Blocking ads and trackers on various macedonian websites.
Open uBlock Origin settings and go to filters list.
Under Regions,languages enable the MKD: Macedonian adBlock Filters
Click apply changes to save the new configuration.
Open AdGuard settings and go to filters list. Open the Language-specific section.
Search for Macedonian AdBlock filters and enable them.
Отвори го менито со подесувања
Во секцијата Filter lists, во делот Regions, languages, селектирај го филтерот со име MKD: Macedonian AdBlock Filters
и зачувај ги промените.
Отвори го менито со подесувања, и влези во секцијата Filters.
Отвори ја Language-specific секцијата и вклучи го филтерот со име Macedonian AdBlock filters.
If you see missing filters, websites or have any other request please open a new issue.
The list is under active development and I'll do my best to solve the issues asap.
The filters are compatible with uBlock Origin and AdGuard. If you wish to use them with other tools you can use this link to fetch the latest filters. Keep in mind that compatibility with other tools is not guaranteed.