimpl::Session::Prepare()");
@@ -113,25 +195,61 @@ void liboai::netimpl::Session::PrepareDownloadInternal() {
this->url_str = this->url_;
+ #if defined(LIBOAI_DEBUG)
+ _liboai_dbg(
+ "[dbg] [@%s] Set URL for Session (0x%p) to %s.\n",
+ __func__, this, this->url_str.c_str()
+ );
+ #endif
e[0] = curl_easy_setopt(this->curl_, CURLOPT_URL, this->url_.c_str());
const std::string protocol = url_.substr(0, url_.find(':'));
if (proxies_.has(protocol)) {
e[1] = curl_easy_setopt(this->curl_, CURLOPT_PROXY, proxies_[protocol].c_str());
+ #if defined(LIBOAI_DEBUG)
+ _liboai_dbg(
+ "[dbg] [@%s] Set CURLOPT_PROXY for Session (0x%p) to %s.\n",
+ __func__, this, proxies_[protocol].c_str()
+ );
+ #endif
if (proxyAuth_.has(protocol)) {
e[2] = curl_easy_setopt(this->curl_, CURLOPT_PROXYUSERNAME, proxyAuth_.GetUsername(protocol));
e[3] = curl_easy_setopt(this->curl_, CURLOPT_PROXYPASSWORD, proxyAuth_.GetPassword(protocol));
+ #if defined(LIBOAI_DEBUG)
+ _liboai_dbg(
+ "[dbg] [@%s] Set CURLOPT_PROXYUSERNAME and CURLOPT_PROXYPASSWORD for Session (0x%p) to %s and %s.\n",
+ __func__, this, proxyAuth_.GetUsername(protocol), proxyAuth_.GetPassword(protocol)
+ );
+ #endif
e[4] = curl_easy_setopt(this->curl_, CURLOPT_HEADERFUNCTION, liboai::netimpl::components::writeFunction);
e[5] = curl_easy_setopt(this->curl_, CURLOPT_HEADERDATA, &this->header_string_);
+ #if defined(LIBOAI_DEBUG)
+ _liboai_dbg(
+ "[dbg] [@%s] Set CURLOPT_HEADERFUNCTION and CURLOPT_HEADERDATA for Session (0x%p) to 0x%p and 0x%p.\n",
+ __func__, this, liboai::netimpl::components::writeFunction, &this->header_string_
+ );
+ #endif
ErrorCheck(e, 6, "liboai::netimpl::Session::PrepareDownloadInternal()");
CURLcode liboai::netimpl::Session::Perform() {
- CURLcode e = curl_easy_perform(this->curl_);
+ #if defined(LIBOAI_DEBUG)
+ _liboai_dbg(
+ "[dbg] [@%s] Called curl_easy_perform() for Session (0x%p).\n",
+ __func__, this
+ );
+ #endif
+ CURLcode e = curl_easy_perform(this->curl_);
ErrorCheck(e, "liboai::netimpl::Session::Perform()");
return e;
@@ -141,15 +259,43 @@ liboai::Response liboai::netimpl::Session::BuildResponseObject() {
// when checking unset values
CURLcode e[3]; memset(e, CURLcode::CURLE_OK, sizeof(e));
+ #if defined(LIBOAI_DEBUG)
+ _liboai_dbg(
+ "[dbg] [@%s] Called ParseResponseHeader() for Session (0x%p).\n",
+ __func__, this
+ );
+ #endif
// fill status line and reason
this->ParseResponseHeader(this->header_string_, &this->status_line, &this->reason);
+ #if defined(LIBOAI_DEBUG)
+ _liboai_dbg(
+ "[dbg] [@%s] Called curl_easy_getinfo() for Session (0x%p) to get status code.\n",
+ __func__, this
+ );
+ #endif
// get status code
e[0] = curl_easy_getinfo(this->curl_, CURLINFO_RESPONSE_CODE, &this->status_code);
+ #if defined(LIBOAI_DEBUG)
+ _liboai_dbg(
+ "[dbg] [@%s] Called curl_easy_getinfo() for Session (0x%p) to get elapsed time.\n",
+ __func__, this
+ );
+ #endif
// get elapsed time
e[1] = curl_easy_getinfo(this->curl_, CURLINFO_TOTAL_TIME, &this->elapsed);
+ #if defined(LIBOAI_DEBUG)
+ _liboai_dbg(
+ "[dbg] [@%s] Called curl_easy_getinfo() for Session (0x%p) to get effective url.\n",
+ __func__, this
+ );
+ #endif
// get url
char* effective_url = nullptr;
e[2] = curl_easy_getinfo(this->curl_, CURLINFO_EFFECTIVE_URL, &effective_url);
@@ -160,6 +306,13 @@ liboai::Response liboai::netimpl::Session::BuildResponseObject() {
// fill content
this->content = this->response_string_;
+ #if defined(LIBOAI_DEBUG)
+ _liboai_dbg(
+ "[dbg] [@%s] Constructed response object.\n",
+ __func__
+ );
+ #endif
return liboai::Response {
@@ -172,6 +325,14 @@ liboai::Response liboai::netimpl::Session::BuildResponseObject() {
liboai::Response liboai::netimpl::Session::Complete() {
this->hasBody = false;
+ #if defined(LIBOAI_DEBUG)
+ _liboai_dbg(
+ "[dbg] [@%s] Called BuildResponseObject().\n",
+ __func__
+ );
+ #endif
return this->BuildResponseObject();
@@ -186,6 +347,14 @@ liboai::Response liboai::netimpl::Session::CompleteDownload() {
ErrorCheck(e, 2, "liboai::netimpl::Session::CompleteDownload()");
this->hasBody = false;
+ #if defined(LIBOAI_DEBUG)
+ _liboai_dbg(
+ "[dbg] [@%s] Called BuildResponseObject().\n",
+ __func__
+ );
+ #endif
return this->BuildResponseObject();
@@ -197,21 +366,65 @@ void liboai::netimpl::Session::PrepareGet() {
if (this->hasBody) {
e[0] = curl_easy_setopt(this->curl_, CURLOPT_NOBODY, 0L);
e[1] = curl_easy_setopt(this->curl_, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, "GET");
+ #if defined(LIBOAI_DEBUG)
+ _liboai_dbg(
+ "[dbg] [@%s] Set CURLOPT_NOBODY and CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST for Session (0x%p) to 0L and \"GET\".\n",
+ __func__, this
+ );
+ #endif
else {
e[2] = curl_easy_setopt(this->curl_, CURLOPT_NOBODY, 0L);
e[3] = curl_easy_setopt(this->curl_, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, nullptr);
e[4] = curl_easy_setopt(this->curl_, CURLOPT_HTTPGET, 1L);
+ #if defined(LIBOAI_DEBUG)
+ _liboai_dbg(
+ "[dbg] [@%s] Set CURLOPT_NOBODY, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST and CURLOPT_HTTPGET for Session (0x%p) to 0L, nullptr and 1L.\n",
+ __func__, this
+ );
+ #endif
ErrorCheck(e, 5, "liboai::netimpl::Session::PrepareGet()");
+ #if defined(LIBOAI_DEBUG)
+ _liboai_dbg(
+ "[dbg] [@%s] Called Prepare().\n",
+ __func__
+ );
+ #endif
liboai::Response liboai::netimpl::Session::Get() {
+ #if defined(LIBOAI_DEBUG)
