A Haskell online group supporting your compiler of choice
How many different ways can you find to write allEven?
Write a function that takes a list and returns the same list in reverse.
Write a function that builds two-tuples with all possible combinations of two of the colors black, white, blue, yellow, and red. Note that you should include only one of (black, blue) and (blue, black).
Write a list comprehension to build a childhood multiplication table. The table would be a list of three-tuples where the first two are integers from 1–12 and the third is the product of the first two.
Solve the map-coloring problem using Haskell.
In Prolog
different(red, green). different(red, blue). different(green, red). different(green, blue). different(blue, red). different(blue, green). coloring(Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia, Tennessee, Florida) :- different(Mississippi, Tennessee), different(Mississippi, Alabama), different(Alabama, Tennessee), different(Alabama, Mississippi), different(Alabama, Georgia), different(Alabama, Florida), different(Georgia, Florida), different(Georgia, Tennessee).
Functions that you can use on lists, strings, or tuples
A way to sort lists
- Write a sort that takes a list and returns a sorted list.
- Write a sort that takes a list and a function that compares its two argu- ments and then returns a sorted list.
- Write a Haskell function to convert a string to a number. The string should be in the form of $2,345,678.99 and can possibly have leading zeros.
- Write a function that takes an argument x and returns a lazy sequence that has every third number, starting with x. Then, write a function that includes every fifth number, beginning with y. Combine these functions through composition to return every eighth number, beginning with x + y.
- Use a partially applied function to define a function that will return half of a number and another that will append \n to the end of any string.
- Write a function to determine the greatest common denominator of two integers.
- Create a lazy sequence of prime numbers.
- Break a long string into individual lines at proper word boundaries.
- Add line numbers to the previous exercise.
- To the above exercise, add functions to left, right, and fully justify the text with spaces (making both margins straight).