All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
- Fix of Angular WebSocket Code during installation long running
- New terminal on a new tab in visual editor
- Fix the .data bug (delete when .data is empty)
- Intermittent on header
- Labs ng-repeat to show properly each lab
- Readme if exist, graph otherwise
- Removed sidebar
- Network issue for .0/24 instead of .1/24
- repo image panel: it requires too much response time. Now users can see not downloaded images in lab section.
- README support: now lab editors can add a README and could it can be seen on main page of lab projects.
- Upload lab support: now dsp can take labs from other sources
- Fix problem with empty ports
- Update the docs
- Fix the filterImage bug in edit container page OK
- Fix label if does not exist in lab
- Different vertical size image canvas
- Changed dsp port (18181)
- Added vulhub repository during installation
- Fixed some size typo in images.html section
- Avoid removing ports when the element image is changed
Issue on manage multiple networks
HOSTNAME -> DSP_IFACE environment variable to avoid conflicts.
- Removed com and com.docker labels when a lab is saved.
- Support hostname
- Changed network_mode to host for wireshark monitoring service
- Disable require for email field during installation;
- goal and solution editing in lab usage interface;
- Restart button on edit network container
- DSP Repo to official repositories
- Upload directories closed by default.
- DSP crashes in command line if already does not exist
- Edit network even if lab is run
- Fixed run service cap add NETWORK_ADMIN
- Added browser managed service
- Anchor on images page for 2 labs that belong to different repositories
- Update tree on the left when the user adds a new lab or when a lab is stopped
- Network Graph issues (i.e. select element on the left)
- Drop down labs menu collapsed by default in sidebar
- Running labs in homepage
- Loading images spinner in Images Manager
- Labs state in sidebar drop down menus
- Download lab missing images from lab view
- Download user defined Docker Image from edit container view
- Updated application dependencies in package.json
- Fixed bug in network graph
- Fixed bug in network commands
- Collapsed repos by default
- Fixed title in docker containers
- Fixed width and title
- Fixed width height in ports to improve usability
- Removed label in graph sidebar to improve usability
- Fixed error in subnet change
- Added snippet function in Dockerfile
- Implemented private git repository support
- Added monitoring support
- Added managed services support
- Added network graph enchancements
- Added tags guide in description
- New theme by diterlizzi
- Added back button to edit network or element
- Save compose upon editing of nodes / networks
- Host network support
- Default oneline
- Single page hacktools
- Redirect stderr to stdout when run oneline (see dirhunt) Versioning of Docker Security Playground
- Added dockersecplayground username in tag of docker build
- Fixed pty exception crashes when col or row is null
- Added ctf and exec default actions for images
- Vagrant with vbguest
- Added git and copy support
- Fixed executable file
- Added .dockerfiles and Dockerfile build feature
- Fixed test environment
New Graph editor created
Alignment of toolbar
Integrated the lab graph inside the single page application (no graph_editor / graph_action pages)
Refactored HackTools
Old graph pages
Image checking added and progress bar for images implemented Added anchor to images Added reference from images path to lab
Multiple repositories support added
Fix space names network allowed bug
Hack tools implemented
Fix bug of docker images with cmd label Docker network ip visibility implemented Docker compose file visibility implemented
In all the code "Drawed" variables are changed to "ToDraw" variables; Strange error lowercases in util/ws_handlers.js fixed.
ALL Cap inserted, daemon for the process in order to execute backgdound process such as bots
Fix the pull repository bug.
Long opts and short parameters in interface with docker wrapper images, now it's possible to insert boolean flag (such as -v, -h) they are transformed in checkbox on interface
The arguments are not with the following convention : --key=value but with "--key value", so it isn't necessary to insert wrapper bash scripts for default Linux commands such ass iptable but only the labels
- Implemented optional choices of capabilities, no static CAP_NET cap, but flexible with docker wrapper images convention
- Moved the installation of base images inside a script in scripts directory (scripts/, this will be runned during the dependents installation.
Add a check during editor of a container. The user cannot exit from editor if he doesn't click edit or cancel, this make more comprehensible for the user if the container is modified
In graph_editor there was a bug: when an image was changed the ports weren't resetted. Now this issue is resolved.
- Added the installation script for Ubuntu: "/scripts/"