+ _liboai_dbg(
+ "[dbg] [@%s] Called PrepareGet().\n",
+ __func__
+ );
+ #endif
+ #if defined(LIBOAI_DEBUG)
+ _liboai_dbg(
+ "[dbg] [@%s] Called Perform().\n",
+ __func__
+ );
+ #endif
+ #if defined(LIBOAI_DEBUG)
+ _liboai_dbg(
+ "[dbg] [@%s] Called Complete().\n",
+ __func__
+ );
+ #endif
return Complete();
@@ -223,20 +436,64 @@ void liboai::netimpl::Session::PreparePost() {
e[0] = curl_easy_setopt(this->curl_, CURLOPT_NOBODY, 0L);
if (this->hasBody) {
e[1] = curl_easy_setopt(this->curl_, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, nullptr);
+ #if defined(LIBOAI_DEBUG)
+ _liboai_dbg(
+ "[dbg] [@%s] Set CURLOPT_NOBODY and CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST for Session (0x%p) to 0L and nullptr.\n",
+ __func__, this
+ );
+ #endif
else {
e[2] = curl_easy_setopt(this->curl_, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, "");
e[3] = curl_easy_setopt(this->curl_, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, "POST");
+ #if defined(LIBOAI_DEBUG)
+ _liboai_dbg(
+ "[dbg] [@%s] Set CURLOPT_NOBODY, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS and CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST for Session (0x%p) to 0L, \"\" and \"POST\".\n",
+ __func__, this
+ );
+ #endif
ErrorCheck(e, 4, "liboai::netimpl::Session::PreparePost()");
+ #if defined(LIBOAI_DEBUG)
+ _liboai_dbg(
+ "[dbg] [@%s] Called Prepare().\n",
+ __func__
+ );
+ #endif
liboai::Response liboai::netimpl::Session::Post() {
+ #if defined(LIBOAI_DEBUG)
+ _liboai_dbg(
+ "[dbg] [@%s] Called PreparePost().\n",
+ __func__
+ );
+ #endif
+ #if defined(LIBOAI_DEBUG)
+ _liboai_dbg(
+ "[dbg] [@%s] Called Perform().\n",
+ __func__
+ );
+ #endif
+ #if defined(LIBOAI_DEBUG)
+ _liboai_dbg(
+ "[dbg] [@%s] Called Complete().\n",
+ __func__
+ );
+ #endif
return Complete();
@@ -249,14 +506,51 @@ void liboai::netimpl::Session::PrepareDelete() {
e[1] = curl_easy_setopt(this->curl_, CURLOPT_NOBODY, 0L);
e[2] = curl_easy_setopt(this->curl_, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, "DELETE");
+ #if defined(LIBOAI_DEBUG)
+ _liboai_dbg(
+ "[dbg] [@%s] Set CURLOPT_HTTPGET, CURLOPT_NOBODY and CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST for Session (0x%p) to 0L, 0L and \"DELETE\".\n",
+ __func__, this
+ );
+ #endif
ErrorCheck(e, 3, "liboai::netimpl::Session::PrepareDelete()");
+ #if defined(LIBOAI_DEBUG)
+ _liboai_dbg(
+ "[dbg] [@%s] Called Prepare().\n",
+ __func__
+ );
+ #endif
liboai::Response liboai::netimpl::Session::Delete() {
+ #if defined(LIBOAI_DEBUG)
+ _liboai_dbg(
+ "[dbg] [@%s] Called PrepareDelete().\n",
+ __func__
+ );
+ #endif
+ #if defined(LIBOAI_DEBUG)
+ _liboai_dbg(
+ "[dbg] [@%s] Called Perform().\n",
+ __func__
+ );
+ #endif
+ #if defined(LIBOAI_DEBUG)
+ _liboai_dbg(
+ "[dbg] [@%s] Called Complete().\n",
+ __func__
+ );
+ #endif
return Complete();
@@ -270,15 +564,52 @@ void liboai::netimpl::Session::PrepareDownload(std::ofstream& file) {
e[2] = curl_easy_setopt(this->curl_, CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION, liboai::netimpl::components::writeFileFunction);
e[3] = curl_easy_setopt(this->curl_, CURLOPT_WRITEDATA, &file);
e[4] = curl_easy_setopt(this->curl_, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, nullptr);
+ #if defined(LIBOAI_DEBUG)
+ _liboai_dbg(
+ "[dbg] [@%s] Set CURLOPT_NOBODY, CURLOPT_HTTPGET, CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION, CURLOPT_WRITEDATA and CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST for Session (0x%p) to 0L, 1L, liboai::netimpl::components::writeFileFunction, &file and nullptr.\n",
+ __func__, this
+ );
+ #endif
ErrorCheck(e, 5, "liboai::netimpl::Session::PrepareDownload()");
+ #if defined(LIBOAI_DEBUG)
+ _liboai_dbg(
+ "[dbg] [@%s] Called PrepareDownloadInternal().\n",
+ __func__
+ );
+ #endif
liboai::Response liboai::netimpl::Session::Download(std::ofstream& file) {
+ #if defined(LIBOAI_DEBUG)
+ _liboai_dbg(
+ "[dbg] [@%s] Called PrepareDownload().\n",
+ __func__
+ );
+ #endif
+ #if defined(LIBOAI_DEBUG)
+ _liboai_dbg(
+ "[dbg] [@%s] Called Perform().\n",
+ __func__
+ );
+ #endif
+ #if defined(LIBOAI_DEBUG)
+ _liboai_dbg(
+ "[dbg] [@%s] Called CompleteDownload().\n",
+ __func__
+ );
+ #endif
return CompleteDownload();
@@ -325,6 +656,13 @@ void liboai::netimpl::Session::ParseResponseHeader(const std::string& headers, s
+ #if defined(LIBOAI_DEBUG)
+ _liboai_dbg(
+ "[dbg] [@%s] Parsed response header.\n",
+ __func__
+ );
+ #endif
void liboai::netimpl::Session::SetOption(const components::Url& url) {
@@ -333,6 +671,13 @@ void liboai::netimpl::Session::SetOption(const components::Url& url) {
void liboai::netimpl::Session::SetUrl(const components::Url& url) {
this->url_ = url.str();
+ #if defined(LIBOAI_DEBUG)
+ _liboai_dbg(
+ "[dbg] [@%s] Set base URL for Session (0x%p) to \"%s\".\n",
+ __func__, this, this->url_.c_str()
+ );
+ #endif
void liboai::netimpl::Session::SetOption(const components::Body& body) {
@@ -348,6 +693,13 @@ void liboai::netimpl::Session::SetBody(const components::Body& body) {
e[0] = curl_easy_setopt(this->curl_, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDSIZE_LARGE, static_cast(body.str().length()));
e[1] = curl_easy_setopt(this->curl_, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, body.c_str());
+ #if defined(LIBOAI_DEBUG)
+ _liboai_dbg(
