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Topic: Installer Tamper Monkey pour utiliser Scratch avec Warcraft #7

EloiStree opened this issue Aug 29, 2024 · 1 comment


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EloiStree commented Aug 29, 2024


Étapes d'installation :

  1. Installez Opera GX ou Chrome.
  2. Installez Tampermonkey.
  3. Copiez le code "Scratch to Local Websocket".
  4. Créez un projet Scratch avec une variable wsvar requet.
  5. Installez Python.
  6. Téléchargez et lancez le serveur local.
  7. Téléchargez et exécutez le code "Entier à Warcraft".
  8. Vous êtes prêt(e) 🏁😁
  9. Testez que tout fonctionne avec le projet suivant :


Ce script convertit toutes les variables commençant par wsvar en entiers, puis les transmet du site Scratch à une application locale qui fonctionne comme un serveur Python.

// ==UserScript==
// @name         Push Scratch wsvar to Local WS IID
// @namespace
// @version      0.1
// @description  Source:
// @description  Test zone:
// @author       Eloi stree
// @match*
// @icon
// @require

// @grant        none

// ==/UserScript==
(function() {
    'use strict';

What this code do ?
This code overlook at the HTML code when you are on*
It searches about the HTML of a variable display in the scratch game that are a HTML Div code.
The div Id are
- name: .monitor_label_ci1ok
- value: .monitor_value_3Yexa

It add the key value in a dictionary if the value changed only to avoid spam when send outside of the script.

With the help of a unsecure websocket client it send the value as a integer converted to 4 bytes in little format.
To use this script you need to recover it with a websocket server of your own and turn back the 4 bytes to integer.


//Just show in console that the script is injected
console.log("Hello Tamper to Integer :).\n Websocket client will try to connect to websocket server. \n  ")

// Creating url to push on local computer at the port 7073 the integer that changed.
var socketUrl= 'ws://localhost:7073';
// Defined the var of the future websocket client
var socket = null;
// Will be use to have a way to know that the server is still in theory connected
var isConnectionValide=false;
// Dictionnary that is storing the previous state when a change happened
// Used to detect any change in the Scratch variable
var previousData = {};

// Do we want to display console log in the browser or not.
var useConsoleDebug=false;

/* This function is use to make some test. It allow to push randomply a integer if the connection is still active */
   function PushMessageToServerRandomInteger(){
       const randomInt = Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000000000) + 1;

    /*This function send an integer into a exportable value with the date of when it was detected as a ulong format */
   function PushMessageToServerIntegerDate(integer){
      var value =integer;
       // Get the current UTC time in milliseconds
     const currentTimeMillis =;

     // Convert to an unsigned long (assuming 64-bit)
     const ulongVar = BigInt(currentTimeMillis);

     // Create a byte array of length 12
     const byteArray = new Uint8Array(12);
     // Set the first 4 bytes of the array from the value in little-endian format
     byteArray[0] = value & 0xFF;
     byteArray[1] = (value >> 8) & 0xFF;
     byteArray[2] = (value >> 16) & 0xFF;
     byteArray[3] = (value >> 24) & 0xFF;

     // Set the next 8 bytes of the array from ulongVar in little-endian format
     const view = new DataView(byteArray.buffer);
     view.setBigUint64(4, ulongVar, true);
     console.log("Random date with date:", value)

/*This function send an integer into a exportable value and don't attach to it a date value */
function PushMessageToServerInteger(integer){

      var value =integer;
     const byteArray = new Uint8Array(4);
     byteArray[0] = value & 0xFF;
     byteArray[1] = (value >> 8) & 0xFF;
     byteArray[2] = (value >> 16) & 0xFF;
     byteArray[3] = (value >> 24) & 0xFF;
     console.log("Int Pushed to web local server:", value)

var server_is_offline=false;

/*Try to reconnect with a new websocket client if it detect that the current is for any reason not there */
function ReconnectIfOffline(){

    if (socket !=null && socket && socket.readyState === WebSocket.OPEN) {
            console.log('Try estabalish connection with: '+socketUrl);
            socket = new WebSocket(socketUrl);
            // Event listener for when the connection is established
            socket.addEventListener('open', () => {
                console.log('WebSocket connection established');

