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Tool for Match complexity calculation for DNA sequences.


This program depends on libdivsufsort and SDSL.

To build macle, first obtain the source:

git clone
cd macle

If libdivsufsort is not installed, build it first:

make divsufsort

If you want parallelized libdivsufsort, set the according flag in the Makefile and build it:

make parallel-divsufsort

Simiarly, if SDSL is not installed, enter:

make sdsl

Finally, build macle:


The macle binary is now located in the build directory.

The match complexity

macle implements a measure of complexity we call the match complexity, MC. MC is a measure of non-repetitiveness of a given sequence. To compute MC, a sequence gets factorized into consecutive unique substrings, the match factors. A substring is unique if the sequence does not contain it at any other position. From left to right characters are added to the current factor until it becomes a unique string, then the factor is complete and the next one begins at the next character. The process is continued until the whole sequence is processed. For example, CCCCGCTCTCCA factorizes to CCC.CG.CTC.TC.C.A. The factors are separated by dots, each factor being unique with respect to the full sequence. The MC value for some interval of the sequence (or the whole sequence) is obtained by counting the factors within it and dividing the count by the expected number for a random sequence. This expected number of match factors is computed using equation (6) in [1].

MC lies between 0 for sequences that are repeated exactly elsewhere and 1 for random sequences. The definition of MC means that no value can be less than 0. However, it is possible to obtain MC values slighly larger than 1, as this maximum is only an expectation that holds in the limit of long sequences.


macle can be applied directly to FASTA files. If a file contains multiple sequences, they are treated as one long sequence in the factorization step. The MC values are always calculated with respect to the complete input sequence.

For example, to investigate the repetitiveness of chromosomes within a genome, first create a FASTA file that contains the sequences of all chromosomes. Note that keeping the chromosomes in separate files may lead to different results, because possible repeats between chromosomes cannot be detected. This feature of macle allows repetitiveness to be investigated on various scales, e. g. chromosome-wide vs. genome-wide - the "frame of reference" is defined by input file.

If no parameters are specified, macle returns a single MC value for the complete concatenated sequence. The -n parameter restricts macle to specific regions. If the file contains multiple sequences -n NAME selects the sequence with the given name. The name is a prefix of the FASTA header of the sequence until either the first whitespace or 32 characters are reached. It is also possible to restrict macle to a region of that sequence by using -n NAME:FROM-TO.


# get MC value for the whole concatenated sequence:
macle seq.fa
# get MC value for the complete second sequence in the file:
macle -n chrZ seq.fa
# get MC value for the interval 12-345 of the second sequence in the file:
macle -n chrZ:12-345 seq.fa

Batch modes

macle has two batch modes: sliding window or list of queries. When given the sliding window size parameter -w, macle returns a series of MC values. Alternatively, when given a file with intervals, macle prints an MC value for each interval.

The -w parameter (optionally combined with -n) yields the values of windows within the specified region. Using -w without -n returns the window results for all the sequences in the file. The -k parameter defines the step between windows and is 1/10 of the window by default. In our experience, window lengths between 1000 and 100000 yield interesting results. Larger windows tend to average out the changes in repetitiveness along the sequence. We recommend experimenting with different window sizes. In the sliding window mode the output columns are: sequence number, window midpoint, MC value.

Given a list of specific intervals of interest - rather than the a contiguous sequence - the -f option specifies the file listing these intervals, one per line, in the same format as for -n. Note that -f is mutually exclusive with -n and -w. In the -f mode the output columns are: query number, MC value.


#produces a series of values for sliding windows of size 10000 and step 1000
macle seq.fa -w 10000
#produces a series of values for non-overlapping windows (k=w) of size 10000
macle seq.fa -w 10000 -k 10000
#produces a value for each query
macle seq.fa -f queries.txt

FASTA vs index file

Raw sequence data can either be piped into macle, or passed as a file. However, instead of raw sequence data, macle also accepts an index to that sequence as input. Working with such a pre-computed index can speed up the analysis of long sequences by orders of magnitude. An index file is obtained by calling macle with the -s flag and piping the output into a file: macle seq.fa -s > seq.idx.

Load an index file by using the -i flag; so if a file seq.fa was transformed into the index seq.idx, use macle -i seq.idx instead of macle seq.fa, everything else stays the same. In fact, whenever macle is applied to a FASTA file, internally the index structure is calculated on the fly and thrown away after the analysis.

To inspect an index file, use macle -i someindex.idx -l. This returns a list of all sequences indexed, in the same order as in the input file. This also lists the possible arguments for the -n parameter.


If you want to rename the sequences in the index (e.g. if the name deduced from the FASTA header is not human readable), you can create a list of new names in a text file, one name per line. Each name shall have at most 32 characters and be unique. Then use the -r parameter to rename the sequences in an index. The new names stored in the text file should be in the order the sequences appear in the index (check with -l).

# rename sequences in existing index
macle -r new_names_file.txt some_seq.idx

Gnuplot integration

The results of a sliding window analysis are best visualized. This can be done using the script, which is part of the macle repository. The script accepts macle output and visualizes it with gnuplot. To use it, add the -g flag to macle and pipe the result into the script:

macle -i seq.idx -n chrZ -w 10000 -g | ./


[1] Estimating mutation distances from unaligned genomes. Haubold, Pfaffelhuber, et al., Journal of Computational Biology, Vol. 16, Number 10, 2009