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This is the git repository of the Observatory - a basic webinterface to the Hive 2 API of Natural Selection 2.

A live version of this application can be found at



Configuration is done exclusively via environment variables. There are some which need to be set for proper operation, but wherever possible, sane defaults were used.

In the table below, 'Default value' defines the value which a setting is initialized with, if you do not specify otherwise. 'Required' defines whether a setting must be set - either explicitly or via its default value - for the application to function properly.

Hence, required settings with no default value are the minimum set which you must define manually.


Variable Default value Required Description
DEBUG n If set, this application will dump potentially sensitive session information into the log.
SESSION_SECRET y An alphanumeric string which is used to encrypt cookies. This config must be identical on all hosts, if you run a loadbalanced setup!
RACK_ENV development y Application environment. development, testing and production have defined meaning, other values may cause undefined behaviour.


Variable Default value Required Description
PUMA_LISTEN_IP y IP which the application server will bind to. If you run this application outside of a Docker container, you will likely want to change this!
PUMA_LISTEN_PORT 8080 y Port which the application server will bind to.
PUMA_THREADS_MIN 0 y Initial number of threads to spawn per worker.
PUMA_THREADS_MAX 16 y Maximum number of threads to spawn per worker.
PUMA_WORKERS 2 y Number of worker processes to spawn.


Dealing with timezones can be rather frustrating, as the options available vary depending on the database adapter.

With some adapters, you are able to use named timezones for the settings below

  • these are timezones like Europe/London or EST. With others you are limited to two options - local to use the server's local time, and utc to use UTC.

Mind the capitalization! UTC will use the named-timezone for UTC, whereas utc will use the basic-behaviour UTC.

Variable Default value Required Description
TIMEZONE_DATABASE utc y Timezone which to use for storing timestamps in the database. Also the timezone which timestamps in the database are assumed to be in, unless specified otherwise. Only change this if you are certain of what you are doing.
TIMEZONE_APPLICATION utc y Timezone which timestamps will be converted to when loaded from the database. This is essentially the timezone you will see in the application's frontend.
TIMEZONE_TYPECAST TIMEZONE_APPLICATION y Timezone which unmarked timestamps will be assumed to be in.
Recommended setup for named-timezone-capable adapters
  • TIMEZONE_APPLICATION = Your/Local/Timezone
  • Do not set TZ
Recommended setup for non-named-timezone-capable adapters
  • TZ = Your/Local/Timezone

This works (in my tests) well, at the cost of modifying the container's timezone.


Variable Default value Required Description
REDIS_HOST y Hostname of Redis server
REDIS_PORT 6379 y Port of Redis server


Variable Default value Required Description
DB_ADAPTER y Database adapter which to use. Only valid option is postgres.
DB_HOST n Hostname of database server. Empty will use whatever the adpater wants - likely localhost.
DB_PORT n Port of database server. Empty will use whatever the adpater wants.
DB_DATABASE y Name of database which to use.
DB_USER n User which to authenticate as. Empty if no authentication needed.
DB_PASS n Password of user to authenticate as. Empty if no authentication needed.


Variable Default value Required Description
RESQUE_WEB_PATH n URL where the Resque GUI will be made available. Empty to disable Resque GUI.
RESQUE_DURATIONS_RECORDED 1000 y Number of past jobs to use for calculation of floating average in stats plugin.


Variable Default value Required Description
LEADERBOARD_PAGINATION_SIZE 30 y Number of per-page entries on leaderboard.
LEADERBOARD_PAGINATION_LEADING 5 y Number of leading pages in pagination toolbar.
LEADERBOARD_PAGINATION_SURROUNDING 3 y Number of pages in pagination toolbar surrounding the current page.
LEADERBOARD_PAGINATION_TRAILING 5 y Number of trailing pages in pagination toolbar.


Variable Default value Required Description
PROFILE_PAGINATION_SIZE 30 y Number of per-page entries on profile.
PROFILE_PAGINATION_LEADING 5 y Number of leading pages in pagination toolbar.
PROFILE_PAGINATION_SURROUNDING 3 y Number of pages in pagination toolbar surrounding the current page.
PROFILE_PAGINATION_TRAILING 5 y Number of trailing pages in pagination toolbar.
Variable Default value Required Description
PROFILE_ENSL_SHOW_TUTORIALS y y Whether to link the ENSL tutorials on weak player's profile pages.
PROFILE_ENSL_SKILL_THRESHOLD 2000 y Skill below which to show ENSL tutorials on profile pages.
PROFILE_ENSL_TIME_THRESHOLD 8 * 60 * 60 y Playtime above which to show ENSL tutorials on profile pages.


Variable Default value Required Description
PLAYER_PAGINATION_SIZE 30 y Number of per-page entries in player search.
PLAYER_PAGINATION_LEADING 5 y Number of leading pages in pagination toolbar.
PLAYER_PAGINATION_SURROUNDING 3 y Number of pages in pagination toolbar surrounding the current page.
PLAYER_PAGINATION_TRAILING 5 y Number of trailing pages in pagination toolbar.
PLAYER_ERROR_THRESHOLD 3 y Number of failed data-retrieval attempts after which a player will be disabled. This only affects players which never had a successful data retrieval.
PLAYER_INVALID_RETENTION_TIME 3600 y Number of seconds after which disabled players without data will be removed.