+ "[dbg] [@%s] Set CURLOPT_POSTFIELDSIZE_LARGE and CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS for Session (0x%p) to %lld and \"%s\".\n",
+ __func__, this, static_cast(body.str().length()), body.c_str()
+ );
+ #endif
ErrorCheck(e, 2, "liboai::netimpl::Session::SetBody()");
@@ -364,6 +716,13 @@ void liboai::netimpl::Session::SetBody(components::Body&& body) {
e[0] = curl_easy_setopt(this->curl_, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDSIZE_LARGE, static_cast(body.str().length()));
e[1] = curl_easy_setopt(this->curl_, CURLOPT_COPYPOSTFIELDS, body.c_str());
+ #if defined(LIBOAI_DEBUG)
+ _liboai_dbg(
+ "[dbg] [@%s] Set CURLOPT_POSTFIELDSIZE_LARGE and CURLOPT_COPYPOSTFIELDS for Session (0x%p) to %lld and \"%s\".\n",
+ __func__, this, static_cast(body.str().length()), body.c_str()
+ );
+ #endif
ErrorCheck(e, 2, "liboai::netimpl::Session::SetBody()");
@@ -409,6 +768,13 @@ void liboai::netimpl::Session::SetMultipart(const components::Multipart& multipa
e = curl_easy_setopt(this->curl_, CURLOPT_HTTPPOST, this->form);
+ #if defined(LIBOAI_DEBUG)
+ _liboai_dbg(
+ "[dbg] [@%s] Set multipart for Session (0x%p) using curl_formadd() and CURLOPT_HTTPPOST.\n",
+ __func__, this
+ );
+ #endif
ErrorCheck(fe, 2, "liboai::netimpl::Session::SetMultipart()");
ErrorCheck(e, "liboai::netimpl::Session::SetMultipart()");
@@ -461,6 +827,13 @@ void liboai::netimpl::Session::SetMultipart(const components::Multipart& multipa
e[5] = curl_easy_setopt(this->curl_, CURLOPT_MIMEPOST, this->mime);
+ #if defined(LIBOAI_DEBUG)
+ _liboai_dbg(
+ "[dbg] [@%s] Set multipart for Session (0x%p) using curl_mime_addpart() and CURLOPT_MIMEPOST.\n",
+ __func__, this
+ );
+ #endif
ErrorCheck(e, 6, "liboai::netimpl::Session::SetMultipart()");
this->hasBody = true;
@@ -512,6 +885,13 @@ void liboai::netimpl::Session::SetMultipart(components::Multipart&& multipart) {
e = curl_easy_setopt(this->curl_, CURLOPT_HTTPPOST, this->form);
+ #if defined(LIBOAI_DEBUG)
+ _liboai_dbg(
+ "[dbg] [@%s] Set multipart for Session (0x%p) using curl_formadd() and CURLOPT_HTTPPOST.\n",
+ __func__, this
+ );
+ #endif
ErrorCheck(fe, 2, "liboai::netimpl::Session::SetMultipart()");
ErrorCheck(e, "liboai::netimpl::Session::SetMultipart()");
@@ -564,6 +944,13 @@ void liboai::netimpl::Session::SetMultipart(components::Multipart&& multipart) {
e[5] = curl_easy_setopt(this->curl_, CURLOPT_MIMEPOST, this->mime);
+ #if defined(LIBOAI_DEBUG)
+ _liboai_dbg(
+ "[dbg] [@%s] Set multipart for Session (0x%p) using curl_mime_addpart() and CURLOPT_MIMEPOST.\n",
+ __func__, this
+ );
+ #endif
ErrorCheck(e, 6, "liboai::netimpl::Session::SetMultipart()");
this->hasBody = true;
@@ -571,6 +958,13 @@ void liboai::netimpl::Session::SetMultipart(components::Multipart&& multipart) {
std::string liboai::netimpl::CurlHolder::urlEncode(const std::string& s) {
+ #if defined(LIBOAI_DEBUG)
+ _liboai_dbg(
+ "[dbg] [@%s] URL-encode string \"%s\".\n",
+ __func__, s.c_str()
+ );
+ #endif
char* output = curl_easy_escape(this->curl_, s.c_str(), static_cast(s.length()));
if (output) {
std::string result = output;
@@ -581,6 +975,13 @@ std::string liboai::netimpl::CurlHolder::urlEncode(const std::string& s) {
std::string liboai::netimpl::CurlHolder::urlDecode(const std::string& s) {
+ #if defined(LIBOAI_DEBUG)
+ _liboai_dbg(
+ "[dbg] [@%s] URL-decode string \"%s\".\n",
+ __func__, s.c_str()
+ );
+ #endif
char* output = curl_easy_unescape(this->curl_, s.c_str(), static_cast(s.length()), nullptr);
if (output) {
std::string result = output;
@@ -601,17 +1002,38 @@ std::string liboai::netimpl::components::urlDecodeHelper(const std::string& s) {
size_t liboai::netimpl::components::writeUserFunction(char* ptr, size_t size, size_t nmemb, const WriteCallback* write) {
+ #if defined(LIBOAI_DEBUG)
+ _liboai_dbg(
+ "[dbg] [@%s] Called with %zu bytes.\n",
+ __func__, size * nmemb
+ );
+ #endif
size *= nmemb;
return (*write)({ ptr, size }) ? size : 0;
size_t liboai::netimpl::components::writeFunction(char* ptr, size_t size, size_t nmemb, std::string* data) {
+ #if defined(LIBOAI_DEBUG)
+ _liboai_dbg(
+ "[dbg] [@%s] Called with %zu bytes.\n",
+ __func__, size * nmemb
+ );
+ #endif
size *= nmemb;
data->append(ptr, size);
return size;
size_t liboai::netimpl::components::writeFileFunction(char* ptr, size_t size, size_t nmemb, std::ofstream* file) {
+ #if defined(LIBOAI_DEBUG)
+ _liboai_dbg(
+ "[dbg] [@%s] Called with %zu bytes.\n",
+ __func__, size * nmemb
+ );
+ #endif
size *= nmemb;
file->write(ptr, static_cast(size));
return size;
@@ -677,11 +1099,25 @@ liboai::netimpl::components::Parameters::Parameters(const std::initializer_list<
void liboai::netimpl::components::Parameters::Add(const std::initializer_list& parameters) {
for (const auto& parameter : parameters) {
this->parameters_.emplace_back(parameter.key, parameter.value);
+ #if defined(LIBOAI_DEBUG)
+ _liboai_dbg(
+ "[dbg] [@%s] Added parameter \"%s\" with value \"%s\".\n",
+ __func__, parameter.key.c_str(), parameter.value.c_str()
+ );
+ #endif
void liboai::netimpl::components::Parameters::Add(const Parameter& parameter) {
this->parameters_.emplace_back(parameter.key, parameter.value);
+ #if defined(LIBOAI_DEBUG)
+ _liboai_dbg(
+ "[dbg] [@%s] Added parameter \"%s\" with value \"%s\".\n",
+ __func__, parameter.key.c_str(), parameter.value.c_str()
+ );
+ #endif
bool liboai::netimpl::components::Parameters::Empty() const {
