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Lab 3

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In this lab, we want you to design interaction with a speech-enabled device--something that listens and talks to you. This device can do anything but control lights (since we already did that in Lab 1). First, we want you first to storyboard what you imagine the conversational interaction to be like. Then, you will use wizarding techniques to elicit examples of what people might say, ask, or respond. We then want you to use the examples collected from at least two other people to inform the redesign of the device.

We will focus on audio as the main modality for interaction to start; these general techniques can be extended to video, haptics or other interactive mechanisms in the second part of the Lab.

Prep for Part 1: Get the Latest Content and Pick up Additional Parts

Pick up Web Camera If You Don't Have One

Students who have not already received a web camera will receive their IMISES web cameras on Thursday at the beginning of lab. If you cannot make it to class on Thursday, please contact the TAs to ensure you get your web camera.

Please note: connect the webcam/speaker/microphone while the pi is off.

Get the Latest Content

As always, pull updates from the class Interactive-Lab-Hub to both your Pi and your own GitHub repo. There are 2 ways you can do so:

**[recommended]**Option 1: On the Pi, cd to your Interactive-Lab-Hub, pull the updates from upstream (class lab-hub) and push the updates back to your own GitHub repo. You will need the personal access token for this.

pi@ixe00:~$ cd Interactive-Lab-Hub
pi@ixe00:~/Interactive-Lab-Hub $ git pull upstream Fall2022
pi@ixe00:~/Interactive-Lab-Hub $ git add .
pi@ixe00:~/Interactive-Lab-Hub $ git commit -m "get lab3 updates"
pi@ixe00:~/Interactive-Lab-Hub $ git push

Option 2: On your your own GitHub repo, create pull request to get updates from the class Interactive-Lab-Hub. After you have latest updates online, go on your Pi, cd to your Interactive-Lab-Hub and use git pull to get updates from your own GitHub repo.

Part 1.


DO NOT forget to work on your virtual environment!

Run the setup script chmod u+x && sudo ./

Text to Speech

In this part of lab, we are going to start peeking into the world of audio on your Pi!

We will be using the microphone and speaker on your webcamera. In the directory is a folder called speech-scripts containing several shell scripts. cd to the folder and list out all the files by ls:

pi@ixe00:~/speech-scripts $ ls
Download     lookdave.wav

You can run these shell files .sh by typing ./filename, for example, typing ./ and see what happens. Take some time to look at each script and see how it works. You can see a script by typing cat filename. For instance:

pi@ixe00:~/speech-scripts $ cat 

You can test the commands by running

echo "Just what do you think you're doing, Dave?" | festival --tts

Now, you might wonder what exactly is a .sh file? Typically, a .sh file is a shell script which you can execute in a terminal. The example files we offer here are for you to figure out the ways to play with audio on your Pi!

You can also play audio files directly with aplay filename. Try typing aplay lookdave.wav.

**Write your own shell file to use your favorite of these TTS engines to have your Pi greet you by name.** (This shell file should be saved to your own repo for this lab.)

Bonus: Piper is another fast neural based text to speech package for raspberry pi which can be installed easily through python with:

pip install piper-tts

and used from the command line. Running the command below the first time will download the model, concurrent runs will be faster.

echo 'Welcome to the world of speech synthesis!' | piper \
  --model en_US-lessac-medium \
  --output_file welcome.wav

Check the file that was created by running aplay welcome.wav. Many more languages are supported and audio can be streamed dirctly to an audio output, rather than into an file by:

echo 'This sentence is spoken first. This sentence is synthesized while the first sentence is spoken.' | \
  piper --model en_US-lessac-medium --output-raw | \
  aplay -r 22050 -f S16_LE -t raw -

Speech to Text

Next setup speech to text. We are using a speech recognition engine, Vosk, which is made by researchers at Carnegie Mellon University. Vosk is amazing because it is an offline speech recognition engine; that is, all the processing for the speech recognition is happening onboard the Raspberry Pi.

pip install vosk
pip install sounddevice

Test if vosk works by transcribing text:

vosk-transcriber -i recorded_mono.wav -o test.txt

You can use vosk with the microphone by running

python -m en

**Write your own shell file that verbally asks for a numerical based input (such as a phone number, zipcode, number of pets, etc) and records the answer the respondent provides.**

Serving Pages

In Lab 1, we served a webpage with flask. In this lab, you may find it useful to serve a webpage for the controller on a remote device. Here is a simple example of a webserver.

pi@ixe00:~/Interactive-Lab-Hub/Lab 3 $ python
 * Serving Flask app "server" (lazy loading)
 * Environment: production
   WARNING: This is a development server. Do not use it in a production deployment.
   Use a production WSGI server instead.
 * Debug mode: on
 * Running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)
 * Restarting with stat
 * Debugger is active!
 * Debugger PIN: 162-573-883

From a remote browser on the same network, check to make sure your webserver is working by going to http://<YourPiIPAddress>:5000. You should be able to see "Hello World" on the webpage.


Storyboard and/or use a Verplank diagram to design a speech-enabled device. (Stuck? Make a device that talks for dogs. If that is too stupid, find an application that is better than that.)

**Post your storyboard and diagram here.**

Write out what you imagine the dialogue to be. Use cards, post-its, or whatever method helps you develop alternatives or group responses.

**Please describe and document your process.**

Acting out the dialogue

Find a partner, and without sharing the script with your partner try out the dialogue you've designed, where you (as the device designer) act as the device you are designing. Please record this interaction (for example, using Zoom's record feature).

**Describe if the dialogue seemed different than what you imagined when it was acted out, and how.**

Wizarding with the Pi (optional)

In the demo directory, you will find an example Wizard of Oz project. In that project, you can see how audio and sensor data is streamed from the Pi to a wizard controller that runs in the browser. You may use this demo code as a template. By running the script, you can see how audio and sensor data (Adafruit MPU-6050 6-DoF Accel and Gyro Sensor) is streamed from the Pi to a wizard controller that runs in the browser http://<YouPiIPAddress>:5000. You can control what the system says from the controller as well!

**Describe if the dialogue seemed different than what you imagined, or when acted out, when it was wizarded, and how.**

Lab 3 Part 2

For Part 2, you will redesign the interaction with the speech-enabled device using the data collected, as well as feedback from part 1.

Prep for Part 2

  1. What are concrete things that could use improvement in the design of your device? For example: wording, timing, anticipation of misunderstandings...
  2. What are other modes of interaction beyond speech that you might also use to clarify how to interact?
  3. Make a new storyboard, diagram and/or script based on these reflections.

Prototype your system

The system should:

  • use the Raspberry Pi
  • use one or more sensors
  • require participants to speak to it.

Document how the system works

Include videos or screencaptures of both the system and the controller.

Test the system

Try to get at least two people to interact with your system. (Ideally, you would inform them that there is a wizard after the interaction, but we recognize that can be hard.)

Answer the following:

What worked well about the system and what didn't?

**your answer here**

What worked well about the controller and what didn't?

**your answer here**

What lessons can you take away from the WoZ interactions for designing a more autonomous version of the system?

**your answer here**

How could you use your system to create a dataset of interaction? What other sensing modalities would make sense to capture?

**your answer here**