Player Data

Variable Default value Required Description
PLAYER_DATA_BACKOFF_DELAY 300 y A random number between 0 and this settings is chosen to determine the amount of seconds which a rate-limited player update will be delayed.
PLAYER_DATA_INITIAL_DELAY 60 y A random number between 0 and this settings is chosen to determine the amount of seconds which an automated player update will be delayed by initially. This serves to prevent all freshly-scheduled updates from trying to execute at once.
PLAYER_DATA_CLEAR_UPDATE_SCHEDULED_AT_DELAY 7200 y Number of seconds after which a scheduled player update is assumed to have failed silently, and new scheduling new updates is allowed. You should not need to tune this setting, this is only to prevent a bug from causing updates to cease.
PLAYER_DATA_EXPORT_ROOT /mnt/observatory y Path in the file system where generated CSVs will be stored for a certain duration. Default value is suitable for running in a Docker container and mounting a volume there - but feel free to adjust to your liking.
PLAYER_DATA_EXPORT_EXPIRY_THRESHOLD 604800 y Number of seconds after which a player data export will be expired, that is its file deleted. Set to 0 to keep indefinitely.
PLAYER_DATA_SCORE_PER_SECOND_THRESHOLD 1 y Score-per-second value at which (>=) to treat score changes as a result of the known score-multiplying bug, and discard them.

Rate Limiting

Variable Default value Required Description
HIVE_RATE_LIMITING_TOTAL_THRESHOLD 2 y Maximum number of Hive API queries in set interval.
HIVE_RATE_LIMITING_TOTAL_INTERVAL 1 y Interval duration in seconds.
HIVE_RATE_LIMITING_USER_THRESHOLD 2 y Maximum number of user-initiated Hive API queries in set interval.
HIVE_RATE_LIMITING_USER_INTERVAL 1 y Interval duration in seconds.
HIVE_RATE_LIMITING_BACKGROUND_THRESHOLD 2 y Maximum number of user-initiated Hive API queries in set interval.
HIVE_RATE_LIMITING_BACKGROUND_INTERVAL 1 y Interval duration in seconds.
STEAM_RATE_LIMITING_TOTAL_THRESHOLD 3 y Maximum number of Steam API queries in set interval.
STEAM_RATE_LIMITING_TOTAL_INTERVAL 1 y Interval duration in seconds.


Variable Default value Required Description
STEAM_WEB_API_KEY n Key for Steam Web API, used for name resolution. If undefined, name resolution will not be supported.
STEAM_HTTP_PROXIES n List of comma-separated HTTP proxy URLs which to use for Steam inventory API calls. Empty to not use any.


Variable Default value Required Description
COLOUR_ALIEN #FF0000 y RGB colour to use to represent aliens on graphs.
COLOUR_MARINE #0000FF y RGB colour to use to represent marines on graphs.


Variable Default value Required Description
LOCALIZATION_DATE_FORMAT %F y Formatting directive which to use for formatting dates. Check the Ruby documentation for specifics, although it behaves nearly identical to strftime of the ISO C / POSIX standard.
LOCALIZATION_DATETIME_FORMAT %FT%T%:z y Formatting directive which to use for formatting date-times. Check the Ruby documentation for specifics, although it behaves nearly identical to strftime of the ISO C / POSIX standard.


Variable Default value Required Description
PIWIK_ENABLED false y Set to true to enable Piwik integration.
PIWIK_SERVER n Host of Piwik server, eg
PIWIK_SITE_ID n Site ID of Piwik site.


Variable Default value Required Description
GORGE_BASE_URL n Base URL of Gorge. Empty to disable Gorge integration.
GORGE_HTTP_BASIC_USER n User for HTTP basic authentication. Empty to disable.
GORGE_HTTP_BASIC_PASSWORD n Password for HTTP basic authentication. Empty to disable.
GORGE_CONNECT_TIMEOUT 1 y HTTP connect timeout towards Gorge API.
GORGE_TIMEOUT 2 y HTTP timeout towards Gorge API.
STATISTICS_CLASSES n_30,n_100 y Comma-separated statistics classes of Gorge which to query


Variable Default value Required Description
SENTRY_DSN n Full Sentry DSN URL which to report exceptions to.


Variable Default value Required Description
MOTD_ENABLED false y Set to true to enable showing of MOTD.
MOTD_MESSAGE n String to show as MOTD on top of site.


Variable Default value Required Description
NSL_ACCOUNTS_API_ENDPOINT y Endpoint from which to fetch NSL accounts
NSL_PROFILE_BASE_URL y Base URL of profiles


Want to work on this application? Here's some steps to get you started.

Install dependencies

In order to conveniently work on the application, you will need:

  • Ruby version manager, eg pry, rvm, rbenv, ...
  • Bundler
  • Docker & docker-compose
  • Install ruby dependencies (bundle install)

Prepare environment

The easiest way to spawn the required environment (database, redis, ...) is via the supplied docker-compose file. This will provide you with the required environment to run a development server, as well as tests, on your machine.

Alternatively, you will need:

  • PostgreSQL
  • Redis

If you set these up yourself, you will have to adjust the config in the following step accordingly.

Run development server

  • Copy .env.development.dist to .env.development
  • Open configuration file, and adjust all settings marked as CHANGEME
  • Spawn environment via docker-compose up
  • Run application server: bundle exec padrino s
  • Run worker process: QUEUE=* bundle exec rake resque:work
  • Run scheduler process: bundle exec rake resque:scheduler
  • Now the server should be accessible at http://localhost:3000

Running tests

  • Copy .env.test.dist to .env.test
  • Open configuration file, and adjust all settings marked as CHANGEME
  • Spawn environment via docker-compose up (if already done during development, no need to do it again)
  • Run tests: bundle exec rake rspec -fd -c spec/

Running dockerized tests

Alternatively you can run tests within a Docker container - this has the advantage of being fully contained, at the cost of some speed.

This is mainly interesting for CI solutions, but could also be used locally.

# Build container and run tests
docker-compose -f docker-compose.testing.yml up --build --abort-on-container-exit