@@ -701,6 +1137,13 @@ std::string liboai::netimpl::components::Parameters::BuildParameterString() cons
+ #if defined(LIBOAI_DEBUG)
+ _liboai_dbg(
+ "[dbg] [@%s] Built parameter string \"%s\".\n",
+ __func__, parameter_string.c_str()
+ );
+ #endif
return parameter_string;
@@ -738,6 +1181,13 @@ void liboai::netimpl::Session::SetHeader(const components::Header& header) {
e = curl_easy_setopt(this->curl_, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, this->headers);
+ #if defined(LIBOAI_DEBUG)
+ _liboai_dbg(
+ "[dbg] [@%s] Set headers.\n",
+ __func__
+ );
+ #endif
ErrorCheck(e, "liboai::netimpl::Session::SetHeader()");
@@ -748,6 +1198,13 @@ void liboai::netimpl::Session::SetOption(const components::Parameters& parameter
void liboai::netimpl::Session::SetParameters(const components::Parameters& parameters) {
if (!parameters.Empty()) {
this->parameter_string_ = parameters.BuildParameterString();
+ #if defined(LIBOAI_DEBUG)
+ _liboai_dbg(
+ "[dbg] [@%s] Set parameters.\n",
+ __func__
+ );
+ #endif
@@ -758,6 +1215,13 @@ void liboai::netimpl::Session::SetOption(components::Parameters&& parameters) {
void liboai::netimpl::Session::SetParameters(components::Parameters&& parameters) {
if (!parameters.Empty()) {
this->parameter_string_ = parameters.BuildParameterString();
+ #if defined(LIBOAI_DEBUG)
+ _liboai_dbg(
+ "[dbg] [@%s] Set parameters.\n",
+ __func__
+ );
+ #endif
@@ -767,6 +1231,14 @@ void liboai::netimpl::Session::SetOption(const components::Timeout& timeout) {
void liboai::netimpl::Session::SetTimeout(const components::Timeout& timeout) {
CURLcode e = curl_easy_setopt(this->curl_, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT_MS, timeout.Milliseconds());
+ #if defined(LIBOAI_DEBUG)
+ _liboai_dbg(
+ "[dbg] [@%s] Set timeout to %ld milliseconds\n",
+ __func__, timeout.Milliseconds()
+ );
+ #endif
ErrorCheck(e, "liboai::netimpl::Session::SetTimeout()");
@@ -776,6 +1248,13 @@ void liboai::netimpl::Session::SetOption(const components::Proxies& proxies) {
void liboai::netimpl::Session::SetProxies(const components::Proxies& proxies) {
this->proxies_ = proxies;
+ #if defined(LIBOAI_DEBUG)
+ _liboai_dbg(
+ "[dbg] [@%s] Set proxies.\n",
+ __func__
+ );
+ #endif
void liboai::netimpl::Session::SetOption(components::Proxies&& proxies) {
@@ -784,6 +1263,13 @@ void liboai::netimpl::Session::SetOption(components::Proxies&& proxies) {
void liboai::netimpl::Session::SetProxies(components::Proxies&& proxies) {
this->proxies_ = std::move(proxies);
+ #if defined(LIBOAI_DEBUG)
+ _liboai_dbg(
+ "[dbg] [@%s] Set proxies.\n",
+ __func__
+ );
+ #endif
void liboai::netimpl::Session::SetOption(const components::ProxyAuthentication& proxy_auth) {
@@ -792,6 +1278,13 @@ void liboai::netimpl::Session::SetOption(const components::ProxyAuthentication&
void liboai::netimpl::Session::SetProxyAuthentication(const components::ProxyAuthentication& proxy_auth) {
this->proxyAuth_ = proxy_auth;
+ #if defined(LIBOAI_DEBUG)
+ _liboai_dbg(
+ "[dbg] [@%s] Set proxy authentication.\n",
+ __func__
+ );
+ #endif
void liboai::netimpl::Session::SetOption(components::ProxyAuthentication&& proxy_auth) {
@@ -800,6 +1293,13 @@ void liboai::netimpl::Session::SetOption(components::ProxyAuthentication&& proxy
void liboai::netimpl::Session::SetProxyAuthentication(components::ProxyAuthentication&& proxy_auth) {
this->proxyAuth_ = std::move(proxy_auth);
+ #if defined(LIBOAI_DEBUG)
+ _liboai_dbg(
+ "[dbg] [@%s] Set proxy authentication.\n",
+ __func__
+ );
+ #endif
void liboai::netimpl::Session::SetOption(const components::WriteCallback& write) {
@@ -814,6 +1314,36 @@ void liboai::netimpl::Session::SetWriteCallback(const components::WriteCallback&
this->write_ = write;
e[1] = curl_easy_setopt(this->curl_, CURLOPT_WRITEDATA, &this->write_);
+ #if defined(LIBOAI_DEBUG)
+ _liboai_dbg(
+ "[dbg] [@%s] Set user supplied write callback.\n",
+ __func__
+ );
+ #endif
+ ErrorCheck(e, 2, "liboai::netimpl::Session::SetWriteCallback()");
+ }
+void liboai::netimpl::Session::SetOption(components::WriteCallback&& write) {
+ this->SetWriteCallback(std::move(write));
+void liboai::netimpl::Session::SetWriteCallback(components::WriteCallback&& write) {
+ if (write.callback) {
+ CURLcode e[2]; memset(e, CURLcode::CURLE_OK, sizeof(e));
+ e[0] = curl_easy_setopt(this->curl_, CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION, components::writeUserFunction);
+ this->write_ = std::move(write);
+ e[1] = curl_easy_setopt(this->curl_, CURLOPT_WRITEDATA, &this->write_);
+ #if defined(LIBOAI_DEBUG)
+ _liboai_dbg(
+ "[dbg] [@%s] Set user supplied write callback.\n",
+ __func__
+ );
+ #endif
ErrorCheck(e, 2, "liboai::netimpl::Session::SetWriteCallback()");
@@ -945,4 +1475,4 @@ void liboai::netimpl::ErrorCheck(CURLcode ecode, std::string_view where) {
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/liboai/include/components/azure.h b/liboai/include/components/azure.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..792364a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/liboai/include/components/azure.h
@@ -0,0 +1,301 @@
+#pragma once
+ azure.h : Azure component class for OpenAI.
+ Azure provides their own API for access to the OpenAI API.
+ This class provides methods that, provided that the proper
+ Azure authentication information has been set, allows users
+ to access the OpenAI API through Azure.
