SIM808 GPS/GPRS/GSM 是一款集成了四频段GSM/GPRS和GPS导航技术的Arduino扩展板。尺寸仅与一块信用卡相当,符合标准Arduino管脚分装,兼容Arduino UNO、 Leonardo、Mega等主控器。 SIM808相比上一代的SIM908在性能和稳定性上做了一定提升,除了正常的短信和电话功能外,还支持彩信、DTMF、FTP等功能。可以实现数据采集,无线数据收发等物联网应用。板载麦克风和耳机接口,节约了用户的使用成本,更加简单和方便,还可以通过外接天线接口直连GSM和GPS天线。 SIM808 GPS/GPRS/GSM Shield V1.0采用Simcom最新版SIM808模块,与市面上现有的SIM808模块相比,新版的模块具有更好的稳定性。
SKU: TEL0097
- 发送和接收GPRS数据(TCP/IP, HTTP等)
- 接收GPS数据和A-GPS数据
- 发送和接收短信
- 打电话和接电话
要使用这个库, 首先下载库文件, 将其粘贴到\Arduino\libraries目录中, 然后打开示例文件夹并在文件夹中运行演示。
* @fn DFRobot_SIM808
* @brief Constructor
* @param mySerial serial ports for communication, supporting hard and soft serial ports
* @n Tx, rx, and baudRate can also be passed in this order
* @return None
DFRobot_SIM808(SoftwareSerial *mySerial);
DFRobot_SIM808(HardwareSerial *mySerial);
DFRobot_SIM808(uint8_t tx, uint8_t rx, uint32_t baudRate = 9600);
* @fn getInstance
* @brief get instance of DFRobot_SIM808 class
* @return instance of DFRobot_SIM808 class
static DFRobot_SIM808* getInstance() { return inst; };
* @fn init
* @brief initialize DFRobot_SIM808 module including SIM card check & signal strength
* @return true if connected, false otherwise
bool init(void);
* @fn checkPowerUp
* @brief check if DFRobot_SIM808 module is powered on or not
* @return true on success, false on error
bool checkPowerUp(void);
* @fn powerUpDown
* @brief power Up DFRobot_SIM808 module (JP has to be soldered)
* @param pin pin 9 connected to JP jumper so we can power up and down through software
* @return None
void powerUpDown(uint8_t pin);
* @fn powerReset
* @brief power reset for SIM800 board
* @param pin (preconfigurated as OUTPUT)
* @return None
void powerReset(uint8_t pin);
* @fn sendSMS
* @brief send text SMS
* @param number phone number which SMS will be send to
* @param data message that will be send to
* @return true on success, false on error
bool sendSMS(char* number, char* data);
* @fn isSMSunread
* @brief Check if there is any UNREAD SMS: this function DOESN'T change the UNREAD status of the SMS
* @return returned value
* @retval 1~20 - on success, position/index where SMS is stored, suitable for the function ReadSMS
* @retval -1 - on error
* @retval 0 - there is no SMS with specified status (UNREAD)
char isSMSunread(void);
* @fn readSMS
* @brief read SMS, phone and date if getting a SMS message. It changes SMS status to READ
* @param messageIndex SIM position to read
* @param message buffer used to get SMS message
* @param length length of message buffer
* @param phone buffer used to get SMS's sender phone number
* @param datetime buffer used to get SMS's send datetime
* @return true on success, false on error
bool readSMS(int messageIndex, char *message, int length, char *phone, char *datetime);
* @fn readSMS
* @brief read SMS if getting a SMS message
* @param buffer buffer that get from DFRobot_SIM808 module(when getting a SMS, DFRobot_SIM808 module will return a buffer array)
* @param message buffer used to get SMS message
* @param check whether to check phone number(we may only want to read SMS from specified phone number)
* @return true on success, false on error
bool readSMS(int messageIndex, char *message, int length);
