Databasic - C#/VB.NET database utility
- focusing on queries primarily based on pure SQL commands, no linq transations
- arranging data into primitive types, typed active record classes, collections and more
- allowing to run any nonselect queries
- choosing connection by config index or name as another param of Databasic.Statement.Prepare()
- passing transactions as second param of Databasic.Statement.Prepare()
- any non-select SQL statements
- Microsoft SQL Server/MySQL/MariaDB/PostgreSQL/Oracle/ODBC/OLEDB support
- selection single value (for example counts etc...)
- getting only touched (changed) values
- saving and deleting active record instances (insert/update/delete by primary key and autoincrement column)
- much more...
This is core package only. Install this package only by installing specific database package like: Databasic.<DatabaseType>. Then this package will be installed automaticly with the specific database package.
PM> Install-Package Databasic.DatabaseType
Imports Databasic
' create active record class extending Databasic.ActiveRecord.Entity:
Public Class Person
<PrimaryKey, AutoIncrement>
Public Id As Int32?
Public Property Firstname As String
Public Property Secondname As String
End Class
' load person with id 5 and create it's instance:
Dim instance As Person = Statement.Prepare(
"SELECT * FROM Persons WHERE Id = @id"
).FetchOne(New With {
.id = 5
}).ToInstance(Of Person)()
' load all persons with id higher than 5 into list
Dim list As List(Of Person) = Statement.Prepare(
"SELECT * FROM Persons WHERE Id > @id"
).FetchAll(New With {
.id = 5
}).ToList(Of Person)()
' load all persons with id higher than 5 into dictionary
' and complete dictionary keys by Id column
Dim dct As Dictionary(Of Int32, Person) = Statement.Prepare(
"SELECT * FROM Persons WHERE Id > @id"
).FetchAll(New With {
.id = 5
}).ToDictionary(Of Int32, Person)("Id")
using Databasic;
// create active record class extending Databasic.ActiveRecord.Entity:
public class Person {
[PrimaryKey, AutoIncrement]
public int? Id;
public string Firstname { get; set; }
public string Secondname { get; set; }
// load person with id 5 and create it's instance:
Person instance = Statement.Prepare(
"SELECT * FROM Persons WHERE Id = @id"
).FetchOne(new {
id = 5
// load all persons with id higher than 5 into list
List<Person> list = Statement.Prepare(
"SELECT * FROM Persons WHERE Id > @id"
).FetchAll(new {
id = 5
// load all persons with id higher than 5 into dictionary
// and complete dictionary keys by Id column
Dictionary<Int32, Person> dct = Statement.Prepare(
"SELECT * FROM Persons WHERE Id > @id"
).FetchAll(new {
id = 5
}).ToDictionary<Int32, Person>("Id")
using Databasic;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
class Dealer: Person {
[PrimaryKey, AutoIncrement]
public int? Id { get; set; }
[Column("Firstname"), Trim]
public string FirstName { get; set; }
public string SecondName { get; set; }
public double? TurnOver { get; set; }
public static Dealer GetById (int id) {
return Statement.Prepare(
$"SELECT {Columns()} FROM {Table()} WHERE Id = @idParam"
).FetchOne(new {
idParam = id
public static int GetCount () {
return Statement.Prepare(
$"SELECT COUNT(Id) FROM {Table()}"
public static Dictionary<int, Dealer> GetDictionary (Func<Dealer, int> keySelector = null) {
return Statement.Prepare(
$"SELECT {Columns()} FROM {Table()}"
).FetchAll().ToDictionary<int, Dealer>(
keySelector ?? (d => d.Id.Value)
public static List<Dealer> GetList () {
return Statement.Prepare(
$"SELECT {Columns()} FROM {Table()}"
Dictionary<int, Dealer> dct = Dealer.GetDictionary();
List<Dealer> list = Dealer.GetList();
Dealer dealer1 = Dealer.GetById(3);
int cnt = Dealer.GetCount();