+#include "../core/authorization.h"
+#include "../core/response.h"
+#include "chat.h"
+namespace liboai {
+ class Azure final : private Network {
+ public:
+ Azure() = default;
+ ~Azure() = default;
+ Azure(const Azure&) = delete;
+ Azure(Azure&&) = delete;
+ Azure& operator=(const Azure&) = delete;
+ Azure& operator=(Azure&&) = delete;
+ /*
+ @brief Given a prompt, the model will return one or more
+ predicted completions, and can also return the
+ probabilities of alternative tokens at each position.
+ @param *resource_name The name of your Azure OpenAI Resource.
+ @param *deployment_id The deployment name you chose when you deployed the model.
+ @param *api_version The API version to use for this operation. This follows the YYYY-MM-DD format.
+ @param Refer to liboai::Completions::create for more information on the remaining parameters.
+ @returns A liboai::Response object containing the image(s)
+ data in JSON format.
+ */
+ LIBOAI_EXPORT liboai::Response create_completion(
+ const std::string& resource_name,
+ const std::string& deployment_id,
+ const std::string& api_version,
+ std::optional prompt = std::nullopt,
+ std::optional suffix = std::nullopt,
+ std::optional max_tokens = std::nullopt,
+ std::optional temperature = std::nullopt,
+ std::optional top_p = std::nullopt,
+ std::optional n = std::nullopt,
+ std::optional> stream = std::nullopt,
+ std::optional logprobs = std::nullopt,
+ std::optional echo = std::nullopt,
+ std::optional> stop = std::nullopt,
+ std::optional presence_penalty = std::nullopt,
+ std::optional frequency_penalty = std::nullopt,
+ std::optional best_of = std::nullopt,
+ std::optional> logit_bias = std::nullopt,
+ std::optional user = std::nullopt
+ ) const & noexcept(false);
+ /*
+ @brief Given a prompt, the model will asynchronously return
+ one or more predicted completions, and can also return the
+ probabilities of alternative tokens at each position.
+ @param *resource_name The name of your Azure OpenAI Resource.
+ @param *deployment_id The deployment name you chose when you deployed the model.
+ @param *api_version The API version to use for this operation. This follows the YYYY-MM-DD format.
+ @param Refer to liboai::Completions::create for more information on the remaining parameters.
+ @returns A liboai::Response object containing the image(s)
+ data in JSON format.
+ */
+ LIBOAI_EXPORT liboai::FutureResponse create_completion_async(
+ const std::string& resource_name,
+ const std::string& deployment_id,
+ const std::string& api_version,
+ std::optional prompt = std::nullopt,
+ std::optional suffix = std::nullopt,
+ std::optional max_tokens = std::nullopt,
+ std::optional temperature = std::nullopt,
+ std::optional top_p = std::nullopt,
+ std::optional n = std::nullopt,
+ std::optional> stream = std::nullopt,
+ std::optional logprobs = std::nullopt,
+ std::optional echo = std::nullopt,
+ std::optional> stop = std::nullopt,
+ std::optional presence_penalty = std::nullopt,
+ std::optional frequency_penalty = std::nullopt,
+ std::optional best_of = std::nullopt,
+ std::optional> logit_bias = std::nullopt,
+ std::optional user = std::nullopt
+ ) const & noexcept(false);
+ /*
+ @brief Creates an embedding vector representing the input text.
+ @param *resource_name The name of your Azure OpenAI Resource.
+ @param *deployment_id The deployment name you chose when you deployed the model.
+ @param *api_version The API version to use for this operation. This follows the YYYY-MM-DD format.
+ @param *input Input text to get embeddings for, encoded as a string. The number of input tokens
+ varies depending on what model you are using.
+ @param Refer to liboai::Embeddings::create for more information on the remaining parameters.
+ @return A liboai::Response object containing the image(s)
+ data in JSON format.
+ */
+ LIBOAI_EXPORT liboai::Response create_embedding(
+ const std::string& resource_name,
+ const std::string& deployment_id,
+ const std::string& api_version,
+ const std::string& input,
+ std::optional user = std::nullopt
+ ) const & noexcept(false);
+ /*
+ @brief Asynchronously creates an embedding vector representing the input text.
+ @param *resource_name The name of your Azure OpenAI Resource.
+ @param *deployment_id The deployment name you chose when you deployed the model.
+ @param *api_version The API version to use for this operation. This follows the YYYY-MM-DD format.
+ @param *input Input text to get embeddings for, encoded as a string. The number of input tokens
+ varies depending on what model you are using.
+ @param Refer to liboai::Embeddings::create for more information on the remaining parameters.
+ @return A liboai::Response object containing the image(s)
+ data in JSON format.
+ */
+ LIBOAI_EXPORT liboai::FutureResponse create_embedding_async(
+ const std::string& resource_name,
+ const std::string& deployment_id,
+ const std::string& api_version,
+ const std::string& input,
+ std::optional user = std::nullopt
+ ) const & noexcept(false);
+ /*
+ @brief Creates a completion for the chat message.
+ @param *resource_name The name of your Azure OpenAI Resource.
+ @param *deployment_id The deployment name you chose when you deployed the model.
+ @param *api_version The API version to use for this operation. This follows the YYYY-MM-DD format.
+ @param *conversation A Conversation object containing the conversation data.
+ @param Refer to liboai::Chat::create for more information on the remaining parameters.
+ @returns A liboai::Response object containing the
+ data in JSON format.
+ */
+ LIBOAI_EXPORT liboai::Response create_chat_completion(
+ const std::string& resource_name,
+ const std::string& deployment_id,
+ const std::string& api_version,
+ const Conversation& conversation,
+ std::optional temperature = std::nullopt,
+ std::optional n = std::nullopt,
+ std::optional> stream = std::nullopt,
+ std::optional> stop = std::nullopt,
+ std::optional max_tokens = std::nullopt,
+ std::optional presence_penalty = std::nullopt,
+ std::optional frequency_penalty = std::nullopt,
+ std::optional> logit_bias = std::nullopt,
+ std::optional user = std::nullopt
+ ) const & noexcept(false);
+ /*
+ @brief Asynchronously creates a completion for the chat message.
+ @param *resource_name The name of your Azure OpenAI Resource.
+ @param *deployment_id The deployment name you chose when you deployed the model.
+ @param *api_version The API version to use for this operation. This follows the YYYY-MM-DD format.
+ @param *conversation A Conversation object containing the conversation data.
+ @param Refer to liboai::Chat::create for more information on the remaining parameters.
+ @returns A liboai::Response object containing the
+ data in JSON format.
+ */
+ LIBOAI_EXPORT liboai::FutureResponse create_chat_completion_async(
+ const std::string& resource_name,
+ const std::string& deployment_id,
+ const std::string& api_version,
+ const Conversation& conversation,
+ std::optional temperature = std::nullopt,
+ std::optional n = std::nullopt,
+ std::optional> stream = std::nullopt,
+ std::optional> stop = std::nullopt,
+ std::optional max_tokens = std::nullopt,
+ std::optional presence_penalty = std::nullopt,
+ std::optional frequency_penalty = std::nullopt,
+ std::optional> logit_bias = std::nullopt,
+ std::optional user = std::nullopt
+ ) const & noexcept(false);
+ /*
+ @brief Generate a batch of images from a text caption.