* @fn deleteSMS
* @brief delete SMS message on SIM card
* @param index the index number which SMS message will be delete
* @return true on success, false on error
bool deleteSMS(int index);
* @fn callUp
* @brief call someone
* @param number the phone number which you want to call
* @return true on success, false on error
bool callUp(char* number);
* @fn answer
* @brief auto answer if coming a call
* @return None
void answer(void);
* @fn hangup
* @brief hang up if coming a call
* @return true on success, false on error
bool hangup(void);
* @fn disableCLIPring
* @brief Disable +CLIP notification when an incoming call is active, RING text is always shown. See isCallActive function
* @note This is done in order no to overload serial outputCheck if there is a call active and get the phone number in that case
* @return true on success, false on error
bool disableCLIPring(void);
* @fn getSubscriberNumber
* @brief Get Subscriber Number (your number) using AT+CNUM command, but if nothing return, then
* @n you need to command this to your SIM900. (See AT+CPBS, AT+CPBW)
* @n AT+CPBS="ON"
* @n AT+CPBW=1,"+{Your Number}",145
* @n AT+CPBS="SM"
* @param number your phone number
* @return true on success, false on error
bool getSubscriberNumber(char *number);
* @fn isCallActive
* @brief Check if there is a call active and get the phone number in that case
* @param number Check if there is a call active and get the phone number in that case
* @return true on success, false on error
bool isCallActive(char *number);
* @fn getDateTime
* @brief get DateTime from SIM900 (see AT command: AT+CLTS=1) as string
* @param buffer DateTime from SIM900
* @return true on success, false on error
* @note If it doesn't work may be for two reasons:
* @n 1. Your carrier doesn't give that information
* @n 2. You have to configurate the SIM900 IC.
* @n - First with SIM900_Serial_Debug example try this AT command: AT+CLTS?
* @n - If response is 0, then it is disabled.
* @n - Enable it by: AT+CLTS=1
* @n - Now you have to save this config to EEPROM memory of SIM900 IC by: AT&W
* @n - Now, you have to power down and power up again the SIM900
* @n - Try now again: AT+CCLK?
* @n - It should work now
bool getDateTime(char *buffer);
* @fn getSignalStrength
* @brief get Signal Strength from SIM900 (see AT command: AT+CSQ) as integer
* @param buffer Signal Strength
* @return true on success, false on error
bool getSignalStrength(int *buffer);
* @fn sendUSSDSynchronous
* @brief Send USSD Command Synchronously (Blocking call until unsolicited response is received)
* @param ussdCommand command UUSD, ex: *123#
* @param resultCode char Result Code, see AT+CUSD command
* @param response string response
* @return true on success, false on error
bool sendUSSDSynchronous(char *ussdCommand, char *resultcode, char *response);
* @fn cancelUSSDSession
* @brief Cancel USSD Session
* @return true on success cancel active session, false on error or because no active session
bool cancelUSSDSession(void);
/*************************** DFRobot_SIM808 ***************************/
* @fn join
* @brief Connect the DFRobot_SIM808 module to the network.
