This is the logchange of HaTeX. It is not exhaustive. For a full list of changes, see the commit history of the git repository:
- Relax transformers dependency upper bound from
< 0.6
to< 0.7
- Allow bytestring version 0.11 (#153).
- Allow hashable 1.4 and text 2.0 (#154).
- Add more math symbols. (leftaroundabout)
- New render method: renderBuilder.
- Export PlainDOI type synonym.
- Comment out QuickCheck parser test. See #144.
- New function
- More liftLX, commX and envX functions. (KommuSoft)
- New module: Text.LaTeX.Packages.Acronym. (KommuSoft)
- Expanded BibLaTeX module with new functionality. (leftaroundabout)
- Dropped support for GHC-7.8 (and earlier versions).
- Replace wl-pprint-extras with prettyprinter in the latex pretty-printer.
- Now 'table' takes a list of positions. (breaking change)
- Added constructors Here and ForcePos to the Pos type.
- Make argument of 'nopagebreak' optional.
- Fix build with GHC 8.4.1 (#113) (leftaroundabout).
- Added Multirow, Bigstrut, and Lscape modules (#107, #111) (romildo).
- More spacing and line breaking commands (#108, #110) (romildo).
Warning: Using is not recommended, since it fails to build with GHC 8.4.1. Please, upgrade to
New bibtex module (leftaroundabout).
New function 'squareBraces' (NorfairKing).
New function 'table' (leftaroundabout).
- Semigroup instance for LaTeX.
- Data, Generic, and Typeable instances for LaTeX
- and related types.
- New math space commands (romildo).
- New function: mapLaTeXT (ddssff).
- Some fixes for qrcode package (L3n41c).
- New 'array' command (NorfairKing).
- Added package options for the hyperref package related to PDF metadata (dmcclean).
- QRCode module (dmcclean).
- New math symbols (leftaroundabout).
- Added 'cases' environment (NorfairKing).
- Changed the way subscripts and superscripts work. See #67. Also #78.
- LaTeX parser is now configurable. Currently, only configurable option is verbatim environments.
- New differentiation symbols (AMSMath).
- Fix for integralFromTo.
- Extend definitions for the Num class instance of LaTeXT.
- Show and Eq instances of LaTeXT dissappear if base version is greater or equal to
- Full compatibility without warnings with GHC-7.10.
- Pretty-printer: Use softline instead of line after commands.
- Compatibility with GHC-7.10.
- Added accent commands to AMSMath (dmcclean).
- Missing Num and Floating class methods now have a default implementation,
using the new
function (dmcclean). - Added
to AMSMath (dmcclean). - Support for parsec-3.1.9 (snoyberg).
Thanks to Douglas McClean (dmcclean@GitHub) for the AMSMath additions.
- New package implemented: relsize. Thanks José Romildo Malaquias.
- Fixed bug in autoBrackets (#42).
- New package implemented: AMSSymb.
- Package beamer further developed.
- Bug fix: #35.
- Added common numeric sets to AMSSymb.
- Breaking change: AMSMath functions 'pm' and 'mp' changed their
type from
LaTeXC l => l -> l -> l
toLaTeXC l => l
. - Additions to the AMSMath module.
- Fixed link in cabal file.
- Added support for arguments delimited by parenthesis (experimental).
- More tests on parsing.
- Parser now backtracks when failing in argument parsing.
- New function
to create tables from matrices. - Modified LaTeX Monoid instance to make monoid laws hold.
- Some documentation improvements.
- Added this CHANGELOG!