+ Image generation is currently only available with api-version=2023-06-01-preview.
+ @param *resource_name The name of your Azure OpenAI Resource.
+ @param *api_version The API version to use for this operation. This follows the YYYY-MM-DD format.
+ @param *prompt The text to create an image from.
+ @param n The number of images to create.
+ @param size The size of the image to create.
+ @returns A liboai::Response object containing the image(s)
+ data in JSON format.
+ */
+ LIBOAI_EXPORT liboai::Response request_image_generation(
+ const std::string& resource_name,
+ const std::string& api_version,
+ const std::string& prompt,
+ std::optional n = std::nullopt,
+ std::optional size = std::nullopt
+ ) const & noexcept(false);
+ /*
+ @brief Asynchronously generate a batch of images from a text caption.
+ Image generation is currently only available with api-version=2023-06-01-preview.
+ @param *resource_name The name of your Azure OpenAI Resource.
+ @param *api_version The API version to use for this operation. This follows the YYYY-MM-DD format.
+ @param *prompt The text to create an image from.
+ @param n The number of images to create.
+ @param size The size of the image to create.
+ @returns A liboai::Response object containing the image(s)
+ data in JSON format.
+ */
+ LIBOAI_EXPORT liboai::FutureResponse request_image_generation_async(
+ const std::string& resource_name,
+ const std::string& api_version,
+ const std::string& prompt,
+ std::optional n = std::nullopt,
+ std::optional size = std::nullopt
+ ) const & noexcept(false);
+ /*
+ @brief Retrieve the results (URL) of a previously called image generation operation.
+ @param *resource_name The name of your Azure OpenAI Resource.
+ @param *api_version The API version to use for this operation. This follows the YYYY-MM-DD format.
+ @param *operation_id The GUID that identifies the original image generation request.
+ @returns A liboai::Response object containing the image(s)
+ data in JSON format.
+ */
+ LIBOAI_EXPORT liboai::Response get_generated_image(
+ const std::string& resource_name,
+ const std::string& api_version,
+ const std::string& operation_id
+ ) const & noexcept(false);
+ /*
+ @brief Asynchronously retrieve the results (URL) of a previously called image generation operation.
+ @param *resource_name The name of your Azure OpenAI Resource.
+ @param *api_version The API version to use for this operation. This follows the YYYY-MM-DD format.
+ @param *operation_id The GUID that identifies the original image generation request.
+ @returns A liboai::Response object containing the image(s)
+ data in JSON format.
+ */
+ LIBOAI_EXPORT liboai::FutureResponse get_generated_image_async(
+ const std::string& resource_name,
+ const std::string& api_version,
+ const std::string& operation_id
+ ) const & noexcept(false);
+ /*
+ @brief Deletes the corresponding image from the Azure server.
+ @param *resource_name The name of your Azure OpenAI Resource.
+ @param *api_version The API version to use for this operation. This follows the YYYY-MM-DD format.
+ @param *operation_id The GUID that identifies the original image generation request.
+ @returns A liboai::Response object containing the image(s)
+ data in JSON format.
+ */
+ LIBOAI_EXPORT liboai::Response delete_generated_image(
+ const std::string& resource_name,
+ const std::string& api_version,
+ const std::string& operation_id
+ ) const & noexcept(false);
+ /*
+ @brief Asynchronously deletes the corresponding image from the Azure server.
+ @param *resource_name The name of your Azure OpenAI Resource.
+ @param *api_version The API version to use for this operation. This follows the YYYY-MM-DD format.
+ @param *operation_id The GUID that identifies the original image generation request.
+ @returns A liboai::Response object containing the image(s)
+ data in JSON format.
+ */
+ LIBOAI_EXPORT liboai::FutureResponse delete_generated_image_async(
+ const std::string& resource_name,
+ const std::string& api_version,
+ const std::string& operation_id
+ ) const & noexcept(false);
+ private:
+ Authorization& auth_ = Authorization::Authorizer();
+ };
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/liboai/include/components/fine_tunes.h b/liboai/include/components/fine_tunes.h
index 9947739..e18f8a4 100644
--- a/liboai/include/components/fine_tunes.h
+++ b/liboai/include/components/fine_tunes.h
@@ -203,6 +203,30 @@ namespace liboai {
std::optional> stream = std::nullopt
) const & noexcept(false);
+ /*
+ @brief Delete a fine-tuned model. You must have the Owner role in your organization.
+ @param *model The model to delete
+ @return A liboai::Response future containing the image(s)
+ data in JSON format.
+ */
+ LIBOAI_EXPORT liboai::Response remove(
+ const std::string& model
+ ) const & noexcept(false);
+ /*
+ @brief Asynchronously deletes a fine-tuned model. You must have the Owner role in your organization.
+ @param *model The model to delete
+ @return A liboai::Response future containing the image(s)
+ data in JSON format.
+ */
+ LIBOAI_EXPORT liboai::FutureResponse remove_async(
+ const std::string& model
+ ) const & noexcept(false);
Authorization& auth_ = Authorization::Authorizer();
diff --git a/liboai/include/components/models.h b/liboai/include/components/models.h
index 3af6d99..0ecc026 100644
--- a/liboai/include/components/models.h
+++ b/liboai/include/components/models.h
@@ -64,30 +64,6 @@ namespace liboai {
LIBOAI_EXPORT liboai::FutureResponse retrieve_async(
const std::string& model
) const & noexcept(false);
- /*
- @brief Delete a fine-tuned model.
- #param *model The model to delete.
- @returns A liboai::Response object containing the image(s)
- data in JSON format.
- */
- LIBOAI_EXPORT liboai::Response remove(
- const std::string& model
- ) const & noexcept(false);
- /*
- @brief Asynchronously delete a fine-tuned model.
- #param *model The model to delete.
- @returns A liboai::Response future containing the image(s)
- data in JSON format.
- */
- LIBOAI_EXPORT liboai::FutureResponse remove_async(
- const std::string& model
- ) const & noexcept(false);
Authorization& auth_ = Authorization::Authorizer();
diff --git a/liboai/include/core/authorization.h b/liboai/include/core/authorization.h
index 243d322..cccff55 100644
--- a/liboai/include/core/authorization.h
+++ b/liboai/include/core/authorization.h
@@ -52,6 +52,24 @@ namespace liboai {
LIBOAI_EXPORT bool SetKey(std::string_view key) noexcept;
+ /*
+ @brief Sets the authorization key for the Azure OpenAI API
+ as the passed string.
+ @param key : The authorization key to use in Azure component calls.
+ @returns True if the key was set successfully, false otherwise.
+ */
+ [[nodiscard]]
+ LIBOAI_EXPORT bool SetAzureKey(std::string_view key) noexcept;
+ /*
+ @brief Sets the Active Directory authorization token for the Azure OpenAI API
+ as the passed string.
+ @param key : The authorization key to use in Azure component calls.
+ @returns True if the key was set successfully, false otherwise.
