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5. Examples

DemAnasta edited this page Jun 28, 2018 · 1 revision

To validate that the installation has succeded, you can run a "test case" scenario. Under the folder data/, you will find a file named CNRS_midas.vel. This ascii file, contains velocity and coordinate information for a large list of GPS/GNSS stations around the globe. We will use it to perform a test run of

Go to the bin/ folder and execute the command:

$> ./ -i ../data/CNRS_midas.vel -r 18.75/30.25/32.75/42.25 --x-grid-step=0.5 --y-grid-step=0.5 --dmin=1 --dmax=500 --dstep=1 --Wt=24 -c

(You may not need the ./ part at the begining if you are on a Wnidows system). This command will compute Strain Tensor parameters for approximately the whole of Greece, using the input file CNRS_midas.vel. The results will be written in a (newly created) file, named strain_info.dat, while station information will be written in the file station_info.dat (this latter file is mainly used for plotting). You should be able to verify that both files have been succesefuly created.

Under data/ you will find the "reference" output files for checking, named strain_info.dat.ref and station_info.dat.ref. Verify that the files you have just created (placed under bin/) contain the same results as the "reference" files (this can be very easily performed using the diff command).

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