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351 lines (295 loc) · 12 KB

File metadata and controls

351 lines (295 loc) · 12 KB




const config = {
  // One authorization mean is required

  // either a username and password
  username: 'my-wikidata-username',
  password: 'my-wikidata-password',

  // or OAuth tokens
  oauth: {
    // Obtained at registration
    consumer_key: 'your-consumer-token',
    consumer_secret: 'your-secret-token',
    // Obtained when the user authorized your service
    // see
    token: 'a-user-token',
    token_secret: 'a-secret-token'

  // Optional
  verbose: true, // Default: false
  wikibaseInstance: 'https://mywikibase.instance/w/api.php', // Default:
  userAgent: 'my-project-name/v3.2.5 (' // Default: `wikidata-edit/${pkg.version} (`
const wdEdit = require('wikidata-edit')(config)

⚠️ If you are going for the OAuth setup, beware of the doc footnotes: make sure to use the right URLs before loosing hours at a invalid signature error message. You may use this working implementation as reference.

Per-function initialization

If you want to use the functions with a different config everytime (which is likely if you are using OAuth), you may prefer to initialize only the functions you need when you need it, to avoid creating all the functions everytime.

So instead of

const wdEdit = require('wikidata-edit')(config)
wdEdit.label.set('Q4115189', 'fr', 'Bac à sable bulgroz')

you could do

const setLabel = require('wikidata-edit')(config, 'label/set')
setLabel('Q4115189', 'fr', 'Bac à sable bulgroz')

It will then initialize only this function and the libs it depends on.

Custom Wikibase instance

If you use a custom Wikibase instance, additionally to passing the wikibaseInstance option (see above), make sure to re-fetch properties from the associated SPARQL endpoint. Otherwise, you will be stuck with hard coded properties.

cd project_folder/node_modules/wikidata-edit
# Make sure wikidata-cli is installed (especially if you installed wikidata-edit in production mode)
npm install wikidata-cli
export SPARQL_ENDPOINT='https://query.mywikibase.instance/sparql'; npm run update-properties

Bot edits

You can mark your edits as made by a bot account by setting bot=true in the config object:

const wdEdit = require('wikidata-edit')({ username: 'mybotname', password: 'mybotpassword', bot: true })

Edit Summary

By default, edits are given the summary #wikidatajs/wikidata-edit. This can be customized in config:

const wdEdit = require('wikidata-edit')({ username, password, summary: 'custom summary' })


All functions return promises. See also Wikidata API documentation.


set label

// Add the label 'Bac à sable bulgroz' to the Sandbox entity (Q4115189) in French
wdEdit.label.set('Q4115189', 'fr', 'Bac à sable bulgroz')


set description

// Add the description 'description du Bac à sable bulgroz' to the Sandbox entity (Q4115189) in French
wdEdit.description.set('Q4115189', 'fr', 'description du Bac à sable bulgroz')


add aliases

// Add the alias 'foo' to the Sandbox entity (Q4115189) in French
wdEdit.alias.add('Q4115189', 'fr', 'foo')
// Add the aliases 'foo' and 'bar'
wdEdit.alias.add('Q4115189', 'fr', [ 'foo', 'bar' ])

remove aliases

// Remove the alias 'foo' to the Sandbox entity (Q4115189) in French
wdEdit.alias.remove('Q4115189', 'fr', 'foo')
// Remove the aliases 'foo' and 'bar'
wdEdit.alias.remove('Q4115189', 'fr', [ 'foo', 'bar' ])

set aliases

// Replace the current list of aliases in French on Sandbox entity (Q4115189) by 'foo'
wdEdit.alias.set('Q4115189', 'fr', 'foo')
// Replace the current list of aliases by 'foo' and 'bar'
// Set the aliases 'foo' and 'bar'
wdEdit.alias.set('Q4115189', 'fr', [ 'foo', 'bar' ])


add claim

// Add the Twitter username (P2002) 'bulgroz' to the Sandbox entity (Q4115189)
// Will fail if the claim already exists
wdEdit.claim.add('Q4115189', 'P2002', 'bulgroz')

Special cases:

// Monolingualtext property
wdEdit.claim.add('Q4115189', 'P1476', { text: 'bulgroz', language: 'it' })

// Quantity with a unit
// Example here with the unit 'minute' (Q7727)
wdEdit.claim.add('Q4115189', 'P1106', { amount: 9001, unit: 'Q7727' })

// Time property
// day, with implicit precision
wdEdit.claim.add('Q4115189', 'P569', '1802-02-26')
// day, with explicit precision
// cf
wdEdit.claim.add('Q4115189', 'P569', { time: '1802-02-26', precision: 11 })
// month
wdEdit.claim.add('Q4115189', 'P569', '1802-02')
wdEdit.claim.add('Q4115189', 'P569', { time: '1802-02', precision: 10 })
// year
wdEdit.claim.add('Q4115189', 'P569', '1802')
wdEdit.claim.add('Q4115189', 'P569', { time: '1802', precision: 9 })
// decade
wdEdit.claim.add('Q4115189', 'P569', { time: '1800', precision: 8 })
// century
wdEdit.claim.add('Q4115189', 'P569', { time: '1800', precision: 7 })
// millennium
wdEdit.claim.add('Q4115189', 'P569', { time: '1000', precision: 6 })
// ten thousand years
wdEdit.claim.add('Q4115189', 'P569', { time: '-50000', precision: 5 })
// hundred thousand years
wdEdit.claim.add('Q4115189', 'P569', { time: '-100000', precision: 4 })
// million years
wdEdit.claim.add('Q4115189', 'P569', { time: '-1000000', precision: 3 })
// billion years
wdEdit.claim.add('Q4115189', 'P569', { time: '-13000000000', precision: 0 })

