An express server linked to a Postgress SQL database, the server recieves HTTP requests and serves or modifies the data in the PSQL database.
The data includes users, articles, article comments, and topics.
This project uses Express and Node Postgress
Requests can be made to a hosted version of this app at:
Minimum versions required: Node v21.6.0 & Postgress v14.11
Run git clone
to download this project.
Run npm i
to install dependencies.
Add the environmental variables for the database in root folder in individual .env files:
File name: '.env.test' & '.env.development'
Content: `PGDATABASE=(database name)`
File name: '.env.production'
Content: `DATABASE_URL=(database URL)`
Use npm run setup-dbs
to create the testing and development databases, database names can be changed by modifying /db/setup.sql
When testing, the test database should seed data automatically (see testing below)
To seed the development database use npm run seed
Once setup is complete send a GET request to the server at /api
for a full list of endpoints.
Test files can be found in /tests/database.tests.js.
To run the tests use npm t
Testing seed data is independent of development seed data and will automatically reseed when running each test.