+// Declarations
+const x = 1
+let y: number = 2
+var z: string = "3"
+x := 1 // const x = 1
+y .= 2 // let y = 2
+// Destructuring
+[ a, b ] := x
+[ ..., last ] := x
+[ first, ...rest ] := x
+[ first, ..., last ] := x
+[ first, ...middle, last] := x
+{ a, b } := c
+// Function application
+f(a, g(x))
+f(...args, cb)
+// Implicit application
+f x // f(x)
+f a, b, c // f(a, b, c)
+f g x // f(g(x))
+f a, b c // f(a, b(c))
+// Conditionals
+x && y
+x and y // x && y
+x || y
+x or y // x || y
+// relationals
+x === y
+x is y // x === y
+x < y
+x > y
+// Chained relationals
+x < y < z // x < y && y < z
+// this
+// shorthand
+@ // this
+@x // this.x
+// instance of and typeof shorthand
+x instanceof y
+x Y // x instanceof y
+typeof x === "string"
+x "string" // typeof x === "string"
+// strings
+"I'm a string"
+'I\'m also a string'
+`I'm a ${template} string`
+// Block Strings
+ Block strings
+ will dedent
+ They work with all kinds of
+ strings
+ I will dedent by removing
+ common indentation
+// conditionals
+if x < 3
+ "it's small"
+if x > 11
+ "it's big"
+unless paused
+ run()
+// loops
+while x < 10
+ f(x)
+ x++
+for item of items
+ update item
+for key in object
+ log key
+for own key in object
+ log `my ${key}`
+// Postfix loops/conditionals
+f(x) if x
+log name for name of names
+// Arrow Functions
+inc := (x) => x + 1
+add := (a, b): T => a + b
+// Thin arrow -> is equivalent to `function`
+f := (this: ctx, a, b) ->
+ ctx.log a, b if ctx.debug
+// Block shorthand
+people.map .name // people.map($ => $.name)
+numbers.filter & % 2 is 0
+// numbers.filter($ => $ % 2 === 0)
+// # Conditional declarations
+throw error if { error } := result
+if [, dir, base] := /^(.*\/)?([^/]*)$/.exec file
+ console.log dir, base
+// JSX
+// Better binding
+// Closing is optional