+ */
+ [[nodiscard]]
+ LIBOAI_EXPORT bool SetAzureKeyAD(std::string_view key) noexcept;
@brief Sets the authorization key for the OpenAI API
as the first line present in the file at the passed path.
@@ -61,6 +79,24 @@ namespace liboai {
LIBOAI_EXPORT bool SetKeyFile(const std::filesystem::path& path) noexcept;
+ /*
+ @brief Sets the authorization key for the Azure OpenAI API
+ as the first line present in the file at the passed path.
+ @param key : The path to the file containing the authorization key.
+ @returns True if the key was set successfully, false otherwise.
+ */
+ [[nodiscard]]
+ LIBOAI_EXPORT bool SetAzureKeyFile(const std::filesystem::path& path) noexcept;
+ /*
+ @brief Sets the Active Directory authorization token for the Azure OpenAI API
+ as the first line present in the file at the passed path.
+ @param key : The path to the file containing the authorization key.
+ @returns True if the key was set successfully, false otherwise.
+ */
+ [[nodiscard]]
+ LIBOAI_EXPORT bool SetAzureKeyFileAD(const std::filesystem::path& path) noexcept;
@brief Sets the authorization key for the OpenAI API
as the value stored in the environment variable with
@@ -71,6 +107,28 @@ namespace liboai {
LIBOAI_EXPORT bool SetKeyEnv(std::string_view var) noexcept;
+ /*
+ @brief Sets the authorization key for the Azure OpenAI API
+ as the value stored in the environment variable with
+ the passed name.
+ @param var : The name of the environment variable to
+ retrieve the authorization key from.
+ @returns True if the key was set successfully, false otherwise.
+ */
+ [[nodiscard]]
+ LIBOAI_EXPORT bool SetAzureKeyEnv(std::string_view var) noexcept;
+ /*
+ @brief Sets the Active Directory authorization token for the Azure OpenAI API
+ as the value stored in the environment variable with
+ the passed name.
+ @param var : The name of the environment variable to
+ retrieve the authorization key from.
+ @returns True if the key was set successfully, false otherwise.
+ */
+ [[nodiscard]]
+ LIBOAI_EXPORT bool SetAzureKeyEnvAD(std::string_view var) noexcept;
@brief Sets the organization identifier as the passed
@@ -175,11 +233,18 @@ namespace liboai {
currently set authorization information for use
in component calls.
- constexpr const netimpl::components::Header& GetAuthorizationHeaders() const noexcept { return this->auth_headers_; }
+ constexpr const netimpl::components::Header& GetAuthorizationHeaders() const noexcept { return this->openai_auth_headers_; }
+ /*
+ @returns An authorization header with the
+ currently set Azure authorization information for use
+ in Azure component calls.
+ */
+ constexpr const netimpl::components::Header& GetAzureAuthorizationHeaders() const noexcept { return this->azure_auth_headers_; }
private: // member variables
std::string key_, org_;
- netimpl::components::Header auth_headers_;
+ netimpl::components::Header openai_auth_headers_, azure_auth_headers_;
netimpl::components::Proxies proxies_;
netimpl::components::ProxyAuthentication proxyAuth_;
netimpl::components::Timeout timeout_ = { 30000 };
diff --git a/liboai/include/core/exception.h b/liboai/include/core/exception.h
index 69a0e7f..3a149d7 100644
--- a/liboai/include/core/exception.h
+++ b/liboai/include/core/exception.h
@@ -11,6 +11,10 @@
+#if defined(LIBOAI_DEBUG)
+ #define _liboai_dbg(fmt, ...) printf(fmt, __VA_ARGS__);
namespace liboai {
namespace exception {
enum class EType : uint8_t {
diff --git a/liboai/include/core/netimpl.h b/liboai/include/core/netimpl.h
index b11e2b8..94d9b1a 100644
--- a/liboai/include/core/netimpl.h
+++ b/liboai/include/core/netimpl.h
@@ -172,8 +172,8 @@ namespace liboai {
struct File final {
explicit File(std::string p_filepath, const std::string& p_overrided_filename = {}) : filepath(std::move(p_filepath)), overrided_filename(p_overrided_filename) {}
- const std::string filepath;
- const std::string overrided_filename;
+ std::string filepath;
+ std::string overrided_filename;
bool hasOverridedFilename() const noexcept {
return !overrided_filename.empty();
@@ -228,6 +228,8 @@ namespace liboai {
class Body final : public StringHolder {
Body() = default;
+ Body(const Body& other) { this->str_ = other.str_; }
+ Body(Body&& old) noexcept { this->str_ = std::move(old.str_); }
Body(std::string body) : StringHolder(std::move(body)) {}
Body(std::string_view body) : StringHolder(body) {}
Body(const char* body) : StringHolder(body) {}
@@ -247,12 +249,16 @@ namespace liboai {, length);
str_ = std::move(buffer);
- Body(const Body& other) = default;
- Body(Body&& old) noexcept = default;
~Body() override = default;
- Body& operator=(Body&& old) noexcept = default;
- Body& operator=(const Body& other) = default;
+ Body& operator=(Body&& old) noexcept {
+ this->str_ = std::move(old.str_);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ Body& operator=(const Body& other) {
+ this->str_ = other.str_;
+ return *this;
+ }
struct Buffer final {
@@ -293,6 +299,23 @@ namespace liboai {
class Multipart final {
+ Multipart() = default;
+ Multipart(const Multipart& other) {
+ this->parts =;
+ }
+ Multipart(Multipart&& old) noexcept {
+ this->parts = std::move(;
+ }
+ Multipart& operator=(const Multipart& other) {
+ this->parts =;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ Multipart& operator=(Multipart&& old) noexcept {
+ this->parts = std::move(;
+ return *this;
+ }
Multipart(const std::initializer_list& parts);
std::vector parts;
@@ -308,8 +331,28 @@ namespace liboai {
using Header = std::map;
struct Parameter final {
+ Parameter() = default;
+ Parameter(const Parameter& other) {
+ this->key = other.key;
+ this->value = other.value;
+ }
+ Parameter(Parameter&& old) noexcept {
+ this->key = std::move(old.key);
+ this->value = std::move(old.value);
+ }
Parameter(std::string p_key, std::string p_value) : key{ std::move(p_key) }, value{ std::move(p_value) } {}
+ Parameter& operator=(const Parameter& other) {
+ this->key = other.key;
+ this->value = other.value;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ Parameter& operator=(Parameter&& old) noexcept {
+ this->key = std::move(old.key);
+ this->value = std::move(old.value);
+ return *this;
+ }
std::string key;
std::string value;
@@ -317,8 +360,23 @@ namespace liboai {
class Parameters final {
Parameters() = default;
+ Parameters(const Parameters& other) {
+ this->parameters_ = other.parameters_;
+ }
+ Parameters(Parameters&& old) noexcept {
+ this->parameters_ = std::move(old.parameters_);
+ }
Parameters(const std::initializer_list& parameters);
+ Parameters& operator=(const Parameters& other) {
+ this->parameters_ = other.parameters_;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ Parameters& operator=(Parameters&& old) noexcept {
