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IoTHub C SDK Options

This document describes how to set the options available in the c sdk.

Setting an Option

Setting an option in the c-sdk is dependant on which api set you are using:

// Convience Layer
IOTHUB_CLIENT_RESULT IoTHubClient_SetOption(IOTHUB_CLIENT_HANDLE iotHubClientHandle, const char* optionName, const void* value)

// Single Thread API
IOTHUB_CLIENT_RESULT IoTHubClient_LL_SetOption(IOTHUB_CLIENT_LL_HANDLE iotHubClientHandle, const char* optionName, const void* value)

An example of using a set option:

bool trace_on = true;
IoTHubClient_SetOption(sdk_handle, OPTION_LOG_TRACE, &trace_on);

memset(&http_proxy, 0, sizeof(HTTP_PROXY_OPTIONS));
http_proxy.host_address = PROXY_ADDRESS;
http_proxy.port = PROXY_PORT;
DPS_LL_SetOption(handle, OPTION_HTTP_PROXY, &http_proxy);

Available Options


Option Name Option Define Value Type Description
"messageTimeout" OPTION_MESSAGE_TIMEOUT tickcounter_ms_t* (DEPRECATED) Timeout used for message on the message queue
"blob_upload_timeout_secs" OPTION_BLOB_UPLOAD_TIMEOUT_SECS size_t* Timeout in seconds of blob uploads
"product_info" OPTION_PRODUCT_INFO const char* User defined Product identifier sent to the IoThub service
"TrustedCerts" OPTION_TRUSTED_CERT const char* Azure Server certificate used to validate TLS connection to iothub
"retry_interval_sec" OPTION_RETRY_INTERVAL_SEC int* Amount of seconds between retries when using the interval retry policy

Standard Transport

Option Name Option Define Value Type Description
"logtrace" OPTION_LOG_TRACE bool* value Turn on and off log tracing for the transport
"sas_token_lifetime" OPTION_SAS_TOKEN_LIFETIME size_t* value Length of time in seconds used for lifetime of sas token.
"x509certificate" OPTION_X509_CERT const char* Sets an RSA x509 certificate used for connection authentication
"x509privatekey" OPTION_X509_PRIVATE_KEY const char* Sets the private key for the RSA x509 certificate
"x509EccCertificate" OPTION_X509_ECC_CERT const char* Sets the ECC x509 certificate used for connection authentication
"x509EccAliasKey" OPTION_X509_ECC_KEY const char* Sets the private key for the ECC x509 certificate
"proxy_data" OPTION_HTTP_PROXY HTTP_PROXY_OPTIONS* Http proxy data object used for proxy connection to IoTHub
"tls_version" OPTION_TLS_VERSION int* TLS version to use for openssl, 10 for version 1.0, 11 for version 1.1, 12 for version 1.2

MQTT Transport

Option Name Option Define Value Type Description
"keepalive" OPTION_KEEP_ALIVE int* Length of time to send Keep Alives to service for D2C Messages
"auto_url_encode_decode" OPTION_AUTO_URL_ENCODE_DECODE bool* Turn on and off automatic URL Encoding and Decoding.

AMQP Transport

Option Name Option Define Value Type Description
"cbs_request_timeout" OPTION_CBS_REQUEST_TIMEOUT size_t* value Amount of seconds to wait for a cbs request to complete
"sas_token_refresh_time" OPTION_SAS_TOKEN_REFRESH_TIME size_t* value Frequency in seconds that the SAS token is refreshed
"event_send_timeout_secs" OPTION_EVENT_SEND_TIMEOUT_SECS size_t* value Amount of seconds to wait for telemetry message to complete
"c2d_keep_alive_freq_secs" OPTION_C2D_KEEP_ALIVE_FREQ_SECS size_t* value Informs service of maximum period the client waits for keep-alive message

HTTP Tansport

Option Name Option Define Value Type Description
"Batching" OPTION_BATCHING bool* value Turn on and off message batching
"MinimumPollingTime" OPTION_MIN_POLLING_TIME unsigned int* value Minimum time in seconds allowed between 2 consecutive GET issues to the service
"timeout" OPTION_HTTP_TIMEOUT long* value When using curl the amount of time before the request times out, defaults to 242 seconds.

Advanced Compilation Options

We recommend leaving the following settings at their defaults. Tuning them may allow optimizations for specific devices or scenarios but could also negatively impact RAM or EEPROM usage. The options are presented only as compilation flags and must be appended to the CMake compileOption_C setting:

Option Name Option Define Description
"XIO Receive Buffer" -DcompileOption_C="-DXIO_RECEIVE_BUFFER_SIZE=<value>" Configure the internal XIO receive buffer.

Additional notes

Batching and IoTHub Client SDK

Batching is the ability of a protocol to send multiple messages in one payload, rather than one at a time. This can result in less overhead, especially when sending multiple, small messages. This SDK supports various levels of batching when using IoTHubClient_SendEventAsync / IoTHubClient_LL_SendEventAsync.

  • AMQP uses batching always.

  • HTTP can optionally enable batching, using the "Batching" option referenced above.

  • MQTT does not have a batching option.

None of the protocols has a windowing or Nagling concept; e.g. they do NOT wait a certain amount of time to attempt to queue up multiple messages to put into a single batch. Instead they just batch whatever is on the to-send queue. For customers using the lower-layer protocols (LL), they can force batching via

IoTHubClient_LL_SendEventAsync(msg1) IoTHubClient_LL_SendEventAsync(msg2) IoTHubClient_LL_DoWork()