This content has moved to the dotnet/csharpstandard
The list below provides links to each heading in this section. The links specify the C# 6 branch, which is version when the specifications merged.
To view the text of the Microsoft spec before merging with the ECMA text, checkout the ms-spec-text tag in this repository.
- Classes
- Class declarations
- Partial types - Note that the following headings (except partial methods) don't exist in the standard. The text is all contained in this section.
- Attributes
- Modifiers
- Type parameters and constraints
- Base class
- Base interfaces
- Members
- Partial methods
- Name binding
- Class members
- Constants
- Fields
- Methods
- Properties
- Events
- Indexers
- Operators
- Instance constructors
- Static constructors
- Destructors
- Iterators
- Async functions