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141 lines (104 loc) · 5.44 KB

File metadata and controls

141 lines (104 loc) · 5.44 KB


Click to launch a YouTube video demo:

A screenshot


  • No bullshit default key mappings
  • Mimic Sublime Text / Shell key mappings
  • Minimal: one file, no plugin needed!

Automated setup

  • Clone this repo to the folder of your choice:

git clone

  • Go inside this repo:

cd MiniVim

  • Launch the install script and follow the instructions:


  • It's ready! 😄 Launch Vim:


Manual setup

If you can't clone the repo and do the above steps, just download the .vimrc to your home dir (backup your current .vimrc before).

wget -O ~/.vimrc

And then add stty -ixon to your .zshrc or .bashrc (your shell will ignore XON/XOFF signals. Needed to remap Ctrl S, Ctrl Q).

How to use

  • The key mappings can be used in Insert, Normal and Visual mode (yes, no need to exit Insert or Visual mode)
  • Vim launched by default in Insert mode (yes, I mainly want to edit the file I'm opening)
  • The mouse can be used in Normal and Visual mode to scroll, select, change tab and more.
  • There are clear visual hints on which mode you currently using. Like pink=normal, blue=insert and green=visual...

General Mappings

You hate those mappings? No problem, change the 4th line of this .vimrc to UseCustomKeyBindings=0.

Keys Action Comments
Moving ---------- ----------
Arrows Move the cursor Like every editor
Ctrl Arrows Move the cursor fast. Ctrl is a booster!
Ctrl A Go to the beginning of the line As in Nano/Shell
Ctrl E Go to the end of the line As in Nano/Shell, remember as End
Home Go to the beginning of the file Self explanatory
End Go to the end of the file Self explanatory too
Tabs ---------- ----------
Ctrl T Open a new tab Like Sublime, remember as Tab
Alt Arrows Switch between tabs. Ctrl Tab cannot be mapped...
History ---------- ----------
Ctrl Z Undo Like Sublime
Ctrl R Redo Like no other, remember as Redo
Editing ---------- ----------
Tab Indent Like Sublime
Shift Tab Unindent Like Sublime
Ctrl F Find Like Sublime, remember as FInd
Ctrl H Search and Replace Like Sublime
PageUp Move the line up Usefull function so dedicated key (don't trust me ? Try it.)
PageDown Move the line down Same as above
Ctrl K Delete the whole line/block Like in nano, inspired by Sublime too, remember as Kill the line
Ctrl Q Duplicate the line/block Remember as "dupliqate"?
Ctrl L Clear/Delete all lines Like in a shell, remember as Clear
Ctrl D Delete char from the left, as Del Like in a shell, remember as Delete
Ctrl N Autocomplete word Default VIM mapping but interesting one
Vital ---------- ----------
Ctrl S Save Like Sublime, remember as Save
Ctrl C Quit Like in a shell
Miscellaneous ---------- ----------
F2 Set paste toggle With paste on you can paste more easily
F3 Show line numbers toggle Show or hide line numbers
F4 Panic Button! Toggle garbage screen Remember as "I need to alt-F4!"
F6 Toggle color column at 80th char A visual helper to write clean code

Mappings in Explorer

Keys Action Comments
Ctrl O Open the Explorer Remember as Open
Enter or Right Arrow Enter a file/dir Easy one
Left Arrow Go up a dir Easy one too
l Display info on file/dir Remember as ls
n Open a menu to make an action (Create file/dir, Rename, Delete) Remember as ... New action?
a Toggle 'Show Hidden files only, Show All, Hide hidden files (default)' Default mapping
Ctrl C Quit Like in a shell

Custom commands

You can enter those command in normal mode.

Cmd Action
:W Write the file as root
:UndoCloseTab Reopen the last close buffer/tab in a new tab

Other info

The file is heavily commented. You're welcome to open, read and change what you want. It's easy.

  • Work with Vim and GVim.
  • Please keep in mind that some keys cannot be mapped as Ctrl Shift Something or Ctrl Tab because of Terminals limitations. I have to compose with this 😕 If you're on Windows with Putty or similar, you may experience problems because of key codes.
  • The color scheme is based on
  • In the bottom right-hand corner, you have three numbers 146/472-10. Line 146, total lines 472 and column 10.
  • Tabulations will be expanded into two spaces, the default indent size.
  • UTF-8 by default.
  • Backups and Swapfiles are stored in $HOME/.vim/.
  • Pressing Enter, Space or Backspace in normal mode will enter insert mode and do action.
  • When re-opening a file, Vim will remember the last position.
  • When opening multiple file (as vim file1 file2), Vim will open those files in new tabs automatically.



  • Fix the visual block mode
  • Fix the incremental search
  • is now POSIX
  • Fixed typos


  • Better code organisation
  • Toggle custom key bindings easily
  • Toggle 80th column char
  • Open file browser in new tab only if tab is empty
  • Fix typos


Initial release.