// Quantity:
// pass a single value for a count without a specific unit
wdEdit.claim.add('Q4115189', 'P1106', 9000)
// pass an object for a value with a specific unit. Example here to specify minutes (Q7727)
wdEdit.claim.add('Q4115189', 'P2097', { amount: 9000, unit: 'Q7727' })

// Globe Coordinate:
// Here with a precision of an arcsecond
wdEdit.claim.add('Q4115189', 'P626', { latitude: 45.758, longitude: 4.84138, precision: 1 / 360 })

check if claim exists

// Does the Sandbox entity (Q4115189) already have the Twitter username (P2002) 'bulgroz'?
wdEdit.claim.exists('Q4115189', 'P2002', 'bulgroz')
.then(boolean => )

update claim

A function to change the value of an existing claim without having to remove it and while keeping its references and qualifiers.

wdEdit.claim.update('Q4115189', 'P2002', 'initial-value', 'new-value')

It will return a rejected promise if several claims with the same value already exist.

remove claim

// remove one claim
const claimGuid = 'Q4115189$E66DBC80-CCC1-4899-90D4-510C9922A04F'

// remove several claims
const claimGuids = [ 'Q4115189$BB467A9A-9123-4D0C-A87A-B7BF7ACD6477', 'Q4115189$D2CC0D8C-187C-40CD-8CF3-F6AAFE1496F4' ]


add qualifier

const claimGuid = 'Q4115189$E66DBC80-CCC1-4899-90D4-510C9922A04F'

// entity qualifier
wdEdit.qualifier.add(guid, 'P155', 'Q4115189')

// string qualifier
wdEdit.qualifier.add(guid, 'P1545', '123')

// time qualifier
wdEdit.qualifier.add(guid, 'P580', '1802-02-26')
wdEdit.qualifier.add(guid, 'P580', { time: '1802-02-26', precision: 11 })

// quantity qualifier
wdEdit.qualifier.add(guid, 'P2130', 123)

// quantity qualifier with a unit
wdEdit.qualifier.add(guid, 'P2130', { amount: 123, unit: 'Q4916' })

// monolingualtext qualifier
wdEdit.qualifier.add(guid, 'P3132', { text : "les sanglots long des violons de l'automne", language: 'fr' })

update qualifier

const claimGuid = 'Q4115189$E66DBC80-CCC1-4899-90D4-510C9922A04F'
const property = 'P155'
const oldValue = 'Q4115189'
const newValue = 'Q4115190'
wdEdit.qualifier.update(guid, property, oldValue, newValue)

remove qualifier

const claimGuid = 'Q4115189$E66DBC80-CCC1-4899-90D4-510C9922A04F'
// qualifierHash can be either a single hash string or an array of reference hash strings
const qualifierHash = '239ef1c81ef0c24611d6d7c294d07036e82c4666'
wdEdit.reference.remove(claimGuid, qualifierHash)


add reference

const claimGuid = 'Q4115189$E66DBC80-CCC1-4899-90D4-510C9922A04F'
// reference url (P854) is ''
wdEdit.reference.add(claimGuid, 'P854', '')
const claimGuid = 'Q4115189$E66DBC80-CCC1-4899-90D4-510C9922A04F'
// imported from (P143) the French Wikipedia 'Q8447'
wdEdit.reference.add(claimGuid, 'P143', 'Q8447')

remove reference

const claimGuid = 'Q4115189$E66DBC80-CCC1-4899-90D4-510C9922A04F'
// referenceHash can be either a single hash string or an array of reference hash strings
const referenceHash = '239ef1c81ef0c24611d6d7c294d07036e82c4666'
wdEdit.reference.remove(claimGuid, referenceHash)


edit entity

Edit an entity. Labels and descriptions will be set even if there are existing values for the given languages. Claims will be added to the entity existing claims, without checking for duplicates.

  // Required
  id: 'Q4115189',
  // Optional but one of labels, descriptions, claims, or sitelinks must be set
  labels: { en: 'a new label in English', fr: 'un nouveau label en français' },
  descriptions: { en: 'a new description', fr: 'une nouvelle description' },
  claims: {
    // Pass values as an array
    P1775: [ 'Q3576110', 'Q12206942' ],
    // Or a single value
    P2002: 'bulgroz',
    // Or as an array of deep objects to pass qualifiers and references
    P369: [
      { value: 'Q5111731', qualifiers: { P1545: '17', P1416: [ 'Q13406268', 'Q32844021' ] }},
      { value: 'Q2622002', qualifiers: { P580: '1789-08-04' } }
      { value: 'Q2622002', qualifiers: { P1106: { amount: 9001, unit: 'Q7727' } } }

      // References can be passed as a single record group
      { value: 'Q2622004', references: { P143: 'Q8447' } }
      // or as multiple records
        value: 'Q2622009',
        references: [
          { P855: '', P143: 'Q8447' },
          { P855: '', P143: 'Q8447' }
  sitelinks: {
    frwiki: 'eviv bulgroz'
    eswikisource: 'aviv sal bulgroz',

create entity

Create an entity from scratch. The entity data follow the same rules as wdEdit.entity.edit, simply without the id