            // Event listener for incoming messages
            socket.addEventListener('message', (event) => {
                console.log('Received message from server:',;


            // Event listener for when the connection is closed
            socket.addEventListener('close', () => {
                console.log('WebSocket connection closed');


            // Event listener for errors
            socket.addEventListener('error', (error) => {
                console.error('WebSocket error:', error);
            console.log("Server Online");

    /*This will send key value as integer if it detect the variable start with "wsvar " and connection is open */
    function sentKeyValueToOpenWebsocket(label, value) {

        if (socket && socket.readyState === WebSocket.OPEN) {
            const lowerStr = label.toLowerCase().trim();

            if (lowerStr.startsWith("wsvar ")) {
                const number = parseInt(value);
                //console.log("The string starts with 'wsvar'");
                if (!isNaN(number)) {

                    console.log("Change detectected wsvar int: "+value)
                    //console.log("The string is a valid integer:", number);
                } else {
                    //console.log("The string is not a valid integer");


    /*This will look in the HTML code for the Scratch variable as HTML.
    If it find the div of the key value that start with "wsvar ". It will set them in the dictionary and notify if it changed*/
    function extractAndSendData() {
        var dataString = '';
        // Find all elements with class 'react-contextmenu-wrapper'
        var elements = document.getElementsByClassName('react-contextmenu-wrapper');
        // Iterate through each element
        for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) {
            var element = elements[i];
            // Find elements with classes 'monitor_label_ci1ok' and 'monitor_value_3Yexa' within current element
            var labelElement = element.querySelector('.monitor_label_ci1ok');
            var valueElement = element.querySelector('.monitor_value_3Yexa');

            // Extract text content from label and value elements
            var label = labelElement ? labelElement.textContent.trim() : '';
            var value = valueElement ? valueElement.textContent.trim() : '';

            if (label && value) {
                if(label.startsWith("wsvar ") ){
                   dataString += label + ': ' + value + '\n';
                    if (!previousData[label]) {
                        previousData[label] = value;
                        sentKeyValueToOpenWebsocket(label, value);
                    } else {
                        if (previousData[label] !== value) {
                            previousData[label] = value;

                            console.log("Change detectected: "+value)
                            sentKeyValueToOpenWebsocket(label, value);

        console.log("Interval :) Start ")

    setInterval(ReconnectIfOffline, 1000);
        console.log('Code end reach');


Grâce à ce client web dans le navigateur, on peut rediriger les messages vers un serveur UDP, disponible dans tous les langages de programmation.

import asyncio
import websockets
import socket

udp_socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
server_websocket_port= 7072
target_udp_ip = ""
target_udp_port = 7073
bool_display_received = True

async def handler(websocket, path):
    byte_counter = 0
    while True:
            global target_port
            data = await websocket.recv()
                udp_socket.sendto(data, (target_udp_ip, target_udp_port))
                byte_counter += 8 + len(data)
                    print(f"Received {len(data)} | {data}")
                    print(f"Sent {byte_counter} bytes, {byte_counter/(1024)} KB, {byte_counter/(1024*1024)} MB")
            except ValueError:
start_server = websockets.serve(handler, "localhost", server_websocket_port)

Maintenant que nous avons notre entier localement avec UDP, il faut envoyé les commandes à World of Warcraft:

Source: 2024_05_14_IntegerIndexDateToRemoteControl

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EloiStree commented Aug 30, 2024