+ this->parameters_ = std::move(old.parameters_);
+ return *this;
+ }
void Add(const std::initializer_list& parameters);
void Add(const Parameter& parameter);
bool Empty() const;
@@ -342,9 +400,24 @@ namespace liboai {
class Proxies final {
Proxies() = default;
+ Proxies(const Proxies& other) {
+ this->hosts_ = other.hosts_;
+ }
+ Proxies(Proxies&& old) noexcept {
+ this->hosts_ = std::move(old.hosts_);
+ }
Proxies(const std::initializer_list>& hosts);
Proxies(const std::map& hosts);
+ Proxies& operator=(const Proxies& other) {
+ this->hosts_ = other.hosts_;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ Proxies& operator=(Proxies&& old) noexcept {
+ this->hosts_ = std::move(old.hosts_);
+ return *this;
+ }
bool has(const std::string& protocol) const;
const std::string& operator[](const std::string& protocol);
@@ -361,13 +434,27 @@ namespace liboai {
EncodedAuthentication() = default;
+ EncodedAuthentication(const EncodedAuthentication& other) {
+ this->username = other.username;
+ this->password = other.password;
+ }
+ EncodedAuthentication(EncodedAuthentication&& old) noexcept {
+ this->username = std::move(old.username);
+ this->password = std::move(old.password);
+ }
EncodedAuthentication(const std::string& p_username, const std::string& p_password) : username(urlEncodeHelper(p_username)), password(urlEncodeHelper(p_password)) {}
- EncodedAuthentication(const EncodedAuthentication& other) = default;
- EncodedAuthentication(EncodedAuthentication&& old) noexcept = default;
virtual ~EncodedAuthentication() noexcept;
- EncodedAuthentication& operator=(EncodedAuthentication&& old) noexcept = default;
- EncodedAuthentication& operator=(const EncodedAuthentication& other) = default;
+ EncodedAuthentication& operator=(EncodedAuthentication&& old) noexcept {
+ this->username = std::move(old.username);
+ this->password = std::move(old.password);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ EncodedAuthentication& operator=(const EncodedAuthentication& other) {
+ this->username = other.username;
+ this->password = other.password;
+ return *this;
+ }
[[nodiscard]] const std::string& GetUsername() const;
[[nodiscard]] const std::string& GetPassword() const;
@@ -382,9 +469,24 @@ namespace liboai {
class ProxyAuthentication final {
ProxyAuthentication() = default;
+ ProxyAuthentication(const ProxyAuthentication& other) {
+ this->proxyAuth_ = other.proxyAuth_;
+ }
+ ProxyAuthentication(ProxyAuthentication&& old) noexcept {
+ this->proxyAuth_ = std::move(old.proxyAuth_);
+ }
ProxyAuthentication(const std::initializer_list>& auths) : proxyAuth_{auths} {}
explicit ProxyAuthentication(const std::map& auths) : proxyAuth_{auths} {}
+ ProxyAuthentication& operator=(const ProxyAuthentication& other) {
+ this->proxyAuth_ = other.proxyAuth_;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ ProxyAuthentication& operator=(ProxyAuthentication&& old) noexcept {
+ this->proxyAuth_ = std::move(old.proxyAuth_);
+ return *this;
+ }
[[nodiscard]] bool has(const std::string& protocol) const;
const char* GetUsername(const std::string& protocol);
const char* GetPassword(const std::string& protocol);
@@ -396,10 +498,23 @@ namespace liboai {
class WriteCallback final {
WriteCallback() = default;
+ WriteCallback(const WriteCallback& other) : callback(other.callback), userdata(other.userdata) {}
+ WriteCallback(WriteCallback&& old) noexcept : callback(std::move(old.callback)), userdata(std::move(old.userdata)) {}
WriteCallback(std::function p_callback, intptr_t p_userdata = 0)
: userdata(p_userdata), callback(std::move(p_callback)) {}
- bool operator()(std::string data) const {
+ WriteCallback& operator=(const WriteCallback& other) {
+ this->callback = other.callback;
+ this->userdata = other.userdata;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ WriteCallback& operator=(WriteCallback&& old) noexcept {
+ this->callback = std::move(old.callback);
+ this->userdata = std::move(old.userdata);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ [[nodiscard]] bool operator()(std::string data) const {
return callback(std::move(data), userdata);
@@ -486,6 +601,8 @@ namespace liboai {
void SetOption(const components::WriteCallback& write);
void SetWriteCallback(const components::WriteCallback& write);
+ void SetOption(components::WriteCallback&& write);
+ void SetWriteCallback(components::WriteCallback&& write);
long status_code = 0; double elapsed = 0.0;
std::string status_line{}, content{}, url_str{}, reason{};
@@ -541,4 +658,4 @@ namespace liboai {
(session.SetOption(std::forward<_Options>(opts)), ...);
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/liboai/include/core/network.h b/liboai/include/core/network.h
index 87ceb5a..b82a3bd 100644
--- a/liboai/include/core/network.h
+++ b/liboai/include/core/network.h
@@ -74,8 +74,8 @@ namespace liboai {
return res.status_code == 200;
- }
+ }
enum class Method : uint8_t {
@@ -87,6 +87,7 @@ namespace liboai {
std::enable_if_t>...>, int> = 0>
inline Response Request(
const Method& http_method,
+ const std::string& root,
const std::string& endpoint,
const std::string& content_type,
std::optional headers = std::nullopt,
@@ -104,14 +105,14 @@ namespace liboai {
Response res;
if constexpr (sizeof...(parameters) > 0) {
res = Network::MethodSchema::_method[static_cast(http_method)](
- netimpl::components::Url { this->root_ + endpoint },
+ netimpl::components::Url { root + endpoint },
else {
res = Network::MethodSchema::_method[static_cast(http_method)](
- netimpl::components::Url { this->root_ + endpoint },
+ netimpl::components::Url { root + endpoint },
@@ -132,6 +133,9 @@ namespace liboai {
return false;
+ const std::string openai_root_ = "";
+ const std::string azure_root_ = "";
template struct MethodSchema {
@@ -141,6 +145,5 @@ namespace liboai {
- const std::string root_ = "";
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/liboai/include/liboai.h b/liboai/include/liboai.h
index 1f5eccd..8fb628d 100644
--- a/liboai/include/liboai.h
+++ b/liboai/include/liboai.h
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@
#include "components/audio.h"
+#include "components/azure.h"
#include "components/chat.h"
#include "components/completions.h"
#include "components/edits.h"
@@ -55,6 +56,12 @@ namespace liboai {
std::unique_ptr Audio = std::make_unique();
+ /*
+ @brief A pointer to the Azure component class that
+ provides access to its API endpoints.
+ */
+ std::unique_ptr Azure = std::make_unique();
@brief A pointer to the Chat component class that
provides access to its OpenAI API endpoints.
@@ -109,7 +116,7 @@ namespace liboai {
std::unique_ptr Moderation = std::make_unique();
- public:
+ public:
@brief Convenience reference to the Authorization class
singleton used to set authorization information.