Releases: EvanHerman/timeline-express
Timeline Express v1.2.8.2
= - June 4th, 2016 =
- Tweaked initial options when plugin is activated (Timeframe: All Announcements (Past+Future), Excerpt Length: 50)
- Bumped version numbers
- Re-minified CSS/JS files so the proper version is referenced in headers
- Re-enabled 'Add-ons' menu item
Timeline Express v1.2.8/v1.2.8.1
The release encompasses the changes included in version 1.2.8 and version of Timeline Express Free, released on June 5th and June 6th respectively.
= - June 5th, 2016 =
- Re-added parameters removed from the announcement custom post type.
- Fixed strange re-direct when viewing an announcement on the front-end, with 'Exclude Announcements from Site Searches' set to true.
= 1.2.8 - June 6th, 2016 =
- Bump version.
- Fix AJAX media library grid breaking.
- Fix announcements appear in site search setting.
- Remove un-used, old content filter function.
Timeline Express v1.2.7/v1.2.7.1
Includes v1.2.7 &
- Bumped version numbers.
- Fixed uninstall file throwing errors.
- Set all containers to 100% (fixes width issue when announcements contain no content)
- Removed 100% width from the featured image on single announcements. (now width: auto)
- Built in support for srcset attribute on single announcement pages (to reset images to 100% on single pages use the following CSS
body.single-te_announcements .announcement-banner-image { width: 100% }
) - Timeline now flips to 95% width when the browser is set to 822px and below.
- Built in suppot for j F Y date formats.
- Quick patch to completely remove any RSS feed dependency (which was not well thought out to begin with).
- Added missing class to the announcement image on single templates.
Timeline Express v.1.2.6
This version contains all updates since version 1.2.2, including our new template engine - and any patches that had been reported since.
For a full list, please see the changelog in the repository:
Timeline Express v1.2.2
- Re-added the 'Read more' button to all announcements, regardless of length
- Removed the 'Read More' text/link after the ellipses
- Fixed theme overriding timeline excerpt lengths, added priority 999 and a post_type() conditional
- Fixed weird admin responsive issue due to hard coded widths on the columns
- Localized the date picker to honor the date format setting inside of 'Settings > General > Date Format'
- Fixed the 'Read More' toggle setting not properly removing the links from the icons
- Removed 822px max-width from the timelines (now extends 100% of the parent container)
Timeline Express v1.2.1
Minor patch - if you're not using the timeline_express_frontend_excerpt
filter, this patch is not necessary. This patch is just for users having issues with that filter.
- Repair
filter. - Used wp_kses_post() instead of esc_attr() when printing the excerpts.
Timeline Express v1.2
- Refactored plugin base to improve stability - split code base into classes and re-wrote many functions.
- Plugin now more extendable, and much easier to style and customize.
- New templating system in place, to allow for users to override, for help please see our customization articles.
- Plugin WordPress compatible, following all standards.
- Transients setup for front end caching (page transient caching to allow for different timelines on different pages).
- Flush re-write rules now properly setup, to flush when needed (saving a page with the shortcode on it, saving the settings, creating/updating an announcement).
- Started writing unit tests for improved future proofing.
- Tweaked front end styles a bit, to improve consistency between themes.
- Documentation site being built out, to help with questions. (
- Added additional filters and hooks to help with customizations.
- Wrapped every string in the plugin in the appropriate gettext filters.
- Added new options to disable animations and prevent scroll/fade in animations.
- Tested migration from to 1.2 - including new options.
- Added new optional shortcode parameters
(integer, limiting the number of announcements to display),display
('Future', 'Past' or 'All' to set which announcements will display on the timeline) andsort
('DESC' or 'ASC' to set the order of the timeline). - Frontend inline styles are now more reliable in overriding the appropriate elements.
I forgot to push out releases with each update to the repo, so this is all fixes/enhancements from the previous release.
v1.1.6.5 - March 31st, 2015
- Enhancement: re-wrote part of the CSS file, to allow for native masonry layouts (uniform spacing between containers, stacked properly etc.)
- Enhancement: Added
check to determine if font awesome should be loaded over https or not. - Fixed: Fixed WP_Response error when font-awesome icons are unavailable using
wp_remote_get(); - March 23rd, 2015
- Enhancement: Packaged French translation - thanks goes to Julien Lambert
- Enhancement: Fixed a few typos in the plugin - March 22nd, 2015
- Enhancement: Added wp_error class to catch errors thrown by
when building the bootstrap dropdown. - March 18th, 2015
- Enhancement: Removed
call which was breaking previously stored options on activation - March 10th, 2015
- Enhancement: Altered new option label to be 'Exclude Announcements from Site Searches' (settings were reversed (true excluded while false included) )
1.1.6 - March 9th, 2015
- Enhancement: Fixed 404 issue on announcement posts when 'Include Announcement in Site Searches' was set to 'false'. - March 6th, 2015
- Enhancement: Added a priority to the metabox initialization, which caused conflicts with other plugins using the same class
v1.1.5.8 - March 5th, 2015
- Enhancement: Upgraded font-awesome to 4.3.0
- Enhancement: Added icon select dropdown on the settings page, to better mirror the post/page edit screens
- Enhancement: Added new setting to toggle Timeline posts from appearing in search queries on the front end (defaults to true)
- Enhancement: Packaged German translation - thanks to Martin Gerlach - February 5th, 2015
- Message From The Author: Sorry for multiple updates on the same day. I was feeling ambitious and rolled out one patch to fix an issue and another with some new features. Enjoy :)
- Enhancement: Added a dropdown to select the font awesome icon
- Enhancement: Fadded in the timeline after everything has initialized, to prevent seeing a messed up Timeline layout - February 5th, 2015
- Fixed: Issue with the excerpt being truncated and throwing off entire timeline layout (issue occured when truncate happened mid html tag , which left a tag open)
- Fixed: Wrapped missing text in text domain