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Releases: Electrical-Age/ElectricalAge

Electrical Age 1.13.0

05 Dec 21:14
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This release page is now deprecated

If you want up-to-date releases, look at Curseforge. If you want an up to date dev build you can use our dev server, but be warned that it's likely to have an extra helping of bugs.


Power station

Let's call this the "Power grid" release.

The chief feature added this time is electrical utility poles, which allow you
to transfer electricity further and faster than ever before. Although chiefly of
use on modded servers with large energy sinks such as Applied Energistics, you
may find that they're handy for getting that suburb look in your base.

To connect two utility poles, right-click them with a stack of high-voltage

They come in two variants: With or without transformers. Only the former can be
attached to old-fashioned ground cables.

Utility poles run at a nominal voltage of 12,800 volts, for just over 80kW of
power capacity. A second tier of poles will be added, though possibly not during
the 1.7.10 cycle. I am now gearing up for the port to 1.10.2, but others are
still working on 1.7.10, so this may or may not be the final 1.7.10 release.

Community spotlight

There is an ongoing series of tutorials, to be found
on the wiki, and
which now includes an embryonic power-pole tutorial.

As always, we will grant wiki editing access to anyone who shows up
in gitter or
on irc and asks.


  • Tier-1 utility poles

  • Analog chips

    Similarly to the digital AND/OR/NAND etc. chips added in the previous release,
    these let you break out the signal processor's function into multiple
    blocks. We've also added an OpAmp chip, so please have fun playing with it.

  • The macerator now macerates AE2 ores

    The correct way to make it work with mod ores is to install AOBD, but AOBD
    lacked support for AE2.


  • WAILA support now works on (some) 'ghost' blocks, and uses less memory.


30 Oct 22:09
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Electrical Age is Minecraft 1.7.10 compatible. Forge is required.

This version of Electrical Age is, as an experiment, built against the latest 1.7.10 version of Forge ( rather than the 'recommended' version. Please let us know if this breaks anything.

We've also changed the versioning scheme, to follow semantic versioning rules. This is version 1.12.0. Any bugfixes released without gameplay changes will be 1.12.1, 1.12.2 and so forth. See the link for a full explanation.

The tutorial map remains our recommended method of learning the basics of Electrical Age, but doesn't include examples of the highest-tier, mechanical power blocks. To learn about these we recommend the other support options, particularly Gitter or IRC.

There is also a semi-official server, many players on which would be happy to show you around. This always runs the newest development builds, so join in if you want to be an alpha tester.

We are currently looking for people who can help with the Wiki.



  • New items:
    • Added a Gas Turbine. This creates mechanical energy by burning gasoline and equivalents.

      The Gas Turbine's unique charm point, compared to the steam turbine, is that it reacts much faster to control inputs. This makes it more useful in early-midgame. It will also run at 800V if required, although inefficiently. The gas turbine needs to be spun up before it will work, however.

      A wide variety of mod-provided fuels already work, but we'd take any requests for more. Diesel and raw oil deliberately does not, however; use the steam turbine for these.

    • Added a straight mechanical shaft block.

    • Added a mechanical joint block, allowing shaft networks to spread out in 2D.

    • Added a flywheel.

      This can be used to store energy in shaft networks, and they're a good early-midgame alternative to electrical emergency power dumps, but they slow spinup by a large factor.

    • Added a Tachometer block. This outputs the speed of the shaft network as a signal.

    • Added a battery-powered fire detector and buzzer.

    • Added lead uses, as a cheaper alternative to electrical breakers.

  • Gameplay changes:
    • Fuel Generators can burn all the same fuels as the Gas Turbine, except for natural gas.

    • Added WAILA support.

      By default it will only show you information you could theoretically get without a multimeter.
      There is a configuration option to switch this.

  • Added configuration options:
    • The Modbus server port is now configurable.
    • In case the port is unavailable, we'll ignore it and continue rather than crash.
    • The LED bulbs can be configured to have infinite lifespan, even with lamp aging turned on.
    • Battery capacity is now configurable. Please be reasonable; the defaults are as they are to maintain balance.
  • Bugfixes:
    • Fixed a Thaumic Energistics-triggered NPE.
    • Modbus server is only started if enabled in the config.
    • No more random extra letters in the menus.
    • Misc. fixes: #456, #489, #387, #482, #295, #490, #441, #508, #511
  • Visual:
    • Mechanical shafts now all rotate in the correct direction, regardless of placement.