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0x08 8   1008 2008
0x09 9   1009 2009
0x0C 12   1012 2012
0x0D 13   1013 2013
0x10 16   1016 2016
0x11 17   1017 2017
0x12 18   1018 2018
0x13 19   1019 2019
0x14 20   1020 2020
0x1B 27   1027 2027
0x1B 27   1027 2027
0x20 32   1032 2032
0x21 33   1033 2033
0x22 34   1034 2034
0x23 35   1035 2035
0x24 36   1036 2036
0x25 37   1037 2037
0x25 37   1037 2037
0x26 38   1038 2038
0x26 38   1038 2038
0x27 39   1039 2039
0x27 39   1039 2039
0x28 40   1040 2040
0x28 40   1040 2040
0x29 41   1041 2041
0x2A 42   1042 2042
0x2B 43   1043 2043
0x2C 44   1044 2044
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0x2E 46   1046 2046
0x30 48   1048 2048
0x31 49   1049 2049
0x32 50   1050 2050
0x33 51   1051 2051
0x34 52   1052 2052
0x35 53   1053 2053
0x36 54   1054 2054
0x37 55   1055 2055
0x38 56   1056 2056
0x39 57   1057 2057
0x41 65   1065 2065
0x42 66   1066 2066
0x43 67   1067 2067
0x44 68   1068 2068
0x45 69   1069 2069
0x46 70   1070 2070
0x47 71   1071 2071
0x48 72   1072 2072
0x49 73   1073 2073
0x4A 74   1074 2074
0x4B 75   1075 2075
0x4C 76   1076 2076
0x4D 77   1077 2077
0x4E 78   1078 2078
0x4F 79   1079 2079
0x50 80   1080 2080
0x51 81   1081 2081
0x52 82   1082 2082
0x53 83   1083 2083
0x54 84   1084 2084
0x55 85   1085 2085
0x56 86   1086 2086
0x57 87   1087 2087
0x58 88   1088 2088
0x59 89   1089 2089
0x5A 90   1090 2090
0x5B 91   1091 2091
0x5C 92   1092 2092
0x5D 93   1093 2093
0x5F 95   1095 2095
0x60 96   1096 2096
0x61 97   1097 2097
0x62 98   1098 2098
0x63 99   1099 2099
0x64 100   1100 2100
0x65 101   1101 2101
0x66 102   1102 2102
0x67 103   1103 2103
0x68 104   1104 2104
0x69 105   1105 2105
0x6A 106   1106 2106
0x6B 107   1107 2107
0x6C 108   1108 2108
0x6D 109   1109 2109
0x6E 110   1110 2110
0x6F 111   1111 2111
0x70 112   1112 2112
0x71 113   1113 2113
0x72 114   1114 2114
0x73 115   1115 2115
0x74 116   1116 2116
0x75 117   1117 2117
0x76 118   1118 2118
0x77 119   1119 2119
0x78 120   1120 2120
0x79 121   1121 2121
0x7A 122   1122 2122
0x7B 123   1123 2123
0x7C 124   1124 2124
0x7D 125   1125 2125
0x7E 126   1126 2126
0x7F 127   1127 2127
0x80 128   1128 2128
0x81 129   1129 2129
0x82 130   1130 2130
0x83 131   1131 2131
0x84 132   1132 2132
0x85 133   1133 2133
0x86 134   1134 2134
0x87 135   1135 2135
0x90 144   1144 2144
0x91 145   1145 2145
0xA0 160   1160 2160
0xA1 161   1161 2161
0xA2 162   1162 2162
0xA3 163   1163 2163
0xA4 164   1164 2164
0xA5 165   1165 2165
0xA4 164   1164 2164
0xA5 165   1165 2165
0xA6 166   1166 2166
0xA7 167   1167 2167
0xA8 168   1168 2168
0xA9 169   1169 2169
0xAA 170   1170 2170
0xAB 171   1171 2171
0xAC 172   1172 2172
0xAD 173   1173 2173
0xAE 174   1174 2174
0xAF 175   1175 2175
0xB0 176   1176 2176
0xB1 177   1177 2177
0xB2 178   1178 2178
0xB3 179   1179 2179
0xB4 180   1180 2180
0xB5 181   1181 2181
0xB6 182   1182 2182
0xB7 183   1183 2183
0xBA 186   1186 2186
0xBB 187   1187 2187
0xBC 188   1188 2188
0xBD 189   1189 2189
0xBE 190   1190 2190
0xBF 191   1191 2191
0xC0 192   1192 2192
0xDB 219   1219 2219
0xDC 220   1220 2220
0xDD 221   1221 2221
0xDE 222   1222 2222
0xDF 223   1223 2223
0xE2 226   1226 2226
0xE5 229   1229 2229
0xE7 231   1231 2231
0xF6 246   1246 2246
0xF7 247   1247 2247
0xF8 248   1248 2248
0xF9 249   1249 2249
0xFA 250   1250 2250
0xFB 251   1251 2251
0xFD 253   1253 2253

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