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Deleting Resources

Dalmiro edited this page Jun 6, 2015 · 16 revisions

Most of the examples to delete resources on Octopus involve

  • Using the get-Octopus** to get the resource you want to delete
  • Piping the resource object to Remove-OctopusResource

None of the examples below include the -force switch to avoid any accidents. If you want to avoid getting prompted every time you delete a resource, pass the switch -Force to Remove-OctopusResource

###Project Group

Get-OctopusProjectGroup -name "MyProjectGroup" | Remove-OctopusResource -wait

###Project Delete one project

Get-OctopusProject -name "MyProject" | Remove-OctopusResource -wait

Delete all the projects inside a ProjectGroup

Get-OctopusProjectGroup -name "MyProjectGroup" | Get-OctopusProject | Remove-OctopusResource -wait


Get-OctopusEnvironment -name "MyEnvironment" | Remove-OctopusResource -wait

###NuGet Feed This example removes an external NuGet resource from Octopus. It doesnt delete any packages from the NuGet feed, it just removes the reference from Octopus

Get-OctopusFeed -Name "MyFeed" | Remove-OctopusResource -wait

###Library variable set

Get-OctopusVariableSet -LibrarySetName "MyLibrarySet" | Remove-OctopusResource -wait


Get-OctopusMachine -Name "MySQLDatabase" | Remove-OctopusResource -wait
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