BETA-1.11r51 release

20 May 20:46
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ElectricalAge is Minecraft 1.7.10 compatible. Forge is needed.



  • Now translated into the following languages:

    • Dutch
    • German
    • Italian
    • Russian
    • Spanish
    • French
    • Chinese
    • Polish
    • Portuguese (partial)
    • Turkish (partial)

    We use Transifex for translation, so if your language is not yet listed here, help is welcome:

  • Simulation improvements

    • "Game changing" improvements for transformer simulation model
    • New mechanical shaft system to transfer mechanical energy by rotation
  • Icons redesign

    • Most icons redesigned and 3D renderings replaced by symbols
    • The different voltages are represented by different background colors
    • Better charge overlays for portable items/batteries
  • Item updates:

    • Completely new model for the lamp supply
    • New model for the circuit breaker
    • New functions for the signal processor: pow, acos, asin, rescale
    • Added silk touch functionality to auto miner
    • Improved defense turret rendering / behavior
    • Improved placement for almost all items
  • New items:

    • Sconce lamp
    • LED bulbs
    • Rheostat
    • Steam turbine (Buildcraft compatible, mechanical output)
    • Very high voltage generator (mechanical input)
    • Fuel generators (50V and 200V model) (Mod providing fuel liquid required, ex. Buildcraft)
    • Logic gates:
      • NOT chip
      • AND chip
      • OR chip
      • NAND chip
      • NOR chip
      • XOR chip
      • XNOR chip
      • D Flip-Flip chip
      • JK Flip-Flop chip
      • Schmitt-Trigger chip
      • Oscillator chip
      • PAL (Programmable Array Logic) chip
  • Bug fixes and improvements:
    #429, #400, #396, #390, #389, #386, #382, #381, #380, #379, #375, #374, #371, #368, #367, #365, #351, #344, #339, #335, #333, #332, #323, #309, #289, #279, #267

  • Added configuration options:

    • Autominer range
    • Fuel generator power factor
    • Fuel generator tank capacity
    • LED bulb lifetime
    • Wireless signal range
    • Cable serial resistance
  • Removed dependency to modbus4j

    • Replaced modbus4j by build-in Modbus RTU slave implementation (minimal)

... and most certainly we forgot to mention something here...

BETA-1.10 releases

14 Jun 12:05
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ElectricalAge is Minecraft 1.7.10 compatible. Forge is needed.

Electrical Age is still in Beta.
Use at your own risk and do map backup often because of the new saving system.

r50 fix:

  • Definitely fix block disappearing, I can go to walala now.

r49 fix:

  • EE3 incompability fixed

r47 fix:

  • Mod now translatable (items/block) !
  • Command utils for generate/complete lang files.
  • Reflections on screens.
  • New item : Digital Wall Clock
  • New item : Industrial Data Logger
  • New lang file : Russian
  • New mod map data saving system (safer and MC decoupled)
  • Some minor bugs correction.

BETA-1.9 releases

02 Oct 09:38
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Minecraft 1.7.2 / 1.7.10 compatible. Forge needed.
Only 1.7.10 since r44

!!!!!!!!!! DO BACKUP OFTEN !!!!!!!!!!!!
For map compabilities => you must visit each dimension that contain electrical block (vanilla dimension are already OK) at the first load of yours map. Else electrical blocks into unloaded dimension disappear.
Sorry but lot of nbt write/read change, if electrical age blocks are corrupted, please issue it to me :)
(normally all is ok, i don't have detect any issue XD)

r37 fix:

  • Now electrical simulation is done only on loaded worlds (including unloaded chunks)
  • New electrical nodes save system that remove corruption probabilities
  • Use new RF API
  • add x-ray scanner disable flag

r38 fix:

