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File metadata and controls

483 lines (376 loc) · 14.8 KB

------------------------------Basics Of Python------------------------------------------

Make a new file with Py is the python extension

Basically to Print anything just use print without any header or extra

print("Hello World")

run->run to run 2

Like for drawing using these print statements just add multiple print statements to design a thing

check draw shape the order of the instruction is necessary ,the console is used to show the output As python uses interpreter it executes instructions line-by-line in order

3 check variable Variables a container contains the data

to assign a variable just variable_name="variable data" it is just storing plane text as it is a string to concatenate string text we use +

so to change a variable you just have to change the main variable data it'll change everywhere in the program variable can be changed anywhere , and the

To store a number you just need to variable_name=numerical data it'll store the number

To store a boolean operation just


So the basic type of data number string boolean number for whole or decimal both Ex. std_marks=50.5 String for plain text std_name="M.Usama" Boolean for true/false Is_male=True 4 check print styles some string format styles also in 5 strings we have red the print ex print("something") But now just have a look on manipulating it more

like: print("something \n new line") check strings to concatenate strings we use + functions in strings can be used to manipulate the strings by calling it by . print(name.(somefunction)) to use multi function one after one you can use like name.upper().isupper()

another function len(variable name) used to check the lenght of the function inside the print like in file to print the specific character variablename[location] as index location starts from zero u can print a character as the string is in array form

to get the specific location for yourself use the index function to replace a word or character use the replace function name.replace ("old" , "new")

6 check numbers so to print a simple whole or negative or decimal number just put it in print print(number) arithmetic operations can be performed as well as print(number 1 +number 2) can be use parantheses (2*2) + 44 mod % use to find remiander to convert the number to string just use the str function as print(str(variable name))

math functions can be performed as to get a absolute value just use the abs function like abs(num)

the function pow to find power like pow(num,power) the function max used to print the max value out of multiple parameteri numbers max(num,num,num,num...) similar to min to find min min(num,num,num,num...) to use other math function we need to import

for this from math import* to import every math file

like the functions floor and ceil are used to grab the lower relevant and higher relevant number to find the sqrt just use the sqrt function sqrt(4) returns 2.0 floating numb return

there are bunch of math functions available on the internet 7 check input to get the input from the user itll be input("enter the name or whatever") variablename=input("enter the name")

8 check a basic calculator Let's use expertise to build a calculator the simple input statements use the strings but if we want it to be the number we have to convert the input statement like so we have to exclusively convert that in int or float as int(num1)+int(num2) but for decimal number it should be float(num1)

9 check mid libs game Mad Libs Game feeling blanks with random words ezpz project

10 check list

a list is just a sort of structure that uses to store a large amount of data and keep tracking on them a list syntax Variable_name=[element 1 ,2,3] like ex:Multi_type_data=["Name",32,False]

to print list enter the name of the list in print to print specific element name[element location starting from 0] to print all element after a location name[element location :] to inversely print like to print 2nd last element name[-2] or to print all values after a number to the end number

like print(list_name[starting index:ending index]) remember the ending index data is excluding like it'll not be printed. so you can change any of the value like the array as list_name[2]=some data

11 check list functions so as the list is valuable as it stores a large amount of data so there are some functions introduced to manipulate,extend or get information from the list let's have a look onelist.extend(secondlist) this list will append the additional data to the first list you can even add an individual item to the list using append function listname.append(item),it'll be added to the last of the list as appending

So to add the value to the individual location to any index use listname.insert(location,value) so the value will be added to that index and so the remaining will be moved accordingly like it'll be pushed.

To remove a specific element from the list just use remove function listname.remove(value) it'll remove the specific value

to clear the whole list to clear it we use the clear function listname.clear()

to remove the last element a famous function pop() is used listname.pop()

to search for the specific value in the list you can use the function index like listname.index(value) it'll return the specifc index for the value if it is in the list or return an error

We can also count the specifc value in the list that how many times it is appearing to check this use listname.count(value)

Ok, no more trash like the C and Java you can simply use the sort function to sort anytype of array whetehr it is alphabetical or numericla list_name.sort() it'll sort the list

or to reverse the specific list , use function reverse list_name.reverse() it'll reverse the given list

you can also just copy the list data to another new list like list_name=old_list.copy()

extra :,the%20item%20at%20that%20index. list.pop() – The simplest approach is to use list’s pop([i]) method which removes and returns an item present at the specified position in the list. list.remove() – This is another approach where the method remove(x) removes the first item from the list which matches the specified value. Slicing – To remove the first item we can use Slicing by obtaining a sublist containing all items of the list except the first one. The del statement – Using Del statement, we can remove an item from a list using its index.The difference compared to pop() method is, that this does not return the removed element.

