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@DanielChappuis DanielChappuis released this 04 Jan 20:51
· 245 commits to master since this release


  • The performance of the collision detection and rigid bodies simulation (PhysicsWorld::update() method) has been improved significantly (1.7x speedup on average measured in PEEL scenes)
  • Method RigidBody::resetForce() to reset the accumulated external force on a rigid body has been added
  • Method RigidBody::resetTorque() to reset the accumulated external torque on a rigid body has been added
  • Constructors with local-space anchor/axis have been added to BallAndSocketJointInfo, HingeJointInfo, FixedJointInfo and SliderJointInfo classes
  • Method HingeJoint::getAngle() to get the current angle of the hinge joint has been added
  • Method Joint::getReactionForce() has been added to retrieve the current reaction force of a joint
  • Method Joint::getReactionTorque() has been added to retrieve the current reaction torque of a joint
  • Method RigidBody::setLinearLockAxisFactor() to lock the translational movement of a body along the world-space x, y and z axes
  • Method RigidBody::setAngularLockAxisFactor() to lock the rotational movement of a body around the world-space x, y and z axes
  • Method RigidBody::applyLocalForceAtWorldPosition() to manually apply a force to a rigid body
  • Method RigidBody::applyLocalForceAtLocalPosition() to manually apply a force to a rigid body
  • Method RigidBody::applyLocalForceToCenterOfMass() to manually apply a force to a rigid body
  • Method RigidBody::applyLocalTorque() to apply a local-space torque to a rigid body
  • Method RigidBody::getForce() to get the total manually applied force on a rigid body
  • Method RigidBody::getTorque() to get the total manually applied torque on a rigid body
  • Method RigidBody::setIsSleeping() is now public in order to wake up or put to sleep a rigid body
  • A cone limit can now be set to the ball-and-socket joint (this is useful for ragdolls)
  • New scenes have been added to the testbed application (Box Tower, Ragdoll, Rope, Ball And Socket Joint, Bridge, Hinge Joint, Hinge Joint chain, Ball and Socket Joint chain, Ball and Socket Joint net, ...)
  • It is now possible to move bodies using the mouse (CTRL + click and drag) in the testbed application


  • The PhysicsWorld::setGravity() method now takes a const parameter
  • Rolling resistance constraint is not solved anymore in the solver. Angular damping needs to be used instead to simulate it.
  • The List class has been renamed to Array
  • The default number of iterations for the velocity solver is now 6 instead of 10
  • The default number of iterations for the position solver is now 3 instead of 5
  • Rename method RigidBody::applyForceAtWorldPosition() into RigidBody::applyWorldForceAtWorldPosition()
  • Rename method RigidBody::applyForceAtLocalPosition() into RigidBody::applyWorldForceAtLocalPosition()
  • Rename method RigidBody::applyForceToCenterOfMass() into RigidBody::applyWorldForceAtCenterOfMass()
  • Rename method RigidBody::applyTorque() into RigidBody::applyWorldTorque()
  • The raycasting broad-phase performance has been improved
  • The raycasting performance against HeighFieldShape has been improved (better middle-phase algorithm)
  • Robustness of polyhedron vs polyhedron collision detection has been improved in SAT algorithm (face contacts are favored over edge-edge contacts for better stability)


  • Method Material::getRollingResistance() has been removed (angular damping has to be used instead of rolling resistance)
  • Method Material::setRollingResistance() has been removed (angular damping has to be used instead of rolling resistance)


  • Issue #165 with order of contact manifolds in islands creation has been fixed
  • Issue #179 with FixedJoint constraint
  • Issue #195 in RigidBodyComponents
  • Issue with concave vs convex shape collision detection has been fixed
  • Issue with edge vs edge collision has been fixed in SAT algorithm (wrong contact normal was computed)
  • Issue with sphere radius in DebugRenderer
  • Issue where changing the transform of a Collider attached to a sleeping RigidBody caused the body to remain asleep
  • Issue with wrong calculation performed in the ContactSolverSystem
  • Issue with joints when center of mass is not at the center of the rigid body local-space
  • Issue #157 with matrix to quaternion conversion has been fixed
  • Issue #184 with update of mass/inertia properties of static bodies
  • Issue with the computation of the two friction vectors in the contact solver
  • Issue with the rendering of the capsule collision shape in the Debug Renderer (missing triangle faces)
  • Issue with wrong linear velocity update computed in RigidBody::setLocalCenterOfMass() method
  • Issue with wrong linear velocity update computed in RigidBody::updateLocalCenterOfMassFromColliders() method
  • Issue with wrong linear velocity update computed in RigidBody::updateMassPropertiesFromColliders() method
  • Issue in copy-constructors in Map and Set classes
  • A lot of code warnings have been fixed #221, #222, #223 and #224
  • The default warning level is not set anymore in CMakeLists.txt file (Issue #220)
  • Issue #225 with collision not working when setting a body to be static before calling updateMassPropertiesFromColliders()