🚀 The perfect Electron + Nuxt3 quick start that you can deploy with or without electron!
- Perfect structure for parallel development of electron and nuxt 🏢
- Deploy with or without electron! 🚀
- Typescript (you can use javascript too) 📍
- electron-updater 🎉
- custom electron-builder config 🎩
- Latest versions of
✨ - Great DX and Extensibility 🍕
- Parallel transpilation and hot-reloading 🧪
composable for easy access to electron APIs and IPC 🎨- Vue-Devtools support, ESLint & Prettier, and more! 🔥
# Clone the repository
git clone https://github.com/EternalC0der/electron-nuxt3.git
# Change directory to the template
cd electron-nuxt3/template
# Install dependencies
npm install
# Start the app in development mode (in electron)
npm run dev:electron
# Note: Use 'npm run dev:electron:win' if you're using a windows machine!
# Fire up vscode
code .
# Start the app in development mode (in electron)
npm run dev:electron
# Start the app in development mode (in browser)
npm run dev
# Generate static build
npm run build
# Build electron app for production
npm run build:electron