  • Adding energy counter and advanced energy counter blocks with lovely model
  • New lamp socket model
  • Better electricalAge_tutorialmap with a intro that explain electricity basics
  • Add a room into electricalAge_tutorialmap with energy counter
  • Lamp supply range can be extended by putting more cable into slot.
  • Fix issue with IIconRegistry

r39 fix:

  • Add recipe for Energy Meter
  • Fix wireless repeater issue

r40 fix:

  • Direct lamp blow up when overvoltage
  • Fix crash that happened with fluorescent lamp socket in some case
  • Fix autominer drill rotation
  • Add resistance on some item's tooltip
  • Tree resin collector can now be placed on non log block class registered into log ore dictionary
  • More clear probe gui tooltips

r41 fix:

  • Now lamp bulb blow out wehn over voltage even if lamp aging is disable
  • fix signal processor operator priority
  • add on transporter gui needed energy bar
  • fix xray crash when blocks are registred with a not common id XD
  • Add in eln.cfg some power configuration
  • Adding 3.2kV cables/switch/relay
  • add flurecent socket receipe

r42 fix:

  • replicator spawn rate reduced
  • synchronize some eln.config infromation between client / server (lamp life)
  • Add energy conversion ratio with other mod in eln.cfg
  • Fix water turbine power generation
  • Fix XRayScanner in multiplayer
  • fix replicator spawn in peaceful
  • Added defense turret
  • Added fire alarm

r43 fix:

  • Add turret + recipe !!
  • Add eln.config for replicator spawn
  • Add min max into signal processor

r44 fix:

  • Update OpenComputer API
  • Fix regenerateOre crash


  • fix some issue, but because of unknown reason, i can't start any minecraft server on my PC => can't test that XD


  • Started work on achievements
  • Added Modern Data Logger (WIP)
  • Fixed internal server error when the tile entity isn't loaded and server crash
  • Code cleanup

r47 (Not released yet!):

  • Updated to OpenComputers API 4.2.4
  • Fixed achievements not triggering
  • Updated version checker
  • Added new analytics features (WIP)
  • Lots of code cleanup

Open Computer + Industrial Craft 2 support

05 Aug 22:37
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Minecraft 1.7.2 / 1.7.10 compatible, need forge.

OC+ IC2 was tested with 1.7.10. but less tested with 1.7.2
If you have any problem with you can disable that into eln.cfg

OC support add a block that could read/write signals cables /wireless. For example:





r27 fix:

  • Add Electrical Age to IC2 energy converter !!!
  • Add Eln Computer Probe that is compatible with Open Computer !!!
  • Add Capacitor / Inductor models
  • Fix a "Access before ready" crash possibility
  • Remove bettery like condensators
  • Hub start with cross connections
  • Remove most of texture loading exeption spamming when the mod is loaded
  • Fix Tree resin collector mistake
  • Add a little feed back when put a /eln console command
  • fix lamp bulb duplication for client when shift click
  • Reduct server load for cable thermal simulation
  • Add mining drill animation on the autominer

r28 fix:

  • Add support of OpenComputer for the Energy Converter
  • Simple Lamp Socket integrated
  • Add pull down resistor for batteries and solar pannels
  • Fix eln.cfg plumb to lead
  • Fix rubber ore dictionarry

r29 fix:

  • Better tutorial map with wireless power transmition
  • Fix new forge verssion that refuse electrical age mod
  • Add wireless power transmiter antenna into tutorial
  • Better lamp socket render when light is not maximal
  • Fix capacitor maximal voltage

r30 fix:

  • Signal processor syntax is added into integrated wiki !
  • Now you can't mine blocks with electrical standard items
  • Now wiki recipe show the number of item that craft need
  • Fix the potential Tessellator crash into GUI
  • Lamp socket pop process don't kill enderman and wither
  • Add pull down to all switch
  • Fix a crash due to mod incompatibilities on neigbord update

r31 fix:

  • Eln Computer Probe are now compatible with Computer Craft (already compatible with Open Computer)
  • Add Power Capacitor/Inductor receipe
  • Rework some receipe
  • Add if function into signal processor

r32 fix:

  • Ony fuel bucket return empty bucket in heat furnace
  • Reduct resistance of High voltage cable and rise the maximal power of it
  • Now Alarm shut down directly when you mute them

r33 fix:

  • RF support

r34 fix:

  • Fix a incoherncy when swap to world that can be unloaded
  • New switch that are off don't propagate the voltage on oposite pin (before it was the case, off course with a very high impedance)
  • To show advanced tool tip of item you must press shift
  • Buildcraft support
  • Fix energy converter receipe
  • Now material machines have 4 output slots

r35 fix:

  • Fix issue that was come with r34 only in multiplayer. (crash with some blocks on the client side)
  • betther flash light algo
  • Autominer don't drill when voltage is to low
  • Make single usage battery more expensive
  • Now you can put tree resin collector on non vanilla tree
  • Fix tree resin colector recipe
  • Reduct replicator spawn
  • Now when you press the mouse rolling well in creative on multiblock block, that don't give you strang item
  • Doing some code check to avoid that the mod load world/chunk that are unloaded.
  • rework lamp life, Now when you never use it you can always stack itemstack, and they all have a differente start life.

r36 fix:

  • Now shader mods break less some visual effect
  • Rework a sounrd atenuation through blocks
  • Fix turbine electrical simulation calculation accurency errors
  • restaure diodes
  • Add explosion disable flag into Eln.cfg
  • Fix replicator spawning overflow (limit the population to 100)
  • Fix battery charger block syncronisation between client and server
  • Change some recipe (autominer, advanced elctrical motor, magnet)

minecraft 1.7.2 / 1.7.10 ready !

18 Jul 19:20
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Now it's, as the title say, minecraft 1.7.2 / 1.7.10 ready !
(Need forge)

R19 fix :

  • 1.7.10 !!!
  • Fix a bug into serial resistance line simplification that don't update new rs value
  • Reduct effect of ligthnine on wireless, and have a ^1.4 factor distance attenuation

R20 fix :

  • Shift + click is now supported into inventory.
  • Per default, thungsten is not added to dictionnary.
  • Add in the eln configuration file the possibilities to add all tunsgten stuf into standard dictionarry
  • Fix redstone repeater crash with electrical to redstone converter

R21 fix :

  • Add sided inventory support (hopper / buildcraft)
  • Sided inventory on Electrical furnace
  • Sided inventory on all processing machines
  • Sided inventory on heat furnace
  • Sided inventory on egg incubator


  • Fix a very bad crash from the electrical simulator
  • Fix a memory leak from electrical simulator
  • Electrical furnace and all processing machines have a better shift + click
  • Restore the C key. when you press it, it's like if you have a wrench into hand. and you can rotate wall blocks by right click


  • Fix turbine electrical model. now they are loooooot more stable and don't oscillate strangly


  • Fix electrical watch crash when remove a charched battery


  • Fix massive memory leak that come when other mod load and unload chunk like a ninja
  • Add autominer model but all is not finished (WIP)
  • fix one wrong calculation of XRay scanner
  • fix lamp simulation when unconnected to lamp supply
  • To hide cable with a block, now you must right click + wrench key (C)
  • Now tree resin can be crafted from compressor + wood logs
  • Restore eCoal armor recipe
  • Change inventory of auto miner, now you must put a chest on the back


  • Autominer is use now 800V, has a item tooltip, has a betther raycasting color, and drill other mod ore
  • Fix autominer light issue
  • Mining drill use more energy
  • light bulb now have a random stating life. Life remaining is now not showed exactly in item tooltip
  • Add option to disable version check in configuration file
  • Reduct lamp consuption

Wireless update

16 Jul 22:07
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Minecraft 1.7.2 need forge.

Now you can build light system with multiple button without pain : D
All is in electricalAge_tutorial map, near the end.

  • Tweek thermal resistance values
  • Fix battery heating
  • Fix turbine "over" heating at map reload
  • Add a pulse signal button bloc
  • Fix wireless signal throug block attenuation
  • Fix sixnode destruction bug
  • Redo wireless system. Now repeater retransmit all channel, and RX can aggregate multiple transmeter source !
  • Aggregaton are Biggest,Smallest,Toogle (for lamp controle it's useful)
  • signal button (go off 200 millisecond after pushed)
  • Wireless button
  • Wireless tutorial
  • Tutorial plate model integration

R12 fix :

  • Add wireless button/switch recipe
  • Fix integrated wiki crash when using other mod that don't check NULL reference XD

R13 fix :

  • Now when you look at a small wall block (cables, ..) the bounding box draw is better
  • Fix oreDictionary with electrical age ore, now you can use other mod ore with.
  • Fix tutorial plate, Now that working on not integrated server

R14 fix :

  • Now, when thunder fall, wireless signals are glitched
  • Egg incubator crash on break
  • Fix case where turbine going in short cut XD I'm realy sorry for that, it's bad :(

R15 fix :

  • fix crash when you break the cable that a replicator eat
  • Add the replicator id into configuration file. -1 mean auto generated id

R16 fix :

  • add PID function regulator into signal processor
  • Sound are now played in Block channel, exept for alarm that are played into juxbox/record channel
  • remplace rs switch in tutorial by button
  • wireless button are now affected by thunder
  • add replicator into tutorial

R17 fix :

  • Inductor subsystem are created in priority
  • Capacitor are now added to the game. WIP
  • Better voltage probe GUI
  • Fix a gui low level bad thing

R18 fix :

  • Stupid R17
  • Now, api of computer craft is not into the mod zip.
  • Computer craft probe is loaded only if there is computer craft mod, <3 reflexion

New electrical simulation engine !

07 Jul 21:33
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Minecraft 1.7.2 need forge.

This is a very very big update ! (java code) It's the reason why be prudent with this update. All seem good but that need beta tester : D

(sorry for maj, i don't like maj :( but it's to save your fun when playing the mod)

Patch note :

  • A new electrical simulator, That remove all bad side of the old simulator. Now cables retain zero energy.
    When you cut off a switch, all connected consumer instantly shutdown : D
  • Add a ingame version checker
  • Remove 50V turbine model
  • Tree resin colector added in tutorial
  • Battery charge math added tutorial
  • In game wiki crash fix
  • Iron heating corp recipeconflict fix
  • Add math operator ^ =
  • Fix one cable corner connection issue
  • Fx Machine block recipe conflict
  • Fix bug for portable mining drill, Now you can drill and charge the item in same time
  • oreregen configuration added into mod config file
  • Fix a big OpenGL memory leak

New tutorial map with lots of text help

14 Jun 11:27
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Stable 1.7.2 release, need forge.

Add a new tutorial map (
Adding new sounds
Bugs fix

1.4.2 =>
add lot graphic connection pin on small wall blocs
1.4.3 =>
better compatibilities with shader mods (no light saturation, no time desync)
1.4.4 =>
Give the possibilities to regenerate ore on a map that was created without the mod.
For that, type /eln reGenOre 1 into you ingame console. Then reload the map.
Each time a chunk is loaded, that check that some Electrical age ore must be into.
1.4.5 =>
Fix keyboard key that could close GUI when enter text
Fix integrated GUI graphics light bug
Into integrated wiki, when you open page of machines, there is all smelting that the machine can do
with energy cost !
Fix key assigment reverse between open wiki and interact
1.4.5a =>
!!!! Change key binding name, you probably must redo your mod key bindings !!!!
1.4.6 =>
I promise, it's last change of mod key controle XD Sorry for that
Now you can interact with item (flash light, ore scanner) juste with right click
To rotate small wall blocks, use the new Wrench item.
To allow or not allow a cable to cross color connection, right click on with wrench.
1.4.6a =>
fix a mod conflict possibilities
1.4.6b =>
Fix the bug where electrical age light block don't allow to put electrical age block
1.4.6c =>
Fix recipes that using silicon ingot (Cheap chip, ...)
1.4.6d =>
Some graphic issue are fixed (transparency with shader mod, depth test)
Try to fix strang issue with linked to inventory,
add into tutorial map the following : brush, wrench, transporter, electrical items

ElectricalAge_tutorial_1.4.4 text have been improved. Thanks @Sukasa : D