A simple scheduling bot for Telegram groups
This program requires python-telegram-bot version 12.0.0b1. To install, do:
pip3 install python-telegram-bot==12.0.0b1 --upgrade
schedubot.py [-h] [--debug] [--version] [--logfile LOGFILE] [--savefile SAVEFILE]
Expects your bot API token in an environment variable called SCHEDUBOT_TOKEN
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--debug Set logging level to DEBUG: Log every update.
--version Show version information and exit.
--logfile LOGFILE Where to store debugging info. Defaults to ./schedubot_debug.
--savefile SAVEFILE Where to store data neccesary for persistence. Defaults to ./schedubot_persistence.
--admin ADMIN Id of user that is allowed to change debug settings, if any.
Currently, the bot supports the following commands:
- /create Create a new poll.
- /name Edit the name of one of your polls.
- /desc Edit the description of one of your polls.
- /add Add one of your polls or a poll you have participated in to a chat.
- /print Send a new message for a poll already added to this chat.
- /close Close one of your polls.
- /help Print this message.
- /reset Send this if the bot seems stuck or unresponsive.
- /debug [mode ['file', 'chat', 'both'], level ['CRITICAL', 'ERROR', 'WARNING', 'INFO', 'DEBUG', 'NOTSET'], register, unregister, update, context, full, info]