12 Tuple is anther data structure in python similar to the list let's see how to create it: One of the best example of tuple is that x,y coordinate Tuple is immutable means that we can't change and modify it lets make a tuple in form of coordinates name=(x,y)

element of the tuple can be accessed using index location i.e, tuple_name[0] but not element can be changed you can add tuples in list


check functions To build a normal function you just have to use the keyword def def function_name(): indented statements

The statements under function need to be indented means these statements must be indented as if the next statement is starting from the start of the line it'll not be counted under function check file

function can be used to accept and utilize parameters as like other languages def function(parameter 1, parameter 2.... or no parameter) statements

check function with return simply to return a value from function we use the return statement as return some value

it can be stored in a variable or directly be printed

14 check if else if statements can also be used in the python as if condition : statements

for multiple conditions if condition1: statements elif condition2: statements else

for conditional statements you can use and or not

15 check ad calc so just making a simple calc

16 Dictionaries Data structure in Python which allows us to store data in key-value pairs So key refers to as pointer to the specific stored data.The things here is basically similar to an english dictory where you can find out specific definition attached to a specific word. Check Dict SO the syntax of a dictionry is not difficult Dictionary_name={ key:value, key:value, . . nkey }

Note:Each Key must be unique ,Check file as example Keys can be numbers or strings To retrieve the def to the key ,there are many such definitions like print(dictionaryname[key]) print(dictionaryname.get(key,default value))


Check Whileloop whileloop is a simple type of loop for conitnusoly executing statements based on the specific condition loops breaks when condition doesn't meet while condition: statement1 statement2 . . statementn

18 find primenumbers between specific range Using WHile loop we performed operation to findout prime numbers between specific range

19 check for A for loop is used for iterating over a sequence (that is either a list, a tuple, a dictionary, a set, or a string). for variable in strings/tuple etc: statement 1 statement 2 statement n

range function is used to get a range of values one by one store in the variable like range(number)

for variable in range(number): print(variable)

it will print the numbers from 0 to number-1

19 check 2d llist we can add multiple lists as the list elements within the list so it can be reffered as nested lists so to do this listname=[ [listnested1],[listnested2]....]

to get the specific element it will be as print(listname[rowindex][columnindex])

you can also use the nested for loop to get the element from 2d lists check 2d list

20 the idea of translation is basically taken from the Giraffe Acadmy on Youtube check chimp translation

we use a basic function with the parmeter to get the user written phrase and then use for loop to get the each indvidual character and if vowel replace with m after doing it print it again , the translator=translator+"m" basically adds the m character to translator variable lets check

21 check comments comments are basically the unexecutable line of instruction written just for explaining the specific purpose to the user , one line code can be written as

1-line code or instructions

for multi line ''' code code code


the code will not execute it is just an instruction that enhances learnings

22 One of the important thing in python is the error handlind it basically refers to the fact that there can be errors when running a program and it will stop the execution of whole program even if there is just a simple small error so to prevent this we can use try except try: block of code except: print error

it will get the error from try block if there is and then the except line will if print statement is writen than whatever error is there the except block will run and the program continuous

but to be specific of the type of error we have

try: block of codes except errortype: block

so it will only excute the the except block on the specific error occured 23 check reading files in read folder of file handling folder

to read the external file first to open the file open("file location name","mode") if the files are in same directory just put the name of the file

mode can be r read w write a append r+ read/write

so open the file and store it to the variable to perform various function readline() to get the line and move cursor to the next line readlines() to read all lines readable() to check whether the file is readable or not and then return boolean

there are many more functions can be found over internet

so to close file , its just variablename.close()

24 check writing files in write folder of file handling folder to write to the file first we need to open the file open("filename","a") for append mode the data will be appended open("filename","w") for write mode the data will be overwritten

write function is used to write the data

x.filevariable("Data") 25 CHeck using Module in Module folder Modules are just the external python file using in another python file ,so everything related to that files whether it is variable or function that is imported to new file so you don't have to rewrite the stuff again

we uses import filename then use any of the function or variable into the new file as filename.function()

python modules are pretty useful and saves time, many times when to save time search interenet for the specific module written by other person and import it to your file ,,,, the all python pre modules are in the lib folder the here you can find out a list of python modules

26 let's Talk about PIP PIP is basically package manager that uses to install,manage , uninistall the modules and pretty useful PIP is preinstalled with the latest version of python3

to check if pip installed open cmd write pip --version

if not installed ,there is a bunch of videos on youtube to get it install in your mac/windows you can install external or 3rd party modules using pip its simple using pip command but some times you have to manually install the module using various steps in pip

let's consider you have to get module for docx document to manage it in python there is an external module when searched on google pip install python-docx it will install that legitmate python module using cmd

usually these type of modules after installing gets placed inside the libs>sits-packages folder so to simply install it using install pip

to uninstall the module , one can simply use pip unninstall modulename pip unninstall python-docx

it will uninstall the module and deletes its folder, so nolonger b supported

27 check box and app in class The popular topic classes/objects classes are basically the datatypes and objects are the character the uses these functions to perform a specifci task

class classname :

def __init__(self,var1,var2)

this is just example

to import it in other file lets just from filename import classname variable=classname(value1,value2) object named variable print(variable.var1) it will print the value of var1 passed when object is created

28 check math mind game and quiz in class folder

simply created a simple mathmind quiz game using basic concepts of class/object

29 OK lets see inheritence inheritence is basically to inherit the functionality of one class by another the top is the parent and the class inherits is the child so you don't have to write again the functions written in the parrent class class child class(parent class) : functions

it will inherit the functions from parent class

there is also anoter concept function overridding occurs when both parent and child have same name and its useful , as when the same function needs to be called by the child the overriden function in the child is first executed but not the inherited function .So, the result will be accurate explained in the example file

check inheritence folder in the class folder