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meeting Apr 7 2022

Bob Dröge edited this page Apr 7, 2022 · 4 revisions

Notes for 2022-04-07 meeting

  • date & time: Thu 7 Apr 2022 - 14:00 CEST (12:00 UTC)
    • (every first Thursday of the month)
  • venue: (online, see mail for meeting link, or ask in Slack)
  • agenda:
    • Quick introduction by new people
    • EESSI-related meetings in last month
    • Progress update per EESSI layer
    • Infrastructure and monitoring
    • 2021.12 version of pilot repository
    • AWS/Azure sponsorship update
    • MultiXscale COE proposal for EuroHPC call
    • Upcoming events
    • Q&A


Meeting notes

(by Bob)

Quick introduction by new people

EESSI-related meetings in last month

Progress update per EESSI layer

Filesystem layer
  • We should probably just disable the macOS tests in our Github Actions, as we don't have a macOS stack anyway.
  • Caspar: the data repository was requested by Hugo for WRF ReFrame tests, but can also be used for other test that need input data.
  • Marcus: CVMFS will give a warning when you try to ingest >1GB files, but it's not a (critical) error, and the file will be ingtested anyway.
  • Caspar: When using multiple CVMFS repositories (e.g. pilot and data), can you have different proxies/caches for each repo?
    • Marcus: That's possible if you move the configuration to the domain-/repository-specific configuration files.
Compatibility layer
Software layer

Infrastructure and monitoring

  • Bob: Maybe there are other UIs for Terraform+Ansible, e.g. the one from SURF Research Cloud (unclear what they are using) or perhaps the one from StackHPC for OpenStack (
  • Caspar: What do the numbers under Stratum0 on the status page represent?
    • Terje: It is the revision number for each repository.
  • Bob: Do you know in which release the CVMFS patch for including the server version number will be included?
    • Terje: It should not break anything, so probably it will be in the next patch release.
  • Caspar: How easy would it be for sites to have their own status page that includes their private Stratum 1?
    • Terje: It should be fairly easy to add your own one to the code and host your own status page.
    • Bob: We could also consider that sites can add their private Stratum 1 servers to our page, but then it has to be accessible/scrapable by our monitoring machine.

2021.12 version of pilot repository

AWS/Azure sponsorship update

MultiXscale COE proposal for EuroHPC call

The project will run for four years, partners for the EESSI side include Surf, University of Groningen, Ghent University, University of Bergen, Barcelona Supercomputing Center.

Upcoming events

Sebastian will submit a proposal to BioHackathon tomorrow more focused on EasyBuild because the targeted audience is more biologists and bioinformaticians, but EESSI will be mentioned and used I hope.


  • Jörg:
    • attended the UKCloud event and talked to StackHPC, they are very insterested in integrating/using EESSI.
    • tried to use fuse-overlayfs 1.8.2 in a Rocky build container and it seems to work fine, so we should probably try to use this version in our EESSI containers as well.
    • the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative seeks letters of intent to apply for funding for software projects that are essential to biomedical research, see:
      • Bob: we applied for this last year with a proposal to make EESSI available to/for the rare diseases research community. This didn't get approved, unfortunately.
  • Who's going to ISC?
    • Bob, Kurt
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