Predefined quotes This program allows users to generate random quotes with the click of a button. Additionally, there are three buttons, each serving a unique function:
Text-to-Speech Functionality: The first button reads aloud the quote and the author's name using the SpeechSynthesisUtterance() API, providing a seamless audio experience.
Copy to Clipboard: The second button enables users to copy the quote text directly from the DOM by invoking the method: navigator.clipboard.writeText(fullText);
Share on Twitter: The third button opens a new Twitter page, making it easy to share the quote with just one click.
Data Validation Ensures that no quote is repeated consecutively when generating new quotes.
- html5: structured and semantic layout.
- CSS3: Syled with a modern, clean design, including hover and tranition effects.
- JavaScript(ES6): DOM manipulation and API usage for interactivity.
PROJECT STRUCTURE RandomGeneratorQuote/ │ ├── index.html # Main HTML file ├── style.css # Styling for the application ├── script.js # JavaScript functionality ├── assets/ # Folder containing all assets │ ├── volume.svg # Sound icon │ ├── clipboard.svg # Copy icon │ ├── twitter.svg # Twitter icon │ └── screen.png # Screenshot for the README └── README.md # Documentation
1.Clone the Repository
- Open the project
- Navigate to the project folder and open index.html in your browser
- Interact with the App
- Click the New quote button to generate a random quote.
- Use the Sound Icon to listen to the quote.
- Click the Copy Icon to copy the quote to your clipboard.
- Share the quote on Twitter using the Twitter Icon.
Future Enhancements
- Displays a thank-you message to the user after successfully copying a quote to the clipboard.
- Integrate an external API to fetch real-time quotes.
- Add more customization options, such as themes and font styles.
- Implement user-generated quotes with local storage.
License This project is licensed under the JUST IT license. You are free to use and modify it for personal purposes.