Only two cases below will make errors catchable
Promise.reject(new Error('something wrong happened')).catch(err => console.log('err caught'));
throw new Error('something wrong happened');
Return a new error object will not trigger catching process.
An iterable is a data structure that wants to make its elements accessible to the public. It does so by implementing a method whose key is
. That method is a factory for iterators. That is, it will create iterators.
An iterator is a pointer for traversing the elements of a data structure.
To manually convert an Object into interable:
const myFavouriteAuthors = {
allAuthors: {
fiction: [
'Agatha Christie',
'J. K. Rowling',
'Dr. Seuss'
scienceFiction: [
'Neal Stephenson',
'Arthur Clarke',
'Isaac Asimov',
'Robert Heinlein'
fantasy: [
'J. R. R. Tolkien',
'J. K. Rowling',
'Terry Pratchett'
[Symbol.iterator]() {
// Get all the authors in an array
const genres = Object.values(this.allAuthors);
// Store the current genre and author index
let currentAuthorIndex = 0;
let currentGenreIndex = 0;
return {
// Implementation of next()
next() {
// authors according to current genre index
const authors = genres[currentGenreIndex];
// doNotHaveMoreAuthors is true when the authors array is exhausted.
// That is, all items are consumed.
const doNothaveMoreAuthors = !(currentAuthorIndex < authors.length);
if (doNothaveMoreAuthors) {
// When that happens, we move the genre index to the next genre
// and reset the author index to 0 again to get new set of authors
currentAuthorIndex = 0;
// if all genres are over, then we need tell the iterator that we
// can not give more values.
const doNotHaveMoreGenres = !(currentGenreIndex < authors.length);
if (doNotHaveMoreGenres) {
// Hence, we return done as true.
return {
value: undefined,
done: true
// if everything is correct, return the author from the
// current genre and incerement the currentAuthorindex
// so next time, the next author can be returned.
return {
value: genres[currentGenreIndex][currentAuthorIndex++],
done: false
for (const author of myFavouriteAuthors) {