- Please Download : releaseVisualStudioProject.zip for Full Access to Code
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- A simple game that simulates a 2D battle between tanks. The tanks are divided into 4 teams, with each team having its own score.
- The game does not necessarily require an external player, it can also be watched as a simple simulation.
- The tanks are classified by color (specific to the teams) and type (each type has its own specific characteristics).
- They have the ability to launch bullets and mines, as well as to heal in the team's spawn zone.
- The map also includes collectible abilities such as SPEED_BOOST, MACHINE_GUN, and INVINCIBILITY.
- The map is regenerable and includes explosive elements such as barrels.
- Menu: W/S - choose, SPACE - select
- Game: W/A/S/D - movement, CLICK LEFT - shooting, CLICK RIGHT - release mines