diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index 80826c7..c6b6229 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -25,7 +25,8 @@ - `/ffhelp` : Shows the help menu - `/ffattacks` : Shows the remaining attacks of the day and can ping remaining players - `/ffavg` : Shows the average war points of the players sending an Excel spreadsheet and the associated png - - `/ffgethours` : Shows the hours of the daily reports and resets + - `/ffclanreg` : Manage the clans for the server's commands + - `/ffhour` : Manage the hours of the daily reports and resets - `/ffgetrotates` : Shows the rotations of the players between the clans - `/ffmembers` : Shows the members of the clan - `/ffopponents` : Shows information about the war opponents and their Colosseum history the last 3 seasons @@ -34,13 +35,9 @@ - `/ffresults` : Shows the points of all the war participants - `/ffriver` : Shows the current river race (or Colosseum) - `/ffreport` : Shows the war report - - `/ffregister` : Registers the clan for the server's commands - - `/ffrmhours` : Removes the hours for the daily reports and resets - `/ffrmrotate` : Removes an entry from the rotations - - `/ffsethours` : Sets the hours for the daily reports and resets on the calling channel using SQLite3 database - `/ffsetrotates` : Sets the rotations of the players between the clans - `/fftag` : Shows the information of a not registered clan - - `/ffunregister` : Unregisters the clan from the server's commands - Scheduled war report has been added to the bot ! It will be sent every day from friday to monday at the reset hour in the clan war channel. - Scheduled `/ffrace` and `/ffattacks` with ping has been added to the bot ! It will be sent every day from friday to monday at 01h00 and from Thurday to Sunday at 23h00 in the clan war channels. diff --git a/commands/ffhelp.js b/commands/ffhelp.js index b9bcd13..fda2040 100644 --- a/commands/ffhelp.js +++ b/commands/ffhelp.js @@ -10,22 +10,19 @@ module.exports = { + "- `/ffhelp` : Shows this help menu\n" + "- `/ffattacks` : Shows the remaining attacks of the day\n" + "- `/ffavg` : Shows the average war points of the players sending an Excel spreadsheet and the associated png\n" - + "- `/ffgethours` : Shows the hours of the daily reports and resets\n" + + "- `/ffclanreg` : Manage the clans for the server's commands\n" + + "- `/ffhour` : Manage the hours of the daily reports and resets\n" // + "- `/ffgetrotates` : Shows the rotations of the players between the clans\n" + "- `/ffmembers` : Shows the members of the clan\n" + "- `/ffopponents` : Shows information about the war opponents\n" + "- `/ffplayer` : Shows the player's profile\n" + "- `/ffrace` : Shows the current war day status (or Colosseum)\n" - + "- `/ffregister` : Registers the clan for the server's commands\n" + "- `/ffresults` : Shows the points of all the war participants\n" + "- `/ffreport` : Shows the war report\n" + "- `/ffriver` : Shows the current river race (or Colosseum)\n" - + "- `/ffrmhours` : Removes the hours for the daily reports and resets\n" // + "- `/ffrmrotate` : Removes an entry from the rotations\n" - + "- `/ffsethours` : Sets the hours for the daily reports and resets on the calling channel\n" // + "- `/ffsetrotates` : Sets the rotations of the players between the clans\n" + "- `/fftag` : Shows the information of a not registered clan\n" - + "- `/ffunregister` : Unregisters the clan from the server's commands\n" + "\u200B" const helpEmbed = functions.generateEmbed(bot);