- Development Cycle Agile
- Fibonacci Story Points: 1 2 3 5 8 13 20 40 100
- Each Story should have an epic
- Example Description:
- Background: Who? Why? What? How?
- Expected Outcome: measurable change from before / after completion.
- Dependencies: descriptions / approval from ABC / acceptance criteria / uaser acceotance testing
- Setup Dev Machine
- Setup Environments
- You should be able to run the code and develop without a dedicated server. Get virtualized with docker-compose.
- Deploy using Docker + Docker-Compose. Docker keeps all your application events separate from OS events.
- Add to
on remote server (remove or replaceENV.
): alias doco="docker-compose -f docker-compose.ENV.yml"; cd /opt/project/
- Add to
- Setup Version Control
- Connect to your repos using ssh.
- Get good at git
- Setup git credentials
git config --local user.email (initialis)@(client comain)
- Install and use pre-commit hooks on your dev machine
- Setup Travis-CI build testing
- Add an
file - Add git commit template
- Branching strategy: small teams might want to adopt trunk based development
- Documentation
- Your repo should have a one-liner for isntallation andd running: (docker-compose.yml +
doco up
- Your repo should have a one-liner for isntallation andd running: (docker-compose.yml +
- Python Standard Library:
- External Modules:
- Writing good python code:
- Avoid code smells
- Write code with structre
- pipx or pyenv for environment management. If the machine has python3.x installed, use venv from the standard library.
- Loguru for logging
# Git Log A DOG acronym
git log --all --decorate --oneline --graph
# when you have uncommitted changes
git add --patch <pattern>
# check what you've staged
git diff --cached
# clone repo with local_name enables several clones
git clone <repo> <local_name>
# optional: checkout (i.e switch to) a branch to continue developing from there
git checkout <feature/featurename>
# optional if you switched branch on the last step
# switched branch: branch out from
git checkout <feature/newfeature>
git branch <feature/newfeature>
git push --set-upstream origin <feature/newfeature>
# delete branch locally (-d: normal, -D: force)
git branch -D <branch_name_1> <branch_name_2> <branch_name_1>
# delete remote
git push origin -d <branch_name>
# Comparing / Merging two branches
git merge --no-commit --no-ff <feature/otherfeaturebranch>
# get file from another branch
git checkout <otherbranch> -- path/to/dir
# delete branches not present on remote
git remote prune origin
# see all commits that affected somefile
git log --follow -- filename
# search code in all history
git log -S "some_old_varname" --oneline --all
# files changed on your branch compared to origin/main i.e. **files changed** in a Github PR
git diff --name-only origin/main
- submit PR for feature1
- from feature1 branch make new branch feature2
- commit and push feature2 changes
- submit PR
- Both PRs approved
# there should be one or more flows that account for cases where:
# -> feature1 gets change requests
# -> feature1 is rejected and made obsolete