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Workflow Validation

Ling-Xiao Yang edited this page Mar 24, 2016 · 4 revisions

Only valid Workflows can be used to create WorkflowRuns. In order to be valid, a Workflow must have all its elements (WorkflowJob, InputPort, OutputPort, Connection) valid, and its workflow graph valid.

  1. For any WorkflowJob in the Workflow:
  • it has at least one OutputPort
  • the number of its InputPort and OutputPort should satisfy the requirements of InputPortType and OutputPortType of corresponding Job
  • each field in its setting should satisfy the requirements of the corresponding Job
  1. For any InputPort in the Workflow:
  • its InputPortType must belong to the underlying Job
  • it should have zero or one Connection
  1. For any OutputPort in the Workflow:
  • its OutputPortType must belong to the underlying Job
  • there must exist a common ResourceType between this OutputPort and its connected InputPorts.
  1. Finally, the workflow graph should:
  • be nonempty (have at least one WorkflowJob)
  • be connected, i.e., from any WorkflowJob it is possible to reach every other WorkflowJob in the Workflow (treating the Workflow's connections as undirected)
  • have no cycles.

Validation Error Table

Error Code Description Arguments
WFJ_NO_OP The WorkflowJob has no OutputPort. WorkflowJob
WFJ_TOO_FEW_IP The WorkflowJob has too few InputPorts. WorkflowJob, InputPortType
WFJ_TOO_MANY_IP The WorkflowJob has too many InputPorts. WorkflowJob, InputPortType
WFJ_TOO_FEW_OP The WorkflowJob has too few OutputPorts. WorkflowJob, OutputPortType
WFJ_TOO_MANY_OP The WorkflowJob has too many OutputPorts. WorkflowJob, OutputPortType
WFJ_INVALID_SETTINGS The WorkflowJob has invalid settings. WorkflowJob
IP_TYPE_MISMATCH The InputPortType of InputPort does not belong to the underlying Job of WorkflowJob. InputPort
IP_TOO_MANY_CONNECTIONS The InputPort has more than one connections. InputPort
OP_TYPE_MISMATCH The OutputPortType of OutputPort does not belong to the underlying Job of WorkflowJob. OutputPort
RESOURCETYPE_LIST_CONFLICT InputPort accepts a list of resources but OutputPort is not list-typed. OR OutputPort is list-typed but InputPort is not. OutputPort, InputPort
NO_COMMON_RESOURCETYPE There is no common ResourceType between an OutputPort and connected InputPorts. OutputPort, InputPort1, InputPort2, ..., InputPortN
WF_EMPTY Workflow is empty. None
WF_NOT_CONNECTED The Workflow is not connected. None
WF_HAS_CYCLES The Workflow has cycles. Connection (that causes the problem)

Example: the server may return -

    'associated_objects': {
        'workflowjobs': ['http://testserver/workflowjob/06b056b9282f445591c6f564e09bdae2/']
    'details': ['The WorkflowJob gamera.rotate has invalid settings.'],
    'error_code': 'WFJ_INVALID_SETTINGS'

Workflow Graph Validity Check Algorithm

Step 0 If there are no WorkflowJobs, the graph is empty. Terminate the algorithm.

Step 1 Initialize variable permanent_marks_global <- ∅ and temporary_marks_global <- ∅. Let U denotes to the universal set containing all WorkflowJobs.

Step 2 Initialize disjoint-set data structure: for every WorkflowJob as v, perform MakeSet(v).

Step 3 Perform following "integrated depth-first-search" subroutine on an arbitrary WorkflowJob in U\permanent_marks_global as w: (algorithm enhanced from cycle detection algorithm to perform connectivity check in one DFS)

  • If w ∈ temporary_marks_global, the graph HAS a cycle. Raise an exception.
  • If w ∉ permanent_marks_global:
    • temporary_marks_global <- temporary_marks_global ∪ {w}
    • Find all distinct WorkflowJobs whose input_ports are connected to output_ports of w, for every of them as v:
      • perform "integrated depth-first-search" subroutine on v.
      • perform Union(w, v)
    • permanent_marks_global <- permanent_marks_global ∪ {w}
    • temporary_marks_global <- temporary_marks_global - {w}

Step 4 If U\permanent_marks_global ≠ ∅, jump to Step 2

Step 5 If ∃w, v s.t., Find(w) ≠ Find(v), the graph is NOT connected. Terminate the algorithm.

Step 6 Declare that the graph is connected and has no cycles.

Examples of Workflow Validity

Example Validity
loop test Not valid. The Workflow has cycles.
merge test Valid.
branch test Valid.
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