GitlabBot is a gitlab merge request munger, with useful features.
Golang implementation of Gitlab Munger, with following features:
- Commenting
- Merging
- LGTM Counts
Using Gitlab database as well as webhook on the project.
gitlabbot [flags]
-H, --dbhost string Postgres database Hostname/IPAddress (default "localhost")
-n, --dbname string Gitlab database name (default "gitlabhq_production")
-p, --dbpassword string Gitlab database password (default "Aa111111")
-P, --dbport int Postgres database port number (default 5432)
-u, --dbuser string Gitlab database username (default "gitlab")
-b, --gitlabbase string Gitlab base url (default "http://localhost:10080")
-g, --gitlabbot string Gitlab username for the bot, Case sensetive (default "gitlabbot")
-t, --gitlabtoken string Gitlab user token for API access (default "K8F8SZEHyq4Dm9osdTT3")
-h, --help help for gitlabbot
-l, --lgtmtreashold int Number of LGTMs required to merge the request (default 2)
-v, --version Prints version info
- Create user and name it "GitlabBot" then create an access token with and elevate it to admin priveleges on your project in gitlab.
- Clone and build.
- Run the binary specifying the required parameters.
- Go to gitlab, Create a merge request, You should see the bot commenting help messages there.