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Iran Reyes Fleitas edited this page May 28, 2019 · 5 revisions

Adviser is modular and allows creating plugins, in this wiki page you will find everything you know about implementing a plugin.

Naming convention

Your plugin name must be named as adviser-plugin-[name], examples:

  • adviser-plugin-audit-npm
  • adviser-plugin-suspicious-packages


Plugin structure

Adviser is expecting an object with all the defined rules, like:

  "rules": {
    "min-vulnerabilities-allowed": Rule,
    "skip-vulnerabilities": Rule,

Rule structure

To define a rule, you should create a class the inherit from Adviser.Rule; once you have the class you can use the rule lifecycle method to implement your rule.

Rule lifecycle

  1. Constructor - Called when the rule is parsed by the engine
  2. run - Action rule method called when the engine runs the rule
  3. ruleExecutionFailed - Called when the rule execution failed
  4. ruleExecutionEnded - Called when the rule execution ended


class MinVulnerabilityAllowed extends Adviser.Rule {
  constructor(context) {

  run(sandbox) {
    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
      setTimeout(() => {{ message: 'lalalalalalal' });
      }, 3000);

  ruleExecutionFailed(feedback, error) {

  ruleExecutionEnded(feedback) {

MinVulnerabilityAllowed.meta = {
  category: 'Vulnerabilities',
  description: 'To be fill',
  recommended: true,
  docsUrl: '',
  schema: {
    enum: ['low', 'moderate', 'high', 'critical']


Besides the unit tests for your Rule logic, if you would like to run your new rule with Adviser, follow the below steps:

  1. Run $ npm link where your plugin's package.json is
  2. Create a new folder
  3. Create an empty package.json and install adviser ($ npm install adviser)
  4. Run $ npm link <your plugin name> in your new folder
  5. Create a config file .adviserrc (Read below for an example)
  6. Run Adviser

Configuration file example

  "plugins": ["audit-npm"],
  "rules": {
    "audit-npm/min-vulnerabilities-allow": ["error", { "level": "high" }]
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