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183 lines (148 loc) · 4.61 KB

File metadata and controls

183 lines (148 loc) · 4.61 KB


The following document describes the necessary steps involved that a validator must take in order to prepare phoenix-1. The Terra team will post an official updated penultimate-genesis.json and genesis.json file, but it is recommended that validators execute the following instructions in order to verify the resulting genesis file.

Timeline (Expected)

  • Fri May 27 2022 18:00:00 GMT+0900 (KST)

  • Thu May 27 2022 09:00:00 GMT+0000 (UTC)

    Share preultimate-genesis.json and start to collect gen_txs from the validators.

  • Sat May 28 2022 12:00:00 GMT+0900 (KST)

  • Sat May 28 2022 03:00:00 GMT+0000 (UTC)

    Finish collecting gen_txs and build & share genesis.json

  • Sat May 28 2022 15:00:00 GMT+0900 (KST)

  • Sat May 28 2022 06:00:00 GMT+0000 (UTC)

    Launch network


  1. Stop node
sudo systemctl stop terrad
  1. Checkout state exporter and install
git clone
cd core-genesis-exporter
make install
  1. Verify the exporter binary versions
terrad version --long
name: terra
server_name: terrad
version: ""
commit: 2565577ccf47d1b11a82d77500a0cb880080a70c
build_tags: netgo,ledger
go: go version go1.18 darwin/arm64
  1. Take pre-attack snapshot
terrad export --height 7544910 > pre-attack-snapshot.json
  1. Take post-attack snapshot
terrad export --height 7790000 > post-attack-snapshot.json
  1. Verify the SHA256 of the (sorted) pre-attack & post-attack export snapshots
# pre-attack
jq -S -c -M '' pre-attack-snapshot.json | shasum -a 256

# post-attack
jq -S -c -M '' post-attack-snapshot.json | shasum -a 256

Penultimate Genesis

Assume this steps will be happening in the same machine with Snapshot.

  1. Checkout genesis builder
git clone
  1. Move pre-attack and post-attack snapshots into genesis-tools
mv ./pre-attack-snapshot.json ./post-attack-snapshot.json ./genesis-tools
  1. Run genesis builder script
# install dependency
pip3 install bech32
pip3 install python-dateutil

python3 ./src/ \
    ./genesis-template.json \
    ./pre-attack-snapshot.json \
    ./post-attack-snapshot.json \
    ./genesis-validators.json \
    --genesis-time=2022-05-28T06:00:00.000000Z \
    --chain-id=phoenix-1 \
    > penultimate-genesis.json
  1. Verify the SHA256 of the (sorted) penultimate-genesis.json
jq -S -c -M '' penultimate-genesis.json | shasum -a 256


Assume this steps will be happening in new validator machine with validator setup (terra init).

  1. Checkout and install Terra 2.0 core
# checkout and install
git clone
cd core
git checkout v2.0.0
make install
  1. Verify the binary version
terrad version --long
name: terra
server_name: terrad
version: v2.0.0
commit: ea682c41e7e71ba0b182c9e7f989855fb9595885
build_tags: netgo ledger,
go: go version go1.18.2 linux/amd64
  1. Prepare Environment
# install or move penultimate-genesis.json to server

# move genesis to config location
mv ./penultimate-genesis.json ~/.terra/config/genesis.json
  1. Execute GenTx
terrad gentx validator 1000000uluna \
    --chain-id="phoenix-1" \
    --pubkey=$(terrad tendermint show-validator) \
    --security-contact="[email protected]" \
    --moniker=AAA \
    --details="Trusted security provider for Terra Network and projects building on Terra." \
    --identity="AAAAAAAAAAAA" \
    --commission-rate="0.1" \
    --commission-max-rate="0.2" \
    --commission-max-change-rate="0.01" \
    --node-id="$(tr -dc 'a-f0-9' < /dev/urandom | head -c40)" \
  1. Upload generated GenTx file to this repository's gentx folder via PR.
ls ~/.terra/config/gentx/*

Collect GenTxs

Assume this steps will be happening in the same machine with GenTx.

  1. Download gentx files and locate to terra home config.
git clone
cd genesis-tools
mv ./gentx/* ~/.terra/config/gentx/
  1. Execute collect-gentxs
terrad collect-gentxs
  1. Verify the SHA256 of the (sorted) final genesis
jq -S -c -M '' ~/.terra/config/genesis.json | shasum -a 256

Launch Network

Execute binary and wait until network launch

sudo systemctl start terrad