* @param apn APN(Access Point Name)
* @param userName user name
* @param passWord pass word
* @return true if connected, false otherwise
bool join(const __FlashStringHelper *apn = 0, const __FlashStringHelper *userName = 0, const __FlashStringHelper *passWord = 0);
* @fn disconnect
* @brief Disconnect the DFRobot_SIM808 module from the network
* @return None
void disconnect(void);
* @fn connect
* @brief Open a tcp/udp connection with the specified host on the specified port
* @param ptl protocol for socket, TCP/UDP can be choosen
* @param host host (can be either an ip address or a name. If a name is provided, a dns request will be established)
* @param port port
* @param timeout wait seconds till connected
* @param chartimeout wait milliseconds between characters from DFRobot_SIM808 module
* @return true if successful, false if error
bool connect(Protocol ptl, const char * host, int port, int timeout = 2 * DEFAULT_TIMEOUT, int chartimeout = 2 * DEFAULT_INTERCHAR_TIMEOUT);
bool connect(Protocol ptl, const __FlashStringHelper *host, const __FlashStringHelper *port, int timeout = 2 * DEFAULT_TIMEOUT, int chartimeout = 2 * DEFAULT_INTERCHAR_TIMEOUT);
* @fn is_connected
* @brief Check if a tcp link is active
* @return true if successful, false if error
bool is_connected(void);
* @fn close
* @brief Close a tcp connection
* @return true if successful, false if error
bool close(void);
* @fn readable
* @brief check if DFRobot_SIM808 module is readable or not
* @return true if readable
int readable(void);
* @fn wait_readable
* @brief wait a few time to check if DFRobot_SIM808 module is readable or not
* @param wait_time time of waiting
* @return Returns the length of readable data
int wait_readable(int wait_time);
* @fn wait_writeable
* @brief wait a few time to check if DFRobot_SIM808 module is writeable or not
* @param req_size time of waiting
* @return req_size + 1
int wait_writeable(int req_size);
* @fn send
* @brief send data to socket
* @param str string to be sent
* @param len string length
* @return return bytes that actually been send
int send(const char * str, int len);
* @fn recv
* @brief read data from socket
* @param buf buffer that will store the data read from socket
* @param len string length need to read from socket
* @return bytes that actually read
int recv(char* buf, int len);
* @fn listen
* @brief Enables the selected software serial port to listen
* @return None
void listen(void);
* @fn isListening
* @brief Tests to see if requested software serial port is actively listening.
* @return Now masking enabled, return null
bool isListening(void);
* @fn gethostbyname
* @brief convert the host to ip
* @param host host ip string, ex.
* @param ip long int ip address, ex. 0x11223344
* @return true if successful
//NOT USED bool gethostbyname(const char* host, uint32_t* ip);
* @fn getIPAddress
* @brief get IP address
* @return IP address, char*
char* getIPAddress(void);
* @fn getIPnumber
* @brief get IP number
* @return IP number, unsigned long
unsigned long getIPnumber(void);
* @fn getLocation
* @brief get Location
* @param apn APN(Access Point Name)
* @param longitude longitude
* @param latitude latitude
* @return true if successful, false if error
bool getLocation(const __FlashStringHelper *apn, float *longitude, float *latitude);
* @fn attachGPS
* @brief Open GPS
* @return true if successful, false if error
bool attachGPS(void);
* @fn detachGPS
* @brief Close GPS
* @return true if successful, false if error
bool detachGPS(void);
* @fn getTime
* @brief parse time
* @param time Time data to be parsed
* @return None
void getTime(uint32_t time);
* @fn getDate
* @brief parse date
* @param date Date data to be parsed
* @return None
void getDate(uint32_t date);
* @fn parseDecimal
* @brief Parse a (potentially negative) number with up to 2 decimal digits -xxxx.yy
* @param term Data to be parsed
* @return Parsed data
int32_t parseDecimal(const char *term);
* @fn latitudeConverToDMS
* @brief latitude Conver To DMS
* @return None
void latitudeConverToDMS(void);
* @fn LongitudeConverToDMS
* @brief Longitude Conver To DMS
* @return None
void LongitudeConverToDMS(void);
* @fn parseGPRMC
* @brief parser GPRMC, Determine whether gpsbuffer[18] is 'A'
* @param gpsbuffer GPS buffer data to be parsed
* @return true if gpsbuffer[18] is 'A'
bool parseGPRMC(char *gpsbuffer);
* @fn getGPRMC
* @brief Get the parsed GPRMC
* @return true if successful, false if error
bool getGPRMC(void);
* @fn getGPS
* @brief get GPS signal
* @return true if successful, false if error
bool getGPS(void);
MCU | Work Well | Work Wrong | Untested | Remarks |
Arduino Uno | √ | |||
Arduino MEGA2560 | √ | |||
Arduino Leonardo | √ |
- 2022/02/08 - 1.0.0 版本
- 2022/06/30 - 1.0.1 版本