{% include navigation.html %}
Hello! We are the TLDEW scrum team. We want to create a website to help adventure seekers find their next trail or trip. Our website will support an interactive map with trails that can be rated by the users. It will have other features that will be implemented in the future. Our website sponsor will be the Del Norte Hiking Club.# Key PBL Features
## Home Page Our home page will feature a photo of one of the trails that the users can pick from. It will have a navbar with links to all of the different parts of the website and it will have buttons that take the user to the TrailNorte social media pages, the main feature of the site - the hiking map, and a login area that prompts the user to make an account or login.
Our hiking map will be the magnum opus of our website. It will be an interactive map, similar to that of google maps, that has pins that the user can click on to see trails corresponding to their locations. The pins will be interative and pull up a photo of the trail, the trails rating and location, user's reviews of the trail, and other users who want to hike it.
The user will be able to turn on a setting that allows the website to view what trails the user prefers and where they live. The website will recommend adequite trails around the user's level and possibly other people who also hike around the same level as the user to join them on the hike. This setting will be able to be disabled if the user wants to protect their privacy.
There will be an embedded shop that displays hiking equipment of all sorts. The user will be able to create a wishlist that other users can view, and possibly buy as a gift for the user.
There will be a text board area where users can communicate about different trails and organize groups. Users will be able to talk with new people and possibly make friends, but there will be moderated chat. There will be a report and block system so that users can enjoy the site at their liking.
There will be hiking tours and group events that the users can view and sign up for, seeing other people that signed up for it as well.