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User Guide
* Table of Contents {:toc}

1. Introduction

NUStorage is a desktop application for managing inventory, finance transactions and accounts.

NUStorage is optimised for store owners and managers who prefer to work with a command line interface (CLI) while still enjoying the visual benefits of a graphical user interface (GUI).

With some experience in typing, NUStorage can manage your inventory and finance records much faster than traditional GUI-based applications, streamlining your workflow and increasing productivity.

Interested? Read on to get started!

If you see a acronym that you don't understand, kindly refer to the glossary.

2. Quick Start Guide

  1. Ensure that you have Java 11 or above installed on your device.

  2. Download the latest release of NUStorage.jar here.

  3. Copy the .jar file to the folder you want to use as the home folder for your application.

  4. Double-click on the .jar file to start the app. The GUI should look something like this:

    Start of NUStorage

  5. Type a command in the command box and press enter to execute.

    • Here are some sample commands you can try to get started with:
      • list_inventory to list inventory records
      • list_finance to list finance records
      • add_inventory i/Logitech G400 q/20 c/69 to add 20 Logitech G400 gaming mouse that cost $69 to the inventory
      • add_finance amt/120.17 to add an inbound transaction of $120.17
      • bye to exit programme
    • Refer to the commands list below for details of each command.

3. Features

ℹ️ Notes about the command format:

  • Words in UPPER_CASE are the parameters to be keyed-in by the user.
    e.g. in add_inventory i/ITEM, ITEM is a parameter which can be used as add_inventory i/MacBook.
  • Items in square brackets are optional.
    e.g amt/AMOUNT [at/DATE] [TIME] can be used as the possible formats:
    • amt/200 at/2020-04-10 18:00
    • amt/200 at/2020-04-10
    • amt/200 at/18:00
    • amt/200 at/2020-04-10
    • amt/200
  • Inputs that require date and time have specific formats. The format for the date has to be in YYYY-MM-DD while the format for the time has to be in HH:mm and both are case-sensitive.
    e.g. 2020-01-01 will show up as 01 Jan 2020 for the date while 13:00 will show up as 13:00 for the time in the NUStorage's response box.

4. Commands

This section shows the commands that can be used with NUStorage. It is divided into three sections:

  1. Inventory commands
  2. Finance account commands
  3. Universal commands

Accompanying the details of each command are figures that show an example of the command and the result of executing the command.

4.1. Inventory Commands

4.1.1. Add items to inventory: add_inventory

Adds and stores a new inventory record into the inventory list.

Format: add_inventory i/ITEM_NAME q/QUANTITY [c/ITEM_COST]

Example: add_inventory i/iphone q/10 to create a new inventory record of item iphone and quantity 10.

Add inventory command example

Result: item iphone of quantity 10 is added to the inventory.

Add inventory result example

4.1.2. Remove items from inventory: delete_inventory

Removes the specified record from the inventory list.

Format: delete_inventory INDEX

Example: delete_inventory 1 to delete the inventory record at index 1.

Delete inventory command example

Result: record at index 1 is removed from the inventory list of records.

Delete inventory result example

4.1.3. Edit record in inventory: edit_inventory

Edits the specified record in the inventory list.

Format: edit_inventory INDEX i/ITEM_NAME q/QUANTITY

Example: edit_inventory 1 i/iPad q/100 to edit the inventory record at index 1.

Edit inventory command example

Result: item name changed from iphone to iPad and its quantity changed from 10 to 100.

Edit inventory result example

4.1.4. List inventory records: list_inventory

Displays all records in the inventory list.

Format: list_inventory

Example: list_inventory

List inventory command example

Result: inventory is listed.

List inventory result example

4.2. Finance Commands

4.2.1. Add finance records: add_finance

Adds and stores a new finance record into the account.

Note: Date and time are default to current location's datetime unless specified

Format: add_finance amt/AMOUNT [at/DATE] [TIME]

Example: add_finance amt/30000 at/2020-03-03 to create a new finance record of amount $30000 on 3rd March 2020

Add finance command example

Result: finance record of amount $30000 on 3rd March 2020 is added to the finance account.

Add finance result example

4.2.2. Delete finance records: delete_finance

Deletes the specified finance record from the account.

Format: delete_finance INDEX

Example: delete_finance 1 to delete the finance record with index 1.

Delete finance command example

Result: record at index 1 is removed from the finance account records.

Delete finance result example

4.2.3. Edit record in finance: edit_finance

Edits the specified record in the finance account.

Format: edit_finance INDEX amt/AMOUNT [at/DATE]

Example: edit_finance 1 amt/120 to edit the finance record at 1.

Edit finance command example

Result: finance amount changed from $100 to $120 on 1st Oct 2020.

Edit finance result example

4.2.4. List finance records: list_finance

Displays all the finance records in the account.

Format: list_finance

Example: list_finance

List finance command example

Result: finance account is listed.

List finance result example

4.3. Universal Commands

4.3.1. Quit the programme: exit

Saves data locally in a data file and exits the programme.

Format: exit

Example: exit

Exit command example

Result: Programme terminates.

4.3.2. Undo/Redo the previous command: undo/redo[coming in v2.0]`

[This feature is planned for v2.0]

Undo or redo the previous command

Format: undo or redo

Example: undo or redo

Result: Undo or redo the previous command.

5. Command Summary

Action Format & Examples
Add inventory add_inventory i/ITEM q/QUANTITY [c/ITEM_COST]
e.g. add_inventory i/MacBook pro q/200 c/50
Delete inventory delete_inventory INDEX
e.g. delete_inventory 4
Edit inventory edit_inventory INDEX i/ITEM_NAME q/QUANTITY
e.g. edit_inventory 3 i/Lenovo Y50 q/10
List inventory list_inventory
Add finance add_finance amt/AMOUNT [at/DATE] [TIME]
e.g. add_finance amt/420.69 at/2020-04-23
Delete finance delete_finance INDEX
e.g. delete_finance 2
Edit finance edit_finance INDEX amt/AMOUNT [at/DATE] [TIME]
e.g. edit_finance 1 amt/120 at/2020-10-01
List finance list_finance
Exit programme exit

6. Glossary

  1. CLI: command line interface.
  2. GUI: graphical user interface.
  3. .jar: The file type that NUStorage is released in. This is similar to the .exe files in Windows and .app files in MacOS.

7. FAQs

7.1. How do I migrate the data to another computer?

WARNING: doing so will overwrite the existing data you may have on the other device. Please make sure you make a backup before migrating data.

Steps to migrate data:

  1. Locate the data files under the directory (folder) ./data. The data files are names inventory.json and financeAccount.json respectively.
  2. Copy the files to the other device.
  3. Place the two files under the directory ./data.
  4. Restart NUStorage on the other device to load the data.

7.2. How do I combine data from two devices?

Currently, NUStorage does not support the merging of data between different devices. NUStorage only supports moving of data from one device to another. Please see FAQ 6.1 regarding how to migrate data.

7.3. Can I directly modify the storage file?

Modifying the storage file is possible but NOT RECOMMENDED! Doing so may result in a complete data loss.