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File metadata and controls

142 lines (128 loc) · 3.73 KB

Configuration file

Find below the documentation for the webserv configuration file.
This documentation uses an augmented Backus-Naur Form (BNF) notation.



Enables or disables the directory listing display.

autoindex = "autoindex" SP "on" | "off" ";"
Default: autoindex off;
Context: main, server, location


Set the CGI script to be executed.

cgi = "cgi" SP cgi-folder 1*( SP cgi-filename ) ";"
Default: ——
Context: main, server, location


Set the maximum allowed size of the client request body. If the size of a request exceed the maximum size, the server will respond with a 413 status code (Request Entity Too Large). Setting a size of 0 disable the checking of client request body size.

client_max_body_size = "client_max_body_size" SP size ";"
Default: client_max_body_size 1m;
Context: main, server


Deny HTTP methods (GET, POST, DELETE) received from a client to a location/server.

deny = "deny" SP "GET" | "POST" | "DELETE" ";"
Default: ——
Context: location


Define error pages to be sent in response when a client request result in an error. Handled code: 300, 400 and 500

error_page = "error_page" 1*( SP code ) SP uri ";"
Default: ——
Context: main, server, location


Define files that will be used as an index when client request ended with a "/" character. Files are checked in the specified order. Files can be specified with an absolute path.

index = "index" 1*( SP file ) ";"
Default: index index.html;
Context: main, server, location


Specifies the address and port on which the server will listen to.

listen = "listen" SP port | ( address [ ":" port ] )";"
Default: *:80
Context: server


Set the configuration for a requested URI.

location =  "location" SP uri SP "{" 1*( LF *( HT | SP ) <rules with location in context> ) LF *HT "}"
Default: ——
Context: server


Stops processing and returns the specified URI to a client.

return = "return" SP uri ";"
Default: ——
Context: location


Set the root directory for requests. Example, with the following configuration file:

    location /foo/ {
        root /bar

The file "/bar/foo/this.txt" will be sent in response to the "/foo/this.txt" request.

root = "root" SP path ";"
Default: root html;
Context: main, server, location


Set the configuration for a virtual server.

server = "server" SP "{" 1*( LF *( HT | SP ) <rules with server in context> ) LF "}"
Default: ——
Context: main


Set the names of a virtual server. The first name specified becomes the primary server name.

server_name = "server_name" 1*( SP hostname | address ) ";"
Default: ""
Context: server


Maps file name extensions to MIME types of responses.

type = "type" SP mime 1*( SP extension ) ";"
Default: ""
Context: main, server, location


address         = 1*3DIGIT 3 ( "." 1*3DIGIT ) ;each fragment must be between 0 and 255
cgi-filename    = 1*TEXT "." ( "py" | "php" )
cgi-folder      = 1*TEXT
code            = 3DIGIT ;must be between 300 and 599
extension       = 1*TEXT
file            = 1*TEXT
hostname        = *TEXT
mime            = token "/" token
path            = 1*TEXT *( "/" 1*TEXT )
port            = 1*DIGIT ; must be under uint16_t max
separators      = "(" | ")" | "<" | ">" | "@"
                      | "," | ";" | ":" | "\" | <">
                      | "/" | "[" | "]" | "?" | "="
                      | "{" | "}" | SP | HT
size            = 1*DIGIT [ "k" | "m" ]
token           = 1*<any CHAR except CTLs or separators>
uri             = *TEXT