Build wheel for macos in CI #177
on: push
4m 27s
5m 51s
2m 7s
2m 49s
Build wheels on ubuntu-latest
6m 12s
Build wheels on macos-14
14m 40s
Matrix: ubuntu-22-java11-with-fesapi
16 errors and 1 warning
Build wheels on ubuntu-latest
Command ['sh', '-c', 'yum install -y wget gcc-c++ openssl-devel minizip-devel && yum search epel-release && yum info epel-release && yum install -y epel-release && yum --enablerepo=epel install -y cmake3 && cd / && wget && tar xf boost_1_70_0.tar.gz && cd boost_1_70_0 && ./ --prefix=/boost-install --with-libraries=filesystem,iostreams,program_options,regex,system && ./b2 install && cd / && wget && tar xf avro-cpp-1.11.3.tar.gz && sed -i \'s/install (TARGETS avrocpp avrocpp_s/install (TARGETS avrocpp_s/\' avro-cpp-1.11.3/CMakeLists.txt && sed -i \'s/install (TARGETS avrogencpp RUNTIME DESTINATION bin)//\' avro-cpp-1.11.3/CMakeLists.txt && mkdir avro-build && cd avro-build && cmake3 -Wno-dev -Wno-deprecated -DBoost_ROOT=/boost-install -DCMAKE_POSITION_INDEPENDENT_CODE=ON -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/avro-install /avro-cpp-1.11.3 && cmake3 --build . -j2 --target avrocpp_s --config Release && cmake3 --install . && cd / && wget && tar xf hdf5-1.12.3.tar.gz && mkdir hdf5-build && cd hdf5-build && cmake3 -G "Unix Makefiles" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE:STRING=Release -DCMAKE_POSITION_INDEPENDENT_CODE=ON -DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS:BOOL=OFF -DBUILD_TESTING:BOOL=OFF -DHDF5_BUILD_TOOLS:BOOL=OFF -DHDF5_BUILD_EXAMPLES:BOOL=OFF -DHDF5_BUILD_CPP_LIB:BOOL=OFF -DHDF5_BUILD_HL_LIB:BOOL=OFF -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:STRING=/hdf5-install ../hdf5-1.12.3 && cmake3 --build . -j2 --config Release && cmake3 --install . && cd / && wget && unzip && mkdir fesapi-build && cd fesapi-build && cmake3 -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DBoost_ROOT=/boost-install -DHDF5_ROOT=/hdf5-install -DHDF5_USE_STATIC_LIBRARIES=TRUE -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:STRING=/fesapi-install /fesapi- && cmake3 --build . -j2 --config Release && cmake3 --install . && cd / && mkdir build && cd build && cmake3 -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DBoost_ROOT=/boost-install -DAVRO_ROOT=/avro-install -DAVRO_USE_STATIC_LIBS=TRUE -DWITH_FESAPI=TRUE -DFESAPI_ROOT=/fesapi-install -DWITH_PYTHON_WRAPPING=TRUE -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:STRING=/fetpapi-install /project && cmake3 --build . -j2 --config Release && cmake3 --install .\n'] failed with code 4.
Build wheels on ubuntu-latest
Process completed with exit code 1.
Build wheels on macos-14
Command ['python', '-m', 'pip', 'wheel', '/Users/runner/work/fetpapi/fetpapi/python', '--wheel-dir=/private/var/folders/g6/rgtlsw6n123b0gt5483s5_cm0000gn/T/cibw-run-37nr6lg_/cp38-macosx_arm64/built_wheel', '--no-deps'] failed with code 1.
Build wheels on macos-14
Process completed with exit code 1.
ubuntu-22-java11-with-fesapi (clang 13, clang-13, clang-13, clang++-13)
The run was canceled by @philippeVerney.
ubuntu-22-java11-with-fesapi (clang 13, clang-13, clang-13, clang++-13)
The operation was canceled.
ubuntu-22-java11-with-fesapi (clang 15, clang-15, clang-15, clang++-15)
The run was canceled by @philippeVerney.
ubuntu-22-java11-with-fesapi (clang 15, clang-15, clang-15, clang++-15)
The operation was canceled.
ubuntu-22-java11-with-fesapi (gcc 10, gcc-10, gcc-10, g++-10)
The run was canceled by @philippeVerney.
ubuntu-22-java11-with-fesapi (gcc 10, gcc-10, gcc-10, g++-10)
The operation was canceled.
ubuntu-22-java11-with-fesapi (gcc 11, gcc-11, gcc-11, g++-11)
The run was canceled by @philippeVerney.
ubuntu-22-java11-with-fesapi (gcc 11, gcc-11, gcc-11, g++-11)
The operation was canceled.
ubuntu-22-java11-with-fesapi (gcc 12, gcc-12, gcc-12, g++-12)
The run was canceled by @philippeVerney.
ubuntu-22-java11-with-fesapi (gcc 12, gcc-12, gcc-12, g++-12)
The operation was canceled.
ubuntu-22-java11-with-fesapi (clang 14, clang-14, clang-14, clang++-14)
The run was canceled by @philippeVerney.
ubuntu-22-java11-with-fesapi (clang 14, clang-14, clang-14, clang++-14)
The operation was canceled.
Build wheels on macos-14
openssl@3 3.3.2 is already installed and up-to-date.
To reinstall 3.3.2, run:
